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Dear Atlas Missile Boats:


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#261 Nikkoru


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Posted 05 May 2014 - 02:26 PM

View Postkamiko kross, on 05 May 2014 - 02:13 PM, said:

Someone has to engage the enemy directly, might as well be the mechs with the most armour and internals....

I'm not sure what game you are playing, but the games I am in no one engages the enemy directly.
They pop out from behind a rock at long range, shoot three times, then duck back down.
If any direct contact occurs, it's at the very end when the score is 10/2 and the last two get steamrolled.

In my experience the concept of brawler is simply out of date. With the expansion of team sizes from 8v8 to 12v12, the time-to-kill is just too short.

Perhaps it is different in a pre-made, but when pugging, there just isn't any such thing.

View Postkamiko kross, on 05 May 2014 - 02:13 PM, said:

It is a team game, you DO have responsibility to your team mates-wether you want ot see it or not.

I tell you what. I'll extend an olive branch to you.

When my team-mates start fulfilling their "responsabilites" to me, I will reciprocate.

But, not until then.

#262 Bilbo


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Posted 05 May 2014 - 02:27 PM

View Postkamiko kross, on 05 May 2014 - 02:13 PM, said:

The only bad thing about things like this is.....
If your team's assaults are Lrm boats. that means someone else is going to have to tackle the enemy assaults. that means heavy mechs and medium mechs.
Mediums will most likely get troll alpha'd very fast, leaving the heavy mechs who still can't go toe to toe. Don't forget enemy team will have medium/heavy mechs to back their assaults up....if your lrm assault can't kill what your smaller, weaker team mates are stalling quickly enough it'll be a roll.

Someone has to engage the enemy directly, might as well be the mechs with the most armour and internals....
There are better lrm platforms, faster more agile more FLEXIBLE ones. a guy above me said "I had alot of fun with my Atlas RS LRM40 build - I don't care what people think of my builds. " which is all fine and well, it is a game and it should be fun but you could very well be dooming your lighter team mates so you can have that fun.
It is a team game, you DO have responsibility to your team mates-wether you want ot see it or not.

If the smaller weaker teammates are locking targets the rain will come to help them. If it doesn't then the LRM's were positioned badly, which can happen no matter what size mech brings them.

#263 Void Angel


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Posted 05 May 2014 - 02:56 PM

Uh-huh. It's the same with PPC-meta builds, to a great extent. Sure, the poptart Assault is behind cover for most of the game in many cases - but he's still pounding on the enemy when he pops up. Similarly, an LRM Assault platform can easily be caught in a bad position (the number one newbie mistake with LRMs, and the thing that complainers most often don't understand about the weapon,) but so can a brawling assault. And unlike the missile boat, the brawler often finds out he's made an error after it's too late to correct it - an LRM boat can just notice he's pounding the tar out of a hillside, note that "LRM" doesn't stand for "Long-Range Mining," and reposition.

#264 Alreech


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Posted 05 May 2014 - 03:59 PM

View PostVoid Angel, on 26 April 2014 - 10:53 PM, said:


The Atlas is a very poor missile platform for a variety of reasons:
  • It doesn't have the tubes for it.
  • Your energy hardpoints are very low.
  • Every single alternative does it better.
What's quite right, but the Atlas is also a very poor Brawler.
  • It don't have enought Hardpoints for booting ACs, or Laser oder PPCs
  • you can't jump
  • you are slow
  • Your energy hardpoints are very low.
  • Every single alternative does it better !
also applies to any other Atlas Build.

#265 SethAbercromby


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Posted 05 May 2014 - 04:16 PM

View PostAlreech, on 05 May 2014 - 03:59 PM, said:

[/list]What's quite right, but the Atlas is also a very poor Brawler.
  • It don't have enought Hardpoints for booting ACs, or Laser oder PPCs
  • you can't jump
  • you are slow
  • Your energy hardpoints are very low.
  • Every single alternative does it better !
also applies to any other Atlas Build.

When the Atlas has the luxury of engaging its enemies on equal height,it can become immensely dangerous as a brawler. The D and D-DC variants both carry 2 Ballistic hardpoints for builds such as dual UAC5 or dual LBX. When combined with (A)SRM6s, the Atlas can pound out a lot of damage in a short amount of time, while being able to absorb a immense amount of damage with about 19 tons of armor. But yes, the Atlas lacks the ability to fire over ridges properly and cannot twist its torso very far. That's why you always try to avoid fighting on any kind of elevation. In my opinion LRMs help circumvent that problem but that is more of a band-aid rather then an actual solution.

