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Dear Atlas Missile Boats:


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#161 Cimarb


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Posted 30 April 2014 - 01:04 PM

View Post1453 R, on 30 April 2014 - 12:51 PM, said:

If you must bloatboat, then all that people in this thread are saying is that there are far better choices for it than the Atlas chassis. You say your LRM-centric D-DC has the highest W/L of all of your LRM 'Mechs because you provide ECM cover for other support 'Mechs, right? Well, how much better would your W/L be in that 'Mech if you made use of the fact that the Atlas can carry a godawful huge direct-fire armament, much heavier and more powerful than any missile-centric armament it can carry is? You're putting machine guns in the D-DC's premier weapon slots and focusing on its least useful, most space-constrained hardpoints for the bulk of your armament - you don't see how this might be undercutting your capabilities at all?

According to my archived stats, I had a 1.11 WLR and 1.31 KDR with my DDC before I switched to primarily LRMs. Now that I use it as a LRM support mech, I have a 1.81 WLR and 2.64 KDR. Obviously, some of that difference can be associated with learning the mech, but I never really enjoyed the DDC until I started using it as a command-support role with primarily LRMs.

You may be a great medium pilot, and I'm glad that's what you prefer, but I am not - I prefer heavies (primarily direct-fire) and assaults (primarily LRM support). I have enjoyed some medium missile boats, primarily the Kintaro and Shadowhawk, but they don't fit my playstyle. I prefer to have a missile boat that can survive a flanking/sneak attack long enough to hold out for reinforcements and enough ammo to make sure I am contributing heavy barrages as long as needed.

#162 Meta 2013


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Posted 30 April 2014 - 01:05 PM

1453r Ya missed the point

I don't want to run my atlas ddc that way. I have 49 mechs, 3 highlanders, 4 stalkers, 3 Awesome, 3 victors, 4 cataphacts ...etc "for me" diversity is more important, I guarantee I have another mech configured to suit your idea of how we should all make our mechs ... Don't care If you don't like my build, I don't care if you are more effective in a medium mech, so am I, THIS is how I want to run it. I Don't need 6 assaults that all have the same bloody flavor of the month power build. Also the 4 man I drop with likes the way this can support them in they're brawlers. Its not uncommon for us to take 8 or 10 kills as a lance. But please continue to tell us how to run our mechs, and how stupid we are for not doing exactly as you believe we should, or differ in our idea of what works best for us and our skill sets.

You can argue for and against any build. Player skill, and style of play, ultimately decide how "effective" they are with a particular build. Just because you are more effective with " your idea of a good build" does not mean everyone will be.

I think 8 ppcs on a Banchee is just silly, but that's for the guy in the molten pile of metal that used to be his mech to decide. Guy only did 80 damage in the match, but he took down 2 mechs, and they won. Hard to argue how "effective" he was.


#163 1453 R


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Posted 30 April 2014 - 01:19 PM

I'ma say this one more time, because clearly it didn't stick the other times I said it.

"This is just my playstyle; I don't care what's good or bad, I just want to do what's fun to me" is a terrible argument that has no value whatsoever in this section of the forums.

I do not doubt in the least that AtLRMases are fun. As I pointed out, it's the Devil's own job trying to convince people that the things are bad because they put down good* damage numbers and survive far more enemy fire* than most anything else you can do with the chassis, so pilots are all like "DOOD THIS IS COOL I'M FINALLY GOOD" and gleefully go about bloatboating away.

This forum is about improving yourself: your skills, your builds, your teamplay. All three of those suffer if you're stuffing yourself in an AtLRMas - if you spend all game doing nothing but lobbing indirect LRM fire you aren't improving your skills of aim or maneuver, you're not improving or learning from a build that can't do anything but lob indirect LRM fire, and you certainly aren't helping your team by depriving them of an assault-weight bruiser in place of something that could be done pretty easily on a Catapult.

Cimarb, at least is arguing that we're all idiots and that bloatboating on a D-DC is a perfectly acceptable use of the chassis because ECM. I happen to believe her to be in serious error, and I will go so far to say that any Atlas not making serious (as in non-MG) use of those RT cannon hardpoints is an Atlas that is most thoroughly doing it wrong, but she at the least has the grace to offer empirical evidence that the machine is not totally useless. Meta...you're not really arguing anything we don't already know. Do whatever you like if you don't care about winning or improving your own abilities. if running 45 LRMs, two flamers and two machine guns on your Atlas and calling it the Troll Under The Bridge is more important to you than being a credit to your team, then do just that. As long as you're prepared for other players to yell at you for wasting their time, be my guest.

Just don't bother with threads like this, wherein players who are concerned with improving themselves are discussing ways to do just that.

