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Dear Atlas Missile Boats:


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#381 Tiamat of the Sea


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Posted 13 May 2014 - 08:25 AM

View PostCimarb, on 13 May 2014 - 08:11 AM, said:

My current DDC swapped the larger engine and MGs for a UAC5, and it's about as effective, though I haven't used it as much lately because I have been leveling up my Ilya and Banshees. I do listen to advice, and I appreciate Void giving it in some of his responses - I'm always willing to try different things (just depends on how the message is delivered).

Given that you're boating LRMs (a good longer-range weapon), this choice of secondary weapon seems a bit strange. Have you considered using a large pulse laser or pair of standard large lasers instead of the UAC5? Tonnage should be comparable with dual larges if UAC ammo is taken into account, and the damage output will be higher (especially in the close range bracket where LRMs don't work). The Large Pulse would be less damage but faster firing and better concentrated and then give you more tonnage for LRM ammo or increased engine rating. I ask because, having run LRM-heavy 'mechs before, on most of them I found myself more concerned with the potential threat of a faster 'mech closing in than someone standing outside of LRM range and shooting at me (which is where the UAC holds advantage over large lasers).

I have to say, while I haven't yet driven an Atlas, I can't currently imagine going over a 325-rating engine on anything but a 'for the lols' build. Higher rating engines increase in tonnage really quickly, and even a 325 is pushing the tonnage curve when you're talking about a standard engine. Kind of startled that you were using a Standard 340- 340 is my 'soft cap' engine rating for XL engines before the tonnage gets exorbitant.

#382 Void Angel


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Posted 13 May 2014 - 09:12 AM

View PostCimarb, on 13 May 2014 - 07:30 AM, said:

It's NOT the build that is bad, it's the pilots you guys have ran into.

You're looking at it backwards: it's not the build that is viable - it's the tactics of the teams you've fought that make it viable. Just like that match we met up in; my team, despite the exhortations of four guys (one of whom was me) insisted on scattering out - and on cowering away from your teams' fire. Heck, if you step back, it's comical! Like a bunch of cartoon characters all trying to hide behind the same tree.

The Atlas did all right for himself, if I remember, but he could have done just as well with a Catapult, which is the crux of our objections.

#383 IraqiWalker


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Posted 13 May 2014 - 10:31 AM

View PostCarnageINC, on 12 May 2014 - 09:15 PM, said:

Hey Iraqi! Well I guess if you consider carrying 2 LRM-15's a boat then yes I'm guilty of doing that. I use 2 Large Lasers to back them up. But I'm not talking about staying so far behind your not providing ECM for the team, nor am I talking about hiding in general to rack up kills or damage. I have stated that this is not the most optimal mech but there is a reason that I do it and I have stated that.

I'm not afraid to tank with my DDC when it needs to be done, its just that I feel I can not maximize it to its full potential when I do use it. So I listed my reasons for doing so. When I do use my DDC I use my LL's to contribute to the fight, not just LRM's. My whole intention is to provide long lasting ECM cover while trying to be as combat effective as I can. My personal opinion is not for all DDC's to do this, they are better off doing what Void Angel has in mind for them.

However since I had a founders Atlas I needed to master and found that my play style didn't carry over well for the Atlas I came up with this build. To be as effective as I could be on those rare occasions I do use one, this works best for me and I feel the way I use my DDC best benefits the team as a whole.

Yours is what we're trying to get people to do, with this thread.

Basically, LRMs on an Atlas are not bad at all, in fact I encourage having them. However running an atlas with 1 ML and LRM35+artemis, with nothing else is what this guide is trying to shut down.

View Postmogs01gt, on 13 May 2014 - 06:20 AM, said:

I just ran into one who had this setup with a std 360 engine...How could you do anything with this setup?
2 erll
2 lrm10+art and 1000 rounds

That's not a bad set up at all. The ERLLs more than make up for anything else. That is a skirmisher set up, Uses ECM outside the range of BAP, and possible tags sometimes, couple with the ability to suppress and burn with the ERLLs, and raining LRMs wouldn't be ineffective. It would be a good use of an Atlas in open maps like Alpine, so long as the Atlas stays with 700 meters of the enemy team, and has a good firing angle on them. I would still rather have the atlas be closer to the enemy team, but the formation can actually move with this build, using ECM and suppression to get close and turn the fight into a close range brawl.

