Rallog, on 23 May 2014 - 07:34 AM, said:
I disagree. I like the idea of random battles push the fronts, units capture strategic objectives to assist the war effort. That way EVERYONE has something to do with CW from your random lone PUG to your coordinated units. Unless their vision of CW has changed since I last read about it, you don't really capture planets except as a merc unit anyway, while the PUGs push the fronts of the war. I'm happy with that. It gives everyone something to do and doesn't leave out a huge part of their population from a potentially fun aspect of the game.
Everyone should have a role, but solo players should not be the deciding factor(and I am a solo player). You want units to capture strategic objectives, and I want units to be the deciding factor in a planets capture. Well guess what planets are a strategic objective in this universe. I see no enjoyment in losing a planet because 12 random nobodies that can't/don't work together all think they are the greatest thing since sliced bread get randomly selected to fight for a planet.
Rallog, on 23 May 2014 - 07:34 AM, said:
I don't want to be just an aid to an organized unit. I don't care about the organized units. I just want to hop in and have some fun games as myself, or with a couple friends. CW gives me more incentive to do that, and adds to the fun for me. Anyway, I'm done derailing the topic, which is about a complete matchmaking overhaul. Which I fully support, and may well pull me back in to playing the game more than a few matches a month.
I just want to hop in and have fun as well, but that should be what random games are for. Random games with no real focus should have no effect on CW. For CW it should be about the groups with us solo players filling in where needed and working with those groups to complete objectives.