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Ransom's Corsairs - Press Ganging Politely Since 2012

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#81 Muzakman


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Posted 17 December 2014 - 07:09 PM

Oh, it's quite likely we'll be gettin a Sun-tan in New Avalon at some time in the future - I just hope we're on the same side! Alas, the C-Bill is a fickle mistress, and follow her we must...

Ransom's Corsairs: where getting paid and tan aren't mutually exclusive


#82 Puppeteerxerxes


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Posted 17 December 2014 - 08:25 PM

View PostBlackPhoenix01, on 17 December 2014 - 06:59 PM, said:

If you guys end up taking a contract with the sword and sun, let me know. There's a lot we can accomplish together :)

We'll head that way when the money is right. Thanks again for hosting ISC, was a great gateway for a unit like ours to step up to the next level.

#83 Puppeteerxerxes


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Posted 17 December 2014 - 08:30 PM

This is long overdue from me guys. With apologies for lateness...

We are Ransom's Corsairs.

Contrary to some of the auspicious beginnings of other units you may come across, we're the result of a hard night of drinking and loss of faculties resulting in Col Samson "Handsome" Ransom strapping into a Dragon he didn't own, and then following the first Commando he saw. (The Dragon is his now, as possession is 9/10ths of the law. We asked a lawyer.)

Their plan to cap theta may have ended in disaster, but it was so fun they tried it again. And then convinced some others to join them too. Results since have been mixed.

As are many units, after a few years of building up and learning we are recruiting for a showing in community warfare and dropping our balls on the table for competitive matches when we can.

We play as mercs to the core, with no master except the one we choose. Generally because of money. Sometimes because of a good story. Always because it's fun.

We play hard, but not with a focus on competition to the exclusion of sense. Every member is encouraged to help as much as they can or want. We've managed some good showings while keeping a commitment that every Corsair gets a chance to play. Our goal is to train everyone up so they can contribute. You never learn if you don't get to try.

Currently we have about 20 active players mostly in North American timezones, though there's an insomniac European we're proud to call Fish. We're going for an expansion to make CW and tournaments doable but planning to stay small enough that we all know and play with each other.

We are a unit of working stiffs and parents. You are likely to hear an "oh crap he's drinking out of the toilet I'll be off mic" at least once a night, and no one will ever give you grief if it was you. Gotta miss some time due to work? Even Col. Ransom goes on business trips to make sure the internet and the lights stay on.

Our rank structure is primarily for organization and recognition of contributions to the unit both in game and out and we make a commitment to involve everyone in and out of game if they're willing. The unit structure is flat, new opinions are welcome and the officers are there to help, not to dictate.

If this sounds like what you're looking for, hit us up on TS. We're pretty sure you'll want to stay.

#84 Mott


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Posted 18 December 2014 - 07:02 AM

1st post updated with key information and a spiffy new image - oooohhhh aaaaahhhh!

Ransom's Corsairs - Flank Hard, Carry Harder.

#85 Mott


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Posted 04 January 2015 - 07:35 AM

The New Year brings fresh mech-busting cheer.

Ransom's Corsairs are back at it and continuing to build the unit for relaxed play, community warfare play and also competitive play in 3rd party-run events (currently engaged in Marik Civil War - Season 4).

Visit www.ransomscorsairs.com to check us out or drop into ts3.ransomscorsairs.com for some chat and group mwo action.

#86 Mott


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Posted 06 January 2015 - 09:30 AM

Ransom's Corsairs have grown to the point that we can now engage in 8 & 12 mechwarrior combat in tourney, league and CW play at our leisure, almost any night of the week.

We are still accepting pilots of suitable demeanor (can you speak without turning the air blue? are you respectful of unitmates and your enemies? are you gracious in defeat and humble in victory? can you laugh at Juxstapo's crappy jokes? do you bathe at least weekly?) and suitable talent (can you move in forward AND reverse? can you fire AND say a Hail Mary? can you rush blindly into an enemy mass, without question when drop commander Arkadash demands it, even tho you're pretty sure he's just a twisted busterd who wanted a laugh?) to have some fun in Community Warfare.

Currently we've re-upped our contract to defend the FRR. There is talk that our next contract will be with the DC.

An intensely competitive drive is not necessary, but it is welcomed if you've got the gunnery skills to back it up. We're always happy to get fresh blood involved in our more competitive company.

PM me for details or just bloody drop into our TS3.RANSOMSCORSAIRS.COM to have some fun and join us for a few drops to see what we're all about.

#87 Mott


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Posted 08 January 2015 - 09:19 AM

Marik Civil War Season 4 Update

Round 3 has been announced and Ransom's Corsairs are engaged full throttle.