#266 Void Angel


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Posted 05 May 2014 - 04:40 PM

Alreech, Boating isn't required in a brawler - you need sustainable damage weapons, preferably with similar/long recycle times. Additionally: you don't need jump jets to brawl; all assault 'mechs are either slow or trading durability for speed with an XL; and low hardpoints are irrelevant to most brawling applications (plus your missile hardpoints aren't low,) and nothing quite absorbs punishment like an Atlas. ECM is also very helpful for a brawler, making it difficult to target weak armor locations on the Atlas or its escorts.

All that being said, the chassis could use some help with its arms - they don't block damage very well - but it is is still a far better brawler, fire support, or hybrid combatant than it is a dedicated LRM platform.

#267 Void Angel


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Posted 05 May 2014 - 04:52 PM

Cimarb, if "But I do great this way" were a valid objection to a guide, any guide, we wouldn't have much of a Guides section! You can always find people who say, "well I do great chain firing my LB-10Xs and ER Large Lasers from 400-600m out!" Not a hypothetical example, by the way. You can always find someone to say "but it works for meeeee," for a number of reasons - bias confirmation, player aptitudes; heck, even playing in a substantially different Elo range. If ignoring a guide, any guide, works for you, then keep doing whatever until it stops working: no one size fits all, which is why (along with his truly arrogant dogmatism) Victor has long been on my ignore list.

Just don't rely on "but my personal subjective experience says," to trump reasoning - after all, my own personal, subjective experience says that Atlas missile boats are bad to have on my team. Seriously, do you think I'd have made this post if they were doing awesome? Any of them? If I'd ever seen it work, I'd have asked myself "why" and written that guide. But if I were to write that guide, and build up an Atlas for just LRMs, then analyze/tweak it, I get a progression of 'Mechs that look like this: Pure LRM; LRM w/ ER Large; LRM with Large Pulse or (ER)PPC; LRM with UAC and Large Laser. There are other permutations you could use, of course - the relevant design elements here are that they all have the same LRM armaments (ALRM15 +2ALRM10s; selected maximum rate of fire at the largest throw weight available) and that they all have lots of missile ammo. All of them but that last, sorta-hybrid build have enough missiles to last well over four minutes of constant firing - which is over twice their time to overheat with missiles. The pure boat has enough missiles for six point four minutes of constant firing - about half the combat time of a full-length, wait-out-the-timer match. Realistically, you're not going to be dealing effective damage for that long - if even half the missiles hit, you'd be looking at an 1800 damage match (plus other weapons, etc.) Which is great, since lobbing those LRMs is all it can do; but as I add more weaponry to the build, I find that I still have enough rounds to last out a realistic-length match, but with increasingly more effective burst firepower and/or sustainable DPS. Even the hybrid build, which is weaker than I would prefer because I declined (for the sake of illustration) to downgrade the LRM battery, has enough AC rounds to last roughly a minute and a half of direct combat, plus missiles for 3.72 minutes of constant fire (if I was making a true hybrid, it would look More Like This, but I might go with a different AC, energy, and/or even LRM armaments.

To summarize all this, when I examined the mechanics of running a pure boat Atlas, I always got better designs out of using some of the Atlas' massive tonnage pool on something other than extraneous amounts of LRM ammo.

Finally, I'm just going to have to keep pointing this out till it sticks, somehow: this is the section of the forums for giving advice on how to play the game - there's no arbitrary, "but not if you tell them not to do something another player likes to do" rule. If there were such a rule, every single guide in this section of the forums would violate it.

As for you, Giga, you have fun with that guide. I'll just go ahead and point out right now that cherry-picked videos are not strong evidence - and that if you end up advocating non-boat LRM builds, you'll be agreeing with me and admitting you were wrong here. I'll also point out that following up your opinion - that an argument based on facts you don't dispute is "just an opinion" - with your dogmatic opinion that a guide with which you disagree is somehow "not a guide," isn't terribly... logical. It's also par for the course with you. Ditto with your refusal to even characterize my opinion accurately, despite my many corrections that "LRM Atlases" in general are not what I'm talking about. Or your accusation of special pleading...