The Atlas can then engage in the sweet spot of 200-500 meters, which can be a close range encounter, where all of his weapons will deal full damage and have little to no chance of missing.

That would be a great use for that build.

Edited by IraqiWalker, 13 May 2014 - 10:32 AM.

#384 Cimarb


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Posted 13 May 2014 - 11:41 AM

View PostQuickdraw Crobat, on 13 May 2014 - 08:25 AM, said:

Given that you're boating LRMs (a good longer-range weapon), this choice of secondary weapon seems a bit strange. Have you considered using a large pulse laser or pair of standard large lasers instead of the UAC5? Tonnage should be comparable with dual larges if UAC ammo is taken into account, and the damage output will be higher (especially in the close range bracket where LRMs don't work). The Large Pulse would be less damage but faster firing and better concentrated and then give you more tonnage for LRM ammo or increased engine rating. I ask because, having run LRM-heavy 'mechs before, on most of them I found myself more concerned with the potential threat of a faster 'mech closing in than someone standing outside of LRM range and shooting at me (which is where the UAC holds advantage over large lasers).

I have to say, while I haven't yet driven an Atlas, I can't currently imagine going over a 325-rating engine on anything but a 'for the lols' build. Higher rating engines increase in tonnage really quickly, and even a 325 is pushing the tonnage curve when you're talking about a standard engine. Kind of startled that you were using a Standard 340- 340 is my 'soft cap' engine rating for XL engines before the tonnage gets exorbitant.

To be honest, I haven't worried too much about the secondary weapons too much on it, and the engine rating in the MG version was just to use up weight and provide a little better heat distribution and agility. I may revisit the build and try some different things, but I do well enough with it currently that it's really not worth screwing with.

As a comparison, my Stalker, which is my top mech both in fun and success, has ALRM50 and four medium lasers (plus electronics/tag, of course), and it is tons of fun to soften all of the mechs up until I run out of ammo, and then mow through their internal structures with my "bloated Jenner" once the tide has been asserted. I will usually get roughly half of my kills from those lasers, actually. MGs work great on opened up mechs, too, though an LBX would probably be a better ballistic complement if there is enough tonnage.

View PostVoid Angel, on 13 May 2014 - 09:12 AM, said:

You're looking at it backwards: it's not the build that is viable - it's the tactics of the teams you've fought that make it viable. Just like that match we met up in; my team, despite the exhortations of four guys (one of whom was me) insisted on scattering out - and on cowering away from your teams' fire. Heck, if you step back, it's comical! Like a bunch of cartoon characters all trying to hide behind the same tree.

The Atlas did all right for himself, if I remember, but he could have done just as well with a Catapult, which is the crux of our objections.

Same thing, different viewpoint. The build isn't what matters - it's the pilot using it. If it works for a person, they should be complimented on it. If it doesn't, they should try something else.

In that match, we were crushing your team pretty quickly. I got overly confident and made the mistake of charging ahead to finish someone off, and you capitalized on that mistake. The DDC Atlas didn't make that mistake, and along with the rest of the team, finished your guys off. I am not trying to gloat (and refer back to my posts about your loud-mouthed buddy NoSkillz kicking my butt twice in a row if it seems like I am), but the issue is NOT the build. The issue is the tactics being used by inexperienced pilots, or experienced pilots that make a mistake and get caught.

For example, in the Banshee energy build you suggested, I have had really good matches where I have gotten several kills and tons of damage, along with a win. Then, I make a mistake in HPG and get caught by NoSkills meta-pack, resulting in a whopping 80-ish damage and probably not even double digit score for a loss.

If you didn't know me, or talked to NoSkills after that match, you would probably think I am a horrible player because you know the build is "optimal" (i.e. which is why you suggested it). If I had been in the DDC Atlas (also an assault), you would instead attribute that score to the build, since you don't like it. In the end, though, neither build is bad when played properly - it all depends on the pilot making the right educated decisions during the match.

#385 Void Angel


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Posted 13 May 2014 - 12:00 PM

Skills actually cycles through his 'mechs - in a sort of First-Win whacka-a-mole game - so you could run into him with lights, LRM boats, etc. Which is what he was doing in the last tournament, for that matter (Merc Corp bracket.)