Edited by 1453 R, 30 April 2014 - 01:20 PM.

#164 Cimarb


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Posted 30 April 2014 - 01:52 PM

View Post1453 R, on 30 April 2014 - 01:19 PM, said:

I'ma say this one more time, because clearly it didn't stick the other times I said it.

"Meaningless insulting drivel because I don't agree with you"

1453, I have tried to discuss this with you in a civil manner, but you obviously aren't getting the gist of it through that method. So, here we go:

First, I'm a he, not a she. You might understand the difference if you got out of your parent's basement occasionally.

Second, you and the OP are trying to tell everyone that they are idiots and unskilled people because they like to do things that you don't think are optimal. I have shown several times, through actual stats nonetheless, that it IS optimal for myself, and therefore can be optimal for anyone that shares my playstyle and a modicum of skill. I'm not defending any people that use it and are horrible, just as I'm not defending someone that takes out a meta-build Victor and can't get good numbers with it, but the build is solid when used correctly.

It's not just because "it's fun", though that does help, but because it fits a playstyle that I happen to have and do well with. Now you can take your elitist babble and go away if you are so tired of rambling on about your opinion, because that is all that it is: an opinion.

#165 1453 R


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Posted 30 April 2014 - 02:33 PM

View PostCimarb, on 30 April 2014 - 01:52 PM, said:

1453, I have tried to discuss this with you in a civil manner, but you obviously aren't getting the gist of it through that method. So, here we go:

All righty then! Kid gloves off, match rules laid out. Let’s go a round or two, shall we? Always did like a good bare-knuckled debate


First, I'm a he, not a she. You might understand the difference if you got out of your parent's basement occasionally.

Sweet – pointless dig. Given that not a one of us here has a picture of themselves up next to their name, any gender-specific pronouns are a 50/50. I picked the wrong one. Oh well. Was it really worth the jab?


Second, you and the OP are trying to tell everyone that they are idiots and unskilled people because they like to do things that you don't think are optimal.

No, we’re not. We’re telling them that what they’re doing is not optimal, and they could probably do better if they tried this other notion. Their intelligence or acumen at the game has nothing to do with it. The AtLRMas is a classic rookie trap, and I tend to treat it as such – if not as bad as that horrible STK-3F© - but anybody can decide to run a sub-optimal build for any reason. If your reason is “I like it and it works for me”, awesome. You do what you do, and this thread isn’t for you.


I have shown several times, through actual stats nonetheless, that it IS optimal for myself, and therefore can be optimal for anyone that shares my playstyle and a modicum of skill.

The problem is that you’re not actually expounding on why it works for you – you’re just telling Void and I and the others who agree with the OP that we’re all hidebound, elitist jerks who hate fun. Void laid out very clearly why AtLRMases are bad. Why would you say they’re good? You’ve shown your stats. Great – now let us know what your playstyle actually is. How do you manage to run a ‘Mech which is objectively terrible at doing LRM work as a successful LRM battery? In what situations does it work? You mention that you use it as an ECM shield for your other supporting fatties – do you use the ‘Mech in coordinated groups? If so, how do you think it would work in a strictly solo Puglandia environment, which is what the res of us are talking about?


I'm not defending any people that use it and are horrible

Actually, you kind of totally are.


, just as I'm not defending someone that takes out a meta-build Victor and can't get good numbers with it, but the build is solid when used correctly.

Why is it solid when used correctly? How do you use it correctly? Is ‘correctly’ a way that can’t be emulated by a smaller ‘Mech with similar armaments? How is using a D-DC with LRMs and ECM any better than using a CPLT-C4 and an RVN-3L on your team instead for the exact same tonnage, each doing what they do best, and leaving a hundred tons of metal mountain to do what it does best?


It's not just because "it's fun", though that does help, but because it fits a playstyle that I happen to have and do well with. Now you can take your elitist babble and go away if you are so tired of rambling on about your opinion, because that is all that it is: an opinion.

Nope! Because you and Giga and Nikkoru and all the rest are tromping all up in here making yourselves belligerent and getting in the grillpieces of the folks arguing the original point. Defend your stance – tell me why this works for you, what it does that something else couldn’t do for less tonnage now that we’ve got tonnage matching in matchmaking to worry about. We put our cards on the table already – I see a statbar from you, and bravo for going further than “NO U” like the rest of these clowns, but I don’t see a breakdown of why you’re so special.

Lemme see it, eh?