Either you lack the intellectual ability to think past your own likes and dislikes - or you're just engaging in deliberate sophistry. Either way, I cannot recall a single worthwhile post you've made in 13 pages of thread. You're not responding to arguments or even presenting your case - you're just heckling, and reinserting your opinion next to the actually productive posts of others. Rage and stamp your foot elsewhere; I'm done with your trolling. /ignore

Edited by Void Angel, 05 May 2014 - 04:53 PM.

#268 Cimarb


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Posted 05 May 2014 - 04:55 PM

View PostAlreech, on 05 May 2014 - 03:59 PM, said:

[/list] What's quite right, but the Atlas is also a very poor Brawler.
  • It don't have enought Hardpoints for booting ACs, or Laser oder PPCs
  • you can't jump
  • you are slow
  • Your energy hardpoints are very low.
  • Every single alternative does it better !
also applies to any other Atlas Build.


#269 Cimarb


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Posted 05 May 2014 - 05:39 PM

@Void: I want to go back to my original post.

View PostCimarb, on 30 April 2014 - 07:58 AM, said:

I have three missile boats: STK-5M, BLR-1S and DDC. All three of them are sitting right around 2.5 KDR and my DDC has a slight edge in the WLR at 1.81. I carry 2xALRM10, 1xALRM15, a medium laser, tag and 2x MG on it, so it is genuinely a missile boat and the most enjoyable build I have ever had in it.

I don't care whether anyone thinks it's a joke build or not - I am effective in it and help the team win consistently, which is what matters.

It very well could have ended there. I'm an "edge case" and it works for me. Instead, I got attacked by you and Laser because I disagreed with your opinion. Many pages later, and nothing has changed. I still enjoy my LRM-heavy DDC, I still do well with it, and I still help my team do well when I drop in it. I have explained why with the same reasoning as your original post, yet you ignored those because you claim they are merely my opinion...

#270 DivineTomatoes


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Posted 05 May 2014 - 09:14 PM

And I'm meant to care because......

It's a video game it's meant to be fun, if I wanted to worry about how efficient something is I would reinstall EVE Online and spend half my play time browsing a spreadsheet.

#271 giganova


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Posted 06 May 2014 - 05:44 AM

So Void Angel's opinion is that LRM Atlas boats are bad. He then has to define his terms of what boating means, which I agree with, the weapon system that is responsible for the majority of your damage. He then stipulates that damage isn't everything in MWO. The assertion is then made that LRMs on an Atlas are fine, as long as they are not 'boated' (unless I misunderstood him). Sounds like you're waffling to me.

Cherry-picked videos are still better than absolutely no videos, which are very handy for a guide. You don't know the process in which I will be recording and presenting these videos, however, so you're making baseless assumptions in that regard. Before questioning my intellect, I would recommend taking a long, hard look at your own first before accusing others of the projected insecurities that you posses. Perhaps you feel that I have made no worth-while posts, as the guides you have constructed aren't as worthy as you may think they are.

/ignore, indeed.

Edited by giganova, 06 May 2014 - 06:21 AM.

#272 Chive On


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Posted 06 May 2014 - 07:07 AM


Very interesting read; but we'll all be playing Dashi's soon anyway LOL. Chive On

#273 SethAbercromby


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Posted 06 May 2014 - 07:13 AM

Welcome to the Forums Chive. Interesting place to start your adventure, but have fun nonetheless.

#274 Opus


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Posted 06 May 2014 - 07:18 AM

Do you really think, you telling them to stop...

is actually going to work?

LRM's on assaults are an approach weapon, with moderate and sometimes heavy weapons to battle with when you are within range.,.,

Balancing your loadouts is the trick

#275 Crockdaddy


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Posted 06 May 2014 - 07:46 AM

I have over 1 million XP in my DDC, 700K in my ASD(F) ... I brawled and brawled some more. I found as the game evolved the Atlas has a few problems ...

No Jump Jets.
Very Low firing points.
Left Torso Auto Cannon gets torched quickly
SRMs don't work well
Slow (I typically run a 350 to 360 Engine for some speed and massive torso twist for easier tanking).

So in the current meta of the past year the Atlas has two major roles
Tank (dps soaker)

If I am going to support my team in any reasonable fashion for most matches I will now need LRMs to do this ... otherwise I am useless aside from ECM and until the tanking starts to happen. I won't boat LRMs but having something to Spam out to support your team mates is nice to do.