Round 3 will see us protect our planet Kincaid II against [APOC] Apocalypse Lancers, without the defense of our base as it's still being repaired and refitted.

And being the sly space pirates that we are, we never put all our eggs in one basket, so Rd 3 also sees the [RC] attacking Woodbine, defended by [TMC] Templar Mercenary Corps.

If YOUwould like to get in on some of this fun, friendly and competitive MWO action in time for round 4, please visit www.ransomscorsairs.com

#88 Macksheen


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Posted 20 January 2015 - 07:06 AM

Pity about the win-by-default last night in Marik Civil War. Still, we should take the freebie when it happens!

Defense of our other planet this Thursday!

#89 Mott


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Posted 20 January 2015 - 07:40 AM

View PostMacksheen, on 20 January 2015 - 07:06 AM, said:

Pity about the win-by-default last night in Marik Civil War. Still, we should take the freebie when it happens!

Defense of our other planet this Thursday!


We dropped full of bloodlust and rum-fueled courage... expecting a hard battle and some bloody noses. We found nothing but an abandoned base. The water was still running in the kitchen sink... a cigar stub still warm on the table.

Our adversaries have moved on... the question is... where have they gone to? And who are they set to attack?

Edited by Mott, 20 January 2015 - 12:08 PM.

#90 Mott


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Posted 20 January 2015 - 12:08 PM

Ransom's Corsairs are still actively recruiting good natured newbs, cunning old farts and talented, driven competitive players.

We've got room for you no matter if you're looking for fun and casual or serious and competitive action. We do have standards and expectations, but they're not hardcore and we don't expect members to treat MWO as a second job.
  • We have solid unit leaders who make sure all pilots continually have fun, enjoy their time with the unit and improve their skills and abilities.
  • We have great drop commanders who keep us focused, on task, organized and yet still manage to engage in tactical analysis and deliberation to throw the odd surprise at our enemies.
  • We have strong mechwarriors who know how to sling damage and get the job done.
  • We have eager recruits who are learning our systems, the intricacies of MWO and 3rd party competitions.
  • We have expert tinkerers who can squeeze the absolute most out of any mech build, in any situation.
  • We have nothing but good people who are respectful of all their unitmates and supportive in all matters.
Most importantly, we have room for YOU, if you're ready to make the jump to teamplay and want to join a TEAM that is the very epitome of the word.

Visit www.ransomscorsairs.com or drop in to say high at TS3.RANSOMSCORSAIRS.COM

#91 Mott


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Posted 22 January 2015 - 09:31 AM

The RC is taking a short break from CW and Group Q tonight as we face off vs [APOC] to defend planet Kincaid II in Marik Civil War-Season 4!

Our mechs are humming,
Our guns are charged,
Our minds are focused,
Our eyes are clear,
To Victory

Ransom's Corsairs are accepting new members. We're happy to recruit grizzled vets and fresh faced newbs. We've got space for all, from those with competitive aspirations to those who just want to play casually until they fall off their chair, drunk.

We foster a unit environment of respect and support.

We value camaraderie and ability to work with a team just as highly as we value l33t piloting abilities.

Those who drop with us, join us. It's not a trap, it's a payoff.

#92 Mott


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Posted 23 January 2015 - 06:55 AM

A strict focus - and a good dose of dastardly space pirate, sorry, privateer shenanigans - paid off!

Ransom's Corsairs have successfully defended our Fortress World, Kincaid II, in Marik Civil War-Season4 against the brutish and loathsome Apocalypse Lancers.

This was very much a knock 'em down, drag 'em out fight that had more than a few sphincters pinched. But the Corsairs were able to eke out the win. Respect to our foes <S>. Kudos to our warriors - your grog is chilled and waiting for you.

With every league, tourney, challenge and CW match we improve as a unit, and as individuals. Ransom's Corsairs invites you to join the fun, and share in the booty.

Drop by ts3.ransomscorsairs.com any night to say "hi", grab some drops and enjoy the increased enjoyment that playing with a group of funny, boisterous and competent mechwarriors brings to your MWO gaming.

#93 BoloJoe


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Posted 23 January 2015 - 09:00 AM

Good matches last night guys - it was great that victory had to be decided in the last game.

#94 Mott


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Posted 23 January 2015 - 09:19 AM

View PostBoloJoe, on 23 January 2015 - 09:00 AM, said:

Good matches last night guys - it was great that victory had to be decided in the last game.

It was really fun. Those KGCs of yours really wreck face and that sneaky HBK who kept creeping into our rear was impressive too!