#166 Mecheart


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Posted 30 April 2014 - 02:35 PM

New guy here. While I respect and embrace the freedom MWO provides the player to experiment and run with nearly limitless builds across the chassis spectrum, I've also experienced the losing end of an Atlas that remained a great distance from the press of battle. Recently, on Crimson, several skirmishes erupted atop and beneath the overpass, and between buildings on the flanks. The sole Atlas on our pug team remained on the island where my lance spawned, and then lobbed missiles throughout the match. After dying, I spectated from the big guy's cockpit (he was last to go down) and noticed that for backup/defense he had packed only a single ER LL. I've experienced other such matches as well--fighting by the shipwreck on Forest, desperately fending off Assaults and ducking elevated enemy Jagers, while an Atlas or other assault remains behind a hill close to base lobbing missles or sniping.

At length, I do believe in building for, mastering and executing a role on the MWO battlefield. While one must often adapt on the fly, evolve with a given battle, entering the match prepared and able to serve a specific role can make a great difference. Admittedly, often times pug groups do not coordinate and strategize. Nevertheless, fulfilling a specific purpose well can be very powerful. Adversely, I would not appreciate another pilot forcing me to design and build for a specific purpose for any given mech I own. But I do not believe Void intended this topic to read as such.

From my meager experience to date gleaned over three months in game, other pilots sometimes drop with a pug for several different reasons. Some are farming cbills, others testing a new chassis or build, etc. Everyone loves to win a match, but I do not believe everyone drops into a match with the primary objective of putting the team first. Lastly, as others have mentioned, some pilots may have settled on a less role specific build due to frustration over bad experiences. Ultimately I can sympathize with both sides of the argument. However, in a pug match, seeing the Atlas remain behind or never join the melee can be quite disappointing; similar to when one or more Atlas decides to go off on its own.

#167 Meta 2013


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Posted 30 April 2014 - 02:38 PM

"This is just my play style; I don't care what's good or bad, I just want to do what's fun to me" is a terrible argument that has no value whatsoever in this section of the forums.

Also you apparently have poor reading comprehension, I Didn't say play style, nor did I say I didn't care what is good or bad, I did say SKILL SETS, which is a totally different thing, and did say I don't care if it is not optimal. The build I run is NOT BAD. it may not be optimal in your opinion, but it is not bad. Also since stats are all we have to judge good or bad, your argument that you don't care how good our stats are... we are just wrong, and you are totally right, when the numbers say we are doing just fine and supporting our team just fine, shows you really do know what is good team play and what is not.

Telling me how I must build my mech so it suits your way, and is the only way, that mech can do anything use full, shows just how little you really understand this game. Thanks for all your help... I am now a much better player. no really..cannot wait to use a mech with a 1453 R approved load out that I don't have the skill to use well, and will probably be way less helpful to the team, but I will have the sound knowledge that you approve of my weapons load out.. Thank you so much. I am way better now.


#168 Nyte Kitsune


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Posted 30 April 2014 - 02:45 PM

I agree, Atlases are NOT missile boats and shouldn't be built as such. An Atlas is typically supposed to be a Tank. the LRM 20 an Atlas carries is for softening an opponent until it closes range, then unloads with the AC 20, SRMs and Med Lasers (LG Lasers if you replaced the Arm Mediums with Larges). Of course I will admit that the way MWO runs its hard to play an Atlas as it should be played due to the insane accuracy of grouped direct fire weapons (AC's, Lasers) and so an Atlas can be killed faster than it should be able to be killed before it closes range. Of course a long range build (Replacing the AC 20 for a Gauss and also using the Lg Lasers or ER Larges) is effective. But should never try boating as other mechs are better suited for it.

#169 BigFatGator


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Posted 30 April 2014 - 03:01 PM

I agree that a atlas missleboat is a waste of tonnage, and that there are far better options out there for LRM centric loadouts, but until 3/3/3/3 or wt limits in matchmaker, does it matter if someone brings a suboptimal Atlas vs. an optimal Catapult? Are folks hurting their teams by using a Firestarter at 35T when they could bring a Stalker because they feel like running light?

Sure, there are better uses for 100T, but without the tonnage mattering in any way for setting up the match, does it really matter?

#170 Void Angel


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Posted 30 April 2014 - 03:01 PM

View PostCimarb, on 30 April 2014 - 01:52 PM, said:

1453, I have tried to discuss this with you in a civil manner, but you obviously aren't getting the gist of it through that method. So, here we go:

First, I'm a he, not a she. You might understand the difference if you got out of your parent's basement occasionally.

Second, you and the OP are trying to tell everyone that they are idiots and unskilled people because they like to do things that you don't think are optimal. I have shown several times, through actual stats nonetheless, that it IS optimal for myself, and therefore can be optimal for anyone that shares my playstyle and a modicum of skill. I'm not defending any people that use it and are horrible, just as I'm not defending someone that takes out a meta-build Victor and can't get good numbers with it, but the build is solid when used correctly.