My point about the match we played wasn't who killed whom - it was that the team's tactical failure caused the fight to devolve in such a way that the build of that Atlas didn't matter. We couldn't get to him; not because of his heavy armor, or ECM, but because your team was camped out in the cave village, and ours was scattered out because stupid. You can have great games with any LRM platform in that situation, but it doesn't speak much to the viability of the 'mech. We weren't defeated by LRMs, or even by PPCs and Autocannons - we were defeated by local (and later overall) numerical superiority at a choke point. In such a situation, where one team maintains cohesion, and the other team scatters out and dies, the builds (and even skills) involved are far less important factors than the failure of one team to work together.

The gameplay mechanics of the build which make it inferior to every other missile boat are still there. And to clarify: I'm not against this build because it's "not optimal;" I often play a Thunderbolt with an LB-10X as its longest-range weapon. I'm against pure LRM Atlases because they are so under-optimized as to become a liability. Now, once you get to a certain level of skill, you can make almost anything work - heck, I got Ace of Spades with a Spider in an 800+ damage match - but once you're that accomplished, you're not reliant on guides any more. The vast majority of players need to avoid very sub-par builds in order to succeed - and that's what this guide is about.

Edited by Void Angel, 13 May 2014 - 12:07 PM.

#386 Cimarb


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Posted 13 May 2014 - 12:12 PM

I do the same thing by cycling through mechs. I apparently just had bad luck by running into him in his meta mechs while I was in my basic'd Banshee twice in a row that night.

You can justify that match all you want, but the justification goes both ways. If you had crushed us, instead of the other way around, you wouldn't accept that same defense in my regards - instead using it as proof that the build is "bad". So, whatever makes you feel better about it.

Tons of respect for you, and tons of respect for NoSkills ability (if not his personality). I'll just leave it at that. <o

#387 1453 R


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Posted 13 May 2014 - 01:17 PM

[[Withdrawn by request.]]

Edited by 1453 R, 13 May 2014 - 01:39 PM.

#388 Grimmrog


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Posted 13 May 2014 - 01:21 PM

View PostDarthPeanut, on 13 May 2014 - 07:02 AM, said:

No offense but pointing out that you use a 4 tube, bottom of the arm mounted launcher, 2X phract for LRM support is not helping me see the fun factor point you are trying to make. That sounds like anything but fun.

so when clan LRM's are supposed to fire streaks instead of vollyes, wouldn't that imply they have kinda 1 slot only firing 20 rapid volleys. Woudln't that also mean they are completely useless gabage?

#389 Void Angel


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Posted 13 May 2014 - 01:31 PM


#390 IraqiWalker


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Posted 13 May 2014 - 02:33 PM

View PostGrimmrog, on 13 May 2014 - 01:21 PM, said:

so when clan LRM's are supposed to fire streaks instead of vollyes, wouldn't that imply they have kinda 1 slot only firing 20 rapid volleys. Woudln't that also mean they are completely useless gabage?

No, since Clan mechs will use a different system, that doesn't penalize them for launching in volleys. For Example, an LRM 20 will fire 4 volleys of 5 missiles, however, there will be no extra heat build up for firing from a "smaller" launcher, and the cycle time won't get extended either.

#391 1453 R


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Posted 13 May 2014 - 02:48 PM

Clan launchers may also end up ripple-firing rather than volley-firing; effectively firing 20 volleys of 1 missile, but doing so at a very high rate of speed, such that you get a dense stream of missiles rather than distinct sub-groupings.

Sort of like when people do the Wave at sporting events, except they all have ejection seats so that when it's their turn to stand up and throw their arms in the air they fly into the sky and explode instead.

#392 IraqiWalker


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Posted 13 May 2014 - 02:59 PM

View Post1453 R, on 13 May 2014 - 02:48 PM, said:

Clan launchers may also end up ripple-firing rather than volley-firing; effectively firing 20 volleys of 1 missile, but doing so at a very high rate of speed, such that you get a dense stream of missiles rather than distinct sub-groupings.

Sort of like when people do the Wave at sporting events, except they all have ejection seats so that when it's their turn to stand up and throw their arms in the air they fly into the sky and explode instead.

Actually that might be what they will go with. It was mentioned as a possibility for the clan launchers to either be ripple or volley. We're gonna need to wait and hear what the final decision is going to be.