Thank you for arriving on time and getting ready to launch quickly as well. RC respects our opponents' gaming time and it's a pleasure to drop vs units that show the same respect.

#95 Inflatable Fish


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Posted 23 January 2015 - 09:42 AM

still not sure why these guys keep me. I don't even like rum.

also, another salute to APOC, it's matches like these that make me love this game.

#96 Synapse49


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Posted 23 January 2015 - 11:18 AM

APOC wanted to take my favorite ice fishing holes away from me on Frozen City. While I understand the desire to steal another pilots favorite ice fishing hole. We couldn't let that happen. The RC's like my smoked space-fish to much... between that and the awesome back country skiing were really our only 2 motivations for taking this fortress world, Kincaid II, in the first place.

Great matches last night. BoloJoe - Totally agree that the nights that go down to the 5th drop are the most exciting. Especially when that 5th drop, even 3/4s of the way through the battle was still either sides game!

Look. I was told to come here. I'd rather be on Kincaid II. The fact is we're looking for interested pilots to share in the fun. The OPs say it all. This unit is successful, is networked throughout the community, ACTIVE, and is full of great people playing a great game. We play it well, but we're not jerks about it. This is an old thread, take a look at the OP. If this unit seems like the kind of group you're looking for, join us wouldn't you?

#97 Puppeteerxerxes


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Posted 23 January 2015 - 07:35 PM

Those were some fantastic games guys. @bolojoe - you guys were every bit as tough as advertised.

Nice of you to say about our unit leaders Mott, as CO I work pretty hard to keep things fun and get a lot of involvement and the unit still manages to punch above our level. We're looking for old hands that are needing a home or newbs that want an easy place to jump in that has a path to competitive games or CW.

There's also plenty of chances to help with unit leadership, we involve anyone interested in drop deck planning, outreach between units, etc. It's up to you if you just want to have some fun folks to drop with or if you want to help us shape the future of the unit. Take Mott, couldn't walk and shoot at the same time when we met him, and now he's the primary drill sergeant keeping us in line in comp drops.

If you want to meet some of the guys, you're welcome to drop by our TS server listed in the OP, but be warned, once you come by you'll probably be hooked.

As in space pirate hooked. In case you missed the space pirate camo.

#98 Mott


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Posted 26 January 2015 - 05:53 AM

Marik Civil War - turn 4 matchups are set.

Ransom's Corsairs will be defending our pirate kingdom against assault from Clan Ghost Bear International on Woodbine, and from Apocalypse Lancers on Kinkaid II.

As always, reinforcements are welcome.

Ransom's Corsairs are looking to recruit veteran and new players alike. It doesn't matter if you've got 10 mechs or 100. It doesn't matter if you've only dropped solo, or been part of a team/unit for decades.

If you're looking for strong MWO action, talented teammates, competitive play and a place to elevate your game... Ransom's Corsairs has a bunk for you.

Creep us: www.ransomscorsairs.com
Whisper sweet nothings in our ear: ts3.ransomscorsairs.com

#99 Mott


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Posted 27 January 2015 - 07:46 AM

As RANSOM'S CORSAIRS gears up to finish strong in Marik Civil War Season 4, we are also recruiting with renewed vigor.

We want:

-New pilots looking to join a group to maximize their enjoyment of the game, and their skills.

-Experienced pilots looking to take their game from domination in the pug queues to testing themselves in high-end team play.

-Veteran pilots looking to shed drama, get serious about comp drops, grab some fresh air while sharing their experience and tricks.

We do everything we can to ensure that every RC mechwarrior is involved in CW, League & Tourney play, if said pilots are interested.

We also have space for any pilots who just want to drop for giggles, from time to time, with a good group of mechwarriors.

PM me to chat, or even better, drop by ts3.ransomscorsairs.com any night to share some laughs and drop in some great MWO matches with the RC.

Once you drop with us... you'll join us.

Edited by Mott, 27 January 2015 - 07:47 AM.

#100 Arkadash


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Posted 27 January 2015 - 12:21 PM

I've got it; by Jove I've got it! I figured out what potential recruits want to hear, and best of all, it's 100% true!

Here goes:

I updated our shared drop deck/proficiency/scheduling spreadsheet!

I know, pretty amazing, right? What, you might ask, did the update accomplish? While I can't share everything on the public forums, I can tell you that it is now alphabetized, it changes color, and, best of all, the formulas all work!

I know this is some pretty heady information I'm dropping on you, but just take a slow, deep breath and I'm confident you'll make it through. I'm not sure if a better spreadsheet will help us stave off our attackers on Kincaid II and Woodbine, but it sure does look purty.

Edited by Arkadash, 27 January 2015 - 12:22 PM.

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