It's not just because "it's fun", though that does help, but because it fits a playstyle that I happen to have and do well with. Now you can take your elitist babble and go away if you are so tired of rambling on about your opinion, because that is all that it is: an opinion.

Idiots, huh? I'm pretty sure I haven't said that. What I have said is that an LRM boat is one of the worst ways to build an Atlas - which is true, and I've listed just some of the empirical reasons why. "But it works for meeee!" is not a refutation of those reasons.

Furthermore, your argument that my (or Laser's, which is not the same thing) conclusions are invalid is, frankly invalid itself. You haven't actually refuted any of my points - you've just pointed to your own stats. But those stats, while informative, simply tell us where your skillset is; they don't really speak to the optimization of the 'mech itself.

It bears mentioning that the onus of skill is very much on the close-range fighters at this point; hopefully that gets changed today with the Rule of 3s, but we'll see. My point here is that LRMs were enjoying a minor resurgence before the NARCpocalypse; not because they had gotten any better, but because engagement ranges were (and still are) staying open for inordinately long amounts of time due to the dominance of long-ranged weaponry. Even with this advantage, however, the Atlas was/is substantially more effective with a hybrid loadout - any hybrid loadout - than with pure LRM boating. This is so, simply because the Atlas does not have enough missile tubes, hardpoints, and available critical space to truly boat missiles. Nor does it have the speed needed to function as an LRM harasser like the Griffin/Trebuchet (to name a few.) These are empirical limitations which do not rely on playstyle - and are not trumped by it.

Finally, your dismissal of Laser's opinion as "elitist babble" is oxymoronic given your own stated reasons - personal experience, and the unreliability of opinions. If his opinion (or mine, which you seem to have conflated with his) is nonauthoritative because it's "just an opinion," so is yours. All of yours, including your opinion about what your own stats and subjective experiences say about reality. This is a bad argument; it negates itself and therefore cannot possibly be true. This is the guides forum; it is about opinions. I try to back mine up with reasons - do you disagree with them?

Laser, thank you for your enthusiastic support - however, I feel the need to offer a word of advice:

Don't chop up posts.

I know, it's tempting, because you want to nail down exactly what your opponent is saying that you find objectionable; the problem is that chopping up the post does several Bad Things:
  • It runs the risk of misinterpreting what the original poster was trying to say by harping too much on specific semantics. Yes, semantics are important - semantics is what words mean - but we often do not have or take the time and effort to pull out a thesaurus and make sure we have just the right words put together in just the right way. It makes more sense to respond to the general opinion, and only quote highlights to accentuate key points (and call the OP's attention to your response.)
  • It starts up a vicious cycle of people responding to chopped up bits of a post with longer rebuttals, which are then chopped up for longer counter-rebuttals, which are then chopped up into counter, counter rebuttals...
  • That way lies MaDnEsS
Dissecting posts in this way is a temptation of mine as well, but I found it to be too unwieldly, prone to rabbit-trails, and overly aggressive. If you fall into the easy trap of nitpicking (or seeming to nit-pick) your opponent's reasoning, both of you will become increasingly frustrated and start saying silly and or insulting things.

Kinda like now. :D

Edited by Void Angel, 30 April 2014 - 03:04 PM.

#171 Mark of Caine


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Posted 30 April 2014 - 03:13 PM

Void Angel, thank you for this thread. It made me reflect on how I use my Atlases (I have the D, D-DC, and RS mastered). I have been playing since July 2012 and I never once took the time to reflect on this chassis's role, as well as such as a thing as "missile tubes". Never once stopped to think how the number of tubes mattered that much in this game.

Something to think about for all my mechs too.

But what most impressed me about your thread was how I felt about one of my best matches in a DDC. I remember sporting 2 LRM20s and a AC20 with a pair of medium pulse lasers, and was very slow too. This match was on Frozen City, and I do remember chain firing the LRMs and raining down on a lot of mechs over the ridge. I believe I got 2 kills just with the LRMs.
By the time I ran out of LRM ammo, the score was 10 kills for the enemy team, and 8 kills for our team.

And so I trudged through the snow and met the enemy near the dropship. I think I was moving at 42 or 45 kph with speed tweak. But as I closed the distance to the tail end of the dropship, I met up with an Awesome and a Catapult A1. I unloaded my AC 20 round in the Awesome's CT and it died instantly before I even got the target info. I then took apart the Catapult with relative ease. By then it was just me and a Jenner on our team, and their team had a Dragon and a Jenner.