Just my view of the evolving role of the Atlas and yes I used to get very pissed anytime an Atlas had LRMs ... util reality set in.

Edited by CrockdaddyAoD, 06 May 2014 - 07:46 AM.

#276 giganova


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Posted 06 May 2014 - 08:21 AM

Reality being the key word, I agree. This 'guide', like Communism, looks great on paper... but in practice...

Edited by giganova, 06 May 2014 - 08:22 AM.

#277 Void Angel


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Posted 06 May 2014 - 09:19 AM

I'm still not sold on the necessity of LRMs for an Atlas or any 'mech - but I readily concede that there's a reasonable thought process for including them, something which has eluded certain of my detractors.

All I'm trying to point out here is that pure-boating LRMs is always an inferior choice compared the the alternatives - including other ways to build the Atlas.

#278 Void Angel


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Posted 06 May 2014 - 09:23 AM

View PostOpus, on 06 May 2014 - 07:18 AM, said:

Do you really think, you telling them to stop...

is actually going to work?

LRM's on assaults are an approach weapon, with moderate and sometimes heavy weapons to battle with when you are within range.,.,

Balancing your loadouts is the trick

No, I know from prior experience in this game and others that only some of the population even reads the forums, and of those only some people will agree with what I have to say. But I don't need everyone to agree with me - I just need enough people to agree. They don't have to run out to the 'mech bay and frantically redesign their Atlas; but as they play the game they might remember what I said when they start running into bad games. Having been a part of those bad games, I'm just as happy to help them out.

I am a bit confused, though; why imply that my post is useless - then agree with me?

#279 Water Bear


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Posted 06 May 2014 - 10:06 AM

The point that's really being debated is: It is unfair to your team to take a missile boat Atlas.

Consider the following. If someone takes a sub-optimal build on a Shadow Hawk, like an ac/2 and a bunch of medium lasers, no one gets that upset. Taking a missile build on the Atlas is worse because the opportunity cost to your team is much higher. That is, the Shadow Hawk isn't contributing much less to the team than if it had 2 ac/5s compared to how much is lost when an Atlas switches from tanking to missile boating.

For the same reason, in skirmish mode it's more irritating when a Jagermech takes 4 machine guns and 4 medium lasers than when a firestarter takes 8 flamers. The Firestart isn't as useful to the team as the Jagermech is, and the 8 flamer Firestarter isn't as useful to the team as the 8 medium laser Firestarter.

I'm not saying that everyone should take optimal or DPS builds. Whatever chassis you drive, you take joke builds (or builds that aren't good at your mech's intended role) at your team's expense.

Edited first paragraph.

Edited by Water Bear, 06 May 2014 - 10:12 AM.

#280 Jon Gotham


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Posted 06 May 2014 - 10:08 AM

Having an lrm launcher is a good idea, as an approach or gap wideneing weapon.
But standing at the back, with 100 tons of mech effectively using your team as a shield, is not really the best use of the mech. If you do this, you ARE mocking your own team a bit.

Had a match yesterday, with 6 assault mechs on my team. My unit mate was in his DDC and at first contact we started to go wide to set up a position where we could shoot the enemy from 2 different directions, essentially a pincer. Sounds good right?
Except the other 5 assaults refused to move from their camp spot, simply would not move....they were lrm mechs apparently and thus have to be 800m away.....
Which left me in my hunchback, my other unit mate in his Raven and my DDC mate. The rest of the team hid behiond the "lrm" assaults. The enemy team rolled over us three and the surrounded and murdered our lrm mechs.
If our assaults had moved, and actually directly engaged-hint you can do this even with lrms at 800m thats nearly 5 sec flight time....I use my lrms at around 400m to 250m backed up with energy weapons. Very short flight time and very high hit rate.

As I said previously, smaller faster lrm platforms exist that can be more effective than your slow lumbering assault. They are more flexible and can move around the field faster. Your assault has more armour and more internals than heavies and mediums and it should be in your mind to spread some of the incoming damage to yourself-because you can take it better. You might soak the 50 pts that kill your medium team mate next to you. It will barely matter to you-but might just save his game and keep an extra set of guns pointed at the enemy.
Most often games are decided by what the assaults do or don't do.

Edited by kamiko kross, 06 May 2014 - 10:09 AM.

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