Proteaus, on 20 June 2012 - 09:50 AM, said:
all the way to the bank.This situation just dosent seem right.
You would lmao all the way to the bank... to get money out for them? I couldn't resist.
And BigMo, while a lot of WoT is dicerolling, I'm always surprised to see this come up. Not only are there a TON of ways to increase your chances, but every tank has multiple weak spots. That's why there are guns with low pen and high damage. One shell in the right spot, GG. Also the weapons are going to be kind of unpredictable, it is WW2. I think BattleTech is a little more advanced than that, and random failures, gun rammers that kill your loaders, etc are pretty much a thing of the past. I can't see it being nearly as random as WoT. Then again, most of the people that I've seen complain don't realize that angle, area and ammo all affect your shot.