The two jenners were circle strafing each other, while the Dragon ran off and just started capping our base. I stopped and helped my Jenner leg their Jenner, and then continued to our base... slowly. By the time I got close, their Jenner was dead, and my Jenner came to assist. I just parked my fat ass in our base to stop the cap while the Dragon kept running circles around my Jenner, each nipping at each others' heels. Finally downed the Dragon through the CT, and both I and the Jenner survived; him barely cuz he was missing his left leg and left side.

We won the match, and I got 4 kills out of it. I barely got scratched in the whole match.

And to this day, I remember how I felt about that match...

I felt bad. :excl:

I was disappointed in myself for not being in the fight with the rest of the team, using my ECM to full effect. I didn't fully understand why, until now. That win just felt so.... cheap.

Thanks brother for shedding light on what I was doing wrong. I'm grateful. :D

#172 1453 R


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Posted 30 April 2014 - 03:17 PM

@Mecheart: That’s pretty much all folks are trying to say. Nobody likes being on the same team as an AtLRMas – it’s one of the most universally disappointing things to see in this game, watching a hundred tons of armor, anger, and mechanical gristle hang back in the trenches. But people keep doing it. Probably due to Timidity, which is also a subject covered elsewhere, and because it offers such a convincing illusion of awesomeness.

@Meta: BLAH. Just blah. If you care that little about the opinion of anyone who disagrees with you, the door’s over there. I’ll even hold it open for you. Just recall, as I have said again, and again, and again: this forum is for improving your skills, your builds, your teamplay, and your general aggregate awesomeness at MWO. If you’re not interested in doing any of that, then why are you still here?

@Gator: It does now. Be careful what you drop with; we’re back to giving our opponents whatever we ourselves decide to bring to the field.

@Void: But I am a thesaurus! Heh…anyways. I get the point and normally agree, I’m just sick of banging my head over and over and over against brick walls where people ‘round these parts are concerned. I do much better than I should in my crazy hybrid PPC/LRM XL-Engine’d Thunderbolt 5S(P); it’s one of my best ‘Mechs despite having no logical reason to even exist, let alone work. The difference between me and [NAME] is that I don’t wander into other people’s threads, when those folks are trying to tell people how to make the chassis work in the general sense of “this should do the trick most of the time for most of the people” and say “NO UR RONG I DU THIS NSTED AND IT WRKS GR8 4 ME.” I understand that my own performance in the mutant bastardizations I bring to the field is independent of how good/bad those ideas actually are, and thus I mostly keep them to myself unless asked, or unless someone is specifically asking “what whacky, off-beat ideas do you have for this ‘Mech?”

Nobody else ever seems to get that concept, though :excl:

Also this is what you get when I have a slow day at work. Deal with it :D

#173 Meta 2013


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Posted 30 April 2014 - 04:16 PM

Look all I did was agree with void on all his points, and then I offered up why I run my atlas the way I do, and I have the stats they say I am helping more than hurting my team.

You 1453r only have your opinion that says your right and we should all agree with you or use the door. You are wrong when you state they are hurting teams running lrms on an atlas, you have nothing to support that, but your opinion.

You have no stats no factual basis or any kind of proof what you are saying is true other an its your opinion. I can show you my win loss ratio improves when using my atlas with LRM's, that also means my teams win/loss ratio is improving, what more do you want? Just what is good enough for you? Define your criteria, what does a mech have to do to win that 1453 r approval stamp? Winning is not good enough for you, but you don't care about damage, so exactly what do you want?


We know it will l never be good enough for you, if every time you dropped I brought my atlas and we won, you would still complain, at least I was able to see voids side of the argument and agree that other builds maybe needed, given ho you drop with and the flow o th game from week to week.

#174 Orbit Rain


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Posted 30 April 2014 - 04:29 PM

Couple things as I read the followups:

Playing a D-DC solely with an lrm build proficiently would/should be like playing any other lrm build well. Seeing a D-DC off alone lobbing lrms "[color=#959595] as far away from any source of incoming damage as they can[/color]" means they aren't playing their lrm boat well, not necessarily that their build is poor. (though probably higher odds of that) Assuming that's the way it *should* be played, and that's *always* the way it's played, is also a poor judgement. An lrm skirmisher and a fat-boat are two different play styles, and they work differently in pugs and 12's.

When asked, I tell my guys "If you want to learn *how* to lrm, use Morris". Morris is a 6LRM5 A1, max engine max JJ, AMS BAP and a sht-ton of ammo. "If you can lrm in that, you can lrm in anything" Since the reset, its seven wins one loss, eleven kills, one death. (not sure the pug/premade ratio) It still works if you have a grasp of situational-awareness and target selection/prioritization. You have no choice but to use your teammates to swat the flies off you, though you're better off being aware of them and avoiding them in the first place...in fact, you might/should want to intentionally squirrel them to your teammates.

