Nicholas Carlyle, on 20 May 2014 - 10:12 AM, said:
Yes, with the threat that if they didn't engage, it would switch to assault for the 3rd match.
Let me ask you this, your parents tell you to clean your room. You don't.
Then they tell you "Clean your room, or you're grounded".
Well you can decide not to clean your room, but there is a consequence.
What do you do?
Same deal here.
PGI says Skirmish. Teams don't engage.
PGI once again say Skirmish, but if you don't engage, we will switch to Assault. And by switching to Assault they are basically forcing the close-range team to fight at a disadvantage.
Once again, you can decide not to engage. but there is a consequence.
This is what is known to parents as a threat.
If switching to assault hurt both teams equally, that would be one thing. But it would not, the brawling team was going to be at a disadvantage. So they just went for it, instead of getting punished.
After that first round where nobody engaged, both teams should have been disqualified. Hell, if you do that in a PUG drop you can be reported for it, why should it be different in a tournament setting? No second chances. Maybe that would upset the apple cart enough for PGI to actually get their finger out and properly balance what clearly needs balancing.