I wanted to buy one, my golden Timberwolf
But frankly I have to vote with my wallet and say no
SC looks good, better even, we'll see where that one goes
But MWO at the moment?
This game is the same since my start in closed beta, except it looks worse now; nice low res everywhere, even on those golden mechs; meh looks a bit too much yellow painted to me
I have yet to see anything, ANYTHING on promised features
It's Team Deathmatch, in one way or another since 2 years, without any goal or change realy, still slow on the maps
And even Info, Timetables, anything worth knowing, nope nothing yet
I remember reading in a post from a Dev (like 8 months ago) that Warhorns are supposedly things u can put on you're mech to make it look a bit more different
But I can't find it using the awesome search function here anymore, why not fix that one too, enough time Is spent on rearranging the forums subsections
PGI you realy expect me to throw down 500$ on a game without knowing what is coming, when, how it looks like and even if
I mean CW was promised and pushed back how many times now,3 times or so?
How about delivering something first other than mechs, and then we see if it actually worth some money
But I can see it coming, still only team death match, now with even more mechs, till the end of the year
CW pushed back again for no good reason, and one more map this year
Just deliver on you're promises PGI, for the first time deliver on something we care about since founding
Edited by Peter2k, 25 April 2014 - 01:01 AM.