I'd say at this point in these arguments, if you think a skirmisher is better for lrm'ing, that's fine for you. If you don't care for Assault LRM'ing, that's fine too. It doesn't mean Assaults are bad for lrm'ing. It means you don't care for it, or don't know how to do it. What isn't fine is that if you don't care for it, or don't know how to do it, telling other people not to do it because you don't care for it, or don't know how to do it, is never going to work.

If you don't don't know how to lrm in an A1, good luck telling me it sucks. If you don't understand how to play a D-DC with an LRM30, good luck telling me *that* sucks too! Go back to your lrm skirms or L2P. Think I'll rebuild the 4th D-DC to something heresy and L2P it.

; D

(fight! fight! fight!)

#175 1453 R


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Posted 30 April 2014 - 04:50 PM

All right.

Here's the question to ask yourself, Meta, if you want that 1453-R Stamp of Approval you seem to covet so much (by the way, if I wasn't at work right now I'd totally go make one of those up in Paint. Somebody remind me to do it when I get home later), there's just one question that, realistically, you need to ask yourself:

"Is my Atlas build more useful or less useful than a Spider, if the range closes to <180 meters?"

If your non-LRM firepower does not exceed the total possible non-LRM firepower of the worst-armed light 'Mech in the entire game, then YOU. ARE. DOING. IT. WRONG.

You want to put 30 tubes of LRM launcher on your Fatlas? Fine, do just that! Also put the gigantic bazooka that the Atlas is so good at bringing to the game in there! That’s half the point of the ‘Mech – you have the raw tonnage you need to bring both tubes and a gigantic boomstick. And lasers, to boot! You have the tonnage to bring it all – SO WHY AREN’T YOU DOING THAT O_O

THAT is all we're trying to get across here, Meta. LRMs on an Atlas are fine. Nothing but LRMs on an Atlas? Not even remotely fine.

#176 Munin Ravensong


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Posted 30 April 2014 - 05:14 PM

As I've said earlier, is there some reason you cant mount your lurms AND some serious direct fire / brawling armament? the DDC only has a ten tube slot and 2 6 tube slots, that's NOT a huge amount of weight even with a decent ammo supply - where's all your weight going after the lrm's and ammo are installed? I'm all for LRM's on an atlas - indirect fire has been a lifesaver for me. I'm NOT all for restricting yourself to ANY weapon with a minimum range - lrms SUCK against the raven who's beak is planted firmly in your crotch (so do standard PPC's I discovered) I do LOVE my lurms, but they DO have disadvantages that need to be covered by other weapons systems. *ninja'd by 2 posts while writing this*

#177 mogs01gt


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Posted 30 April 2014 - 06:09 PM

View PostCimarb, on 30 April 2014 - 01:04 PM, said:

According to my archived stats, I had a 1.11 WLR and 1.31 KDR with my DDC before I switched to primarily LRMs. Now that I use it as a LRM support mech, I have a 1.81 WLR and 2.64 KDR. Obviously, some of that difference can be associated with learning the mech, but I never really enjoyed the DDC until I started using it as a command-support role with primarily LRMs.

You may be a great medium pilot, and I'm glad that's what you prefer, but I am not - I prefer heavies (primarily direct-fire) and assaults (primarily LRM support). I have enjoyed some medium missile boats, primarily the Kintaro and Shadowhawk, but they don't fit my playstyle. I prefer to have a missile boat that can survive a flanking/sneak attack long enough to hold out for reinforcements and enough ammo to make sure I am contributing heavy barrages as long as needed.

soo your increase of stats has nothing to do with the fact that LRMs got buffed?

Still has zero do to with the topic that the OP presented.

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Posted 30 April 2014 - 06:54 PM

View Post1453 R, on 30 April 2014 - 02:33 PM, said:

All righty then! Kid gloves off, match rules laid out. Let’s go a round or two, shall we? Always did like a good bare-knuckled debate.

Sweet – pointless dig. Given that not a one of us here has a picture of themselves up next to their name, any gender-specific pronouns are a 50/50. I picked the wrong one. Oh well. Was it really worth the jab?

No, we’re not. We’re telling them that what they’re doing is not optimal, and they could probably do better if they tried this other notion. Their intelligence or acumen at the game has nothing to do with it. The AtLRMas is a classic rookie trap, and I tend to treat it as such – if not as bad as that horrible STK-3F© - but anybody can decide to run a sub-optimal build for any reason. If your reason is “I like it and it works for me”, awesome. You do what you do, and this thread isn’t for you.