#393 1453 R


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Posted 13 May 2014 - 03:04 PM

Honestly ripple would make a lot more sense to me than volley, at least insofar as accomplishing the goal of making Clan missiles more vulnerable to AMS without also powergimping them into pointlessness. If Clan missile systems are effectively locked at 5/2 tubes per launcher (depending on missile type), with no other change/compensation from Inner Sphere volley launch drawbacks, then Clan 'Mechs may as well just not bother mounting missiles. And also the Timber Wolf has been robbed, having to carry those big ol' super-shootable LRM-20 racks on its shoulder when they're not really much more than LRM-5s with delusions of grandeur.

#394 DarthPeanut


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Posted 13 May 2014 - 03:08 PM

View PostGrimmrog, on 13 May 2014 - 01:21 PM, said:

so when clan LRM's are supposed to fire streaks instead of vollyes, wouldn't that imply they have kinda 1 slot only firing 20 rapid volleys. Woudln't that also mean they are completely useless gabage?

Well the other posts covered why a tube limited setup now will not be like the firing method of a clan launcher.

My comment was not only about the 4 tubes but also about placement on the mech as well. Putting any LRM launcher on the bottom of a cataphracts arm makes for arguably the worst trajectory possible in this game. You will have difficulty firing over even the most minor obstruction.

#395 Cimarb


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Posted 13 May 2014 - 06:33 PM

View PostDarthPeanut, on 13 May 2014 - 03:08 PM, said:

Well the other posts covered why a tube limited setup now will not be like the firing method of a clan launcher.

My comment was not only about the 4 tubes but also about placement on the mech as well. Putting any LRM launcher on the bottom of a cataphracts arm makes for arguably the worst trajectory possible in this game. You will have difficulty firing over even the most minor obstruction.

This is very notable in the BLR,as the arm launchers often clip low rocks, while the torso launchers easily clear anything at your line of sight or lower.

#396 Cimarb


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Posted 13 May 2014 - 06:40 PM

View Post1453 R, on 13 May 2014 - 03:04 PM, said:

Honestly ripple would make a lot more sense to me than volley, at least insofar as accomplishing the goal of making Clan missiles more vulnerable to AMS without also powergimping them into pointlessness. If Clan missile systems are effectively locked at 5/2 tubes per launcher (depending on missile type), with no other change/compensation from Inner Sphere volley launch drawbacks, then Clan 'Mechs may as well just not bother mounting missiles. And also the Timber Wolf has been robbed, having to carry those big ol' super-shootable LRM-20 racks on its shoulder when they're not really much more than LRM-5s with delusions of grandeur.

I think you are right.

If it was just going to be lower tube counts, PGI would not have pointed the system out specifically.

Just like the burst-fire change to ACs (as opposed to IS ACs just with faster fire and lower damage per shell), PGI stating it as "different" is significant.

#397 Void Angel


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Posted 13 May 2014 - 06:59 PM

I personally would like all autocannons to fire burst, except the Gauss Rifle. That would help a lot of the pinpoint damage issues and bring time-to-kill down a little bit.

#398 IraqiWalker


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Posted 13 May 2014 - 07:39 PM

View PostVoid Angel, on 13 May 2014 - 06:59 PM, said:

I personally would like all autocannons to fire burst, except the Gauss Rifle. That would help a lot of the pinpoint damage issues and bring time-to-kill down a little bit.

It's how they were originally envisioned in the lore.

#399 Void Angel


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Posted 13 May 2014 - 07:46 PM

That's how the flavor text described them - but they'd also put their damage all on one location, as per the tabletop rules. It's just one more example of how tabletop (or the flavor text and novels) aren't sound guideposts for this game.

#400 IraqiWalker


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Posted 13 May 2014 - 11:04 PM

View PostVoid Angel, on 13 May 2014 - 07:46 PM, said:

That's how the flavor text described them - but they'd also put their damage all on one location, as per the tabletop rules. It's just one more example of how tabletop (or the flavor text and novels) aren't sound guideposts for this game.

Yeah, TT was never a good simulator for real time battles. That's why some improvisation needs to be taken. That improvisation should have never been "turn the entire salvo into 1 bullet the size of a refrigerator" The older Mechwarrior games tried to stick to that rule, and that's why they had awkward ballistic weaponry that you couldn't control well.

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