The problem is that you’re not actually expounding on why it works for you – you’re just telling Void and I and the others who agree with the OP that we’re all hidebound, elitist jerks who hate fun. Void laid out very clearly why AtLRMases are bad. Why would you say they’re good? You’ve shown your stats. Great – now let us know what your playstyle actually is. How do you manage to run a ‘Mech which is objectively terrible at doing LRM work as a successful LRM battery? In what situations does it work? You mention that you use it as an ECM shield for your other supporting fatties – do you use the ‘Mech in coordinated groups? If so, how do you think it would work in a strictly solo Puglandia environment, which is what the res of us are talking about?

Why is it solid when used correctly? How do you use it correctly? Is ‘correctly’ a way that can’t be emulated by a smaller ‘Mech with similar armaments? How is using a D-DC with LRMs and ECM any better than using a CPLT-C4 and an RVN-3L on your team instead for the exact same tonnage, each doing what they do best, and leaving a hundred tons of metal mountain to do what it does best?

I tried to be civil in my first 3 or so posts. You refused to listen, so I figured a jab or two would get your attention - apparently it worked.

Considering the VAST majority of MWO players are male, likely in the high 90 percentile, your choice was blatantly derogatory and you know that. I would say it was very worth it, but sinking to your level does make me a little queasy.

You are telling people what they are doing is not optimal, when it is only not optimal to you. I have played many, many matches in many, many mechs, and it just so happens that an LRM boat is optimal for me. Because this thread is telling people not to even TRY that approach, I think sharing my opposing view is important.

I'll try to keep it short as to the WHY, but I'm not very good at that. I started playing LRM boats heavily with my Stalker (5M mostly), and had hundreds of matches in it before I tried it in my Atlas when the LRM speed buffs were added. I still mainly played my Stalker, with 8/10 of my highest matches in the Faction Challenge being in the 5M and 1 each in the DDC and BLR-1S.

What I noticed, though, was that my W/L was way higher in the DDC. Sure, I was racking up tons of kills and damage in the STK, but I wasn't getting nearly as many wins. When you are playing 6-8 mechs for the daily XP bonus (even though they are mastered) each night on limited time, your W/L ratio really matters. So, when I started to play with a team finally, I chose to mainly use my Atlas during those times. I still PUG 80% or so of the time, but when I am in a team I tend to use the DDC to give as much help as possible.

That is the WHY I am using it, but my method of using any of my missile boats is the same. The DDC tube count doesn't really hurt my playstyle, as I chainfire all of my LRMs anyways. I find it helps with hit registration, though I didn't realize that was why I did so well with it until they announced the SRM explosion issue, which I am betting also affects LRMs (the difference being the sheer number of LRMs making it not as noticable as the relatively small number of SRMs in a volley).

Comparing the DDC to my two other missile boats (the 5M and 1S), I am losing one ALRM10 for ECM and 2-3 MLs for 2 MGs, plus a decent amount of armor and arms that are almost completely sponges. I play them all the same, though my DDC has slightly longer staying power because of a better ammo/launcher ratio (with the 1S being the lowest for this factor). 3-4 MLs do have more intimidating power than 1 ML + 2 MG, but the MG is great for targets I have opened up with missiles due to the increased crit chances.

I had decent success as a harraser with my Kintaros and Shads, full of LRM5s, but having twice the salvo and immensely more armor works a lot better for me than the speed of the mediums provides. That is why I prefer my assaults for LRM boats.

The comparison between a DDC and CPLT/RVN combo is worthless, since I can only bring a single mech. Two mechs are almost always going to be better than a single one, but unless you are doing private matches with uneven numbers balanced by weight (say 400 tons max weight, but any distribution of 4-12 mechs), that issue is moot.

View PostVoid Angel, on 30 April 2014 - 03:01 PM, said:

Laser, thank you for your enthusiastic support - however, I feel the need to offer a word of advice:

Don't chop up posts.

I know, it's tempting, because you want to nail down exactly what your opponent is saying that you find objectionable; the problem is that chopping up the post does several Bad Things:
  • It runs the risk of misinterpreting what the original poster was trying to say by harping too much on specific semantics. Yes, semantics are important - semantics is what words mean - but we often do not have or take the time and effort to pull out a thesaurus and make sure we have just the right words put together in just the right way. It makes more sense to respond to the general opinion, and only quote highlights to accentuate key points (and call the OP's attention to your response.)
  • It starts up a vicious cycle of people responding to chopped up bits of a post with longer rebuttals, which are then chopped up for longer counter-rebuttals, which are then chopped up into counter, counter rebuttals...
  • That way lies MaDnEsS
Dissecting posts in this way is a temptation of mine as well, but I found it to be too unwieldly, prone to rabbit-trails, and overly aggressive. If you fall into the easy trap of nitpicking (or seeming to nit-pick) your opponent's reasoning, both of you will become increasingly frustrated and start saying silly and or insulting things.

Kinda like now. :)

For the record, while I did refer to you in one sentence, the vast majority of my argument has been with 1453. I tried the whole 'civil' thing, and I'm hoping to get back to it, but I did get a much more significant response when I stopped being civil - it's sad how that worked.

On that subject, I am going to try your above suggestion, as I think it is very sound. I generally like to do point-for-point, and it will be hard to brake that habit, but anything I can do to improve my communication skills is worth trying, so thanks!

Also, I just realized where you got Laser from... the space in his name threw me off...

View Post1453 R, on 30 April 2014 - 03:17 PM, said:

I do much better than I should in my crazy hybrid PPC/LRM XL-Engine’d Thunderbolt 5S(P); it’s one of my best ‘Mechs despite having no logical reason to even exist, let alone work. The difference between me and [NAME] is that I don’t wander into other people’s threads, when those folks are trying to tell people how to make the chassis work in the general sense of “this should do the trick most of the time for most of the people” and say “NO UR RONG I DU THIS NSTED AND IT WRKS GR8 4 ME.” I understand that my own performance in the mutant bastardizations I bring to the field is independent of how good/bad those ideas actually are, and thus I mostly keep them to myself unless asked, or unless someone is specifically asking “what whacky, off-beat ideas do you have for this ‘Mech?”

If your wacky, crazy hybrid TDR works well, you should share that, and if someone says it is horrible, you should defend it - just like I am doing with my DDC build. The only difference between a mutant bastardization and the next meta is how effective you can be with it. If no one had ever paired PPCs and ACs, we wouldn't have the current meta, for instance.

I'm not saying it works for everyone, but telling people they are doing it wrong without even seeing HOW they are playing OR their results is disrespectful. Explaining how they could use their build better is a much more worthwhile investment of your time, and if you happen to throw in some pointers of a replacement weapon that might work better, then that is even better!

BTW, I never said anything in leet-speak, so how about we stop with the veiled insults.

View Postmogs01gt, on 30 April 2014 - 06:09 PM, said:

soo your increase of stats has nothing to do with the fact that LRMs got buffed? Still has zero do to with the topic that the OP presented.

You didn't read my post very well. I used it pre-buff as a direct-fire DDC, just like the OP is suggesting. Post-buff, I switched it to LRMs. The LRM buff therefore had zero influence on the comparison.

#179 Void Angel


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Posted 30 April 2014 - 09:53 PM

View PostCimarb, on 30 April 2014 - 06:54 PM, said:

On that subject, I am going to try your above suggestion, as I think it is very sound. I generally like to do point-for-point, and it will be hard to brake that habit, but anything I can do to improve my communication skills is worth trying, so thanks!

Also, I just realized where you got Laser from... the space in his name threw me off...

:) Don't feel bad, I got the same response from him when I said it like that - long story.

As for point-by-point: I know! I want to do that, too. Makes you feel all logic-y and like you're proving them wrong - with their own words, by Socrates! But I found that it's really not profitable, so I am trying a more excellent way.

On-topic, part of my problem with all the subjective objections I hear is that I've given what I find to be solid, empirical reasons why it's not a good idea to pure-boat LRMs on an Atlas - and people just sort of hand-wave them away and cite personal experience. I have personal experiences too; they support my position. Even personal stats are subjectively interpreted - as I pointed out before, your and my stat bars only give empirical data about our skill sets. They don't trump the actual capabilities of the 'mech, or negate the empirical reasons why missiles alone are not optimal Atlas armaments.

Citing personal experience in response to the mathematical properties of the 'mech is a lot like saying, "Yeah, I know that these factors make this car less fuel efficient, but when I drive it, I get great mileage!" If you get better mileage with pure, boated LRMs than with mixed armaments, more power to you! But unless you can tell me why my empirical reasoning is wrong, it really is more likely that you're just not engaging the overdrive gear on the other car, as it were.

PS: While I did make mention in passing that I do not prefer LRMs on an Atlas, I am not making any argument here but the one against boating LRMs on Atlas chassis.

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Posted 01 May 2014 - 04:58 AM

This thread would be fine if it were an actual guide, but as it stands, it's closer to indoctrination. The reason why the OP gets so many garbage responses is the manner in witch he composed himself in the first post. Present us with garbage, and garbage you shall receive.

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