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Targeting Computers And Command Console - Feedback

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#161 darkkterror


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Posted 08 June 2014 - 09:44 AM

A 7 ton computer must be pretty dang powerful. I bet it spends most of its' time contemplating the meaning of life or determining how to bring about a Skynet-esque robotic domination of the galaxy. The benefits it brings to the Mech itself is only a background process to it. :P

#162 Dracol


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Posted 08 June 2014 - 09:46 AM

Thank you for the weekend update. Always sucks to have to put in hours for work on a day off. Much appreciated.

#163 Reno Blade


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Posted 08 June 2014 - 09:47 AM

One thing about the TC I like to suggest here:
Targeting Computer Mk I

Weight: 1 ton.

Slots: 1 slot.

Zoom distance: [+2.25]%

Sensor range: [+2.25]%

Time to gather target info: [-22.5]%

Projectile weapon projectile speed: [+4.5]%

Beam weapon long ranges: [+4.5]%

Beam weapon max ranges: [+4.5]%

Increased crit chance for projectile and beam weapons: [+5]% <<<<<

Start with 5% for the Crit chance instead of 14.5% and ramp it up from there.
With more than 5%, the effect is just too good to ignore (for 1 ton on Mark1) !

Edited by Reno Blade, 08 June 2014 - 09:48 AM.

#164 Punkass


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Posted 08 June 2014 - 09:51 AM

View Postdarkkterror, on 08 June 2014 - 09:44 AM, said:

A 7 ton computer must be pretty dang powerful. I bet it spends most of its' time contemplating the meaning of life or determining how to bring about a Skynet-esque robotic domination of the galaxy. The benefits it brings to the Mech itself is only a background process to it. :P

Silly clanners

#165 Levi Porphyrogenitus


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Posted 08 June 2014 - 09:52 AM

Looks okay on paper so far, but I do think that, given the complete lack of direct weapon upgrades to the Command Console, it ought to get a comparative advantage in the other areas relative to the targeting computer (maybe even Level VI functionality or better). As a general rule, direct weapon upgrades are worth far more than secondary system buffs.

#166 NocturnalBeast


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Posted 08 June 2014 - 09:52 AM

It is good to hear that some progress is finally being made on the Command Console and Targeting Computer. We have been told that the Command Console will be getting it's originally intended functionality "soon" since closed beta and it is still largely a waste of tonnage. I do understand that the command console and targeting computer are difficult to implement in MWO in a way that is not overpowered and that these items were probably not very high on your list of priorities, though.

#167 McQueen


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Posted 08 June 2014 - 09:53 AM

The TC buffs make sense given that they didn't want to add another reticle to the HUD. The increase in projectile speed gives you a similar advantage as a lead indicator would, it makes hitting a moving mech easier. the zoom buff makes hitting distant targets a little easier. the faster target info helps you see weakened components. So to sum up the targeting computer does what it is supposed to do but not in as elegant a fashion as most of us would have liked.

The Command console on the other hand is very disappointing. It is basically an overweight BAP without ECCM. There have been numerous suggestions in this thread that would have been more useful and more in keeping with the lore of the component.

1 share targeting information on all enemies in LOS of the mech with the CC. (might cause problems the command mechs own targeting)
2 Give the mech the CC is mounted in more module slots. (This is my personal favorite. You might get some abuse of this with people mounting extra coolant flushes, but most would use as intended to take more sensors and strikes.)
3 Give target info gathering bonus to whole team. (This would also fit with the idea of a commander giving information to company)

I sure there are other great ideas these are just three that jumped out at me. Hopefully the current implementation of the command console is just a placeholder and PGI comes back and gives it another look later.

#168 Psydotek


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Posted 08 June 2014 - 10:00 AM

View PostKoniving, on 07 June 2014 - 09:01 PM, said:

Targeting computer feedback. I was seriously hoping it would have related to delayed convergence or another method of removing perfect precision (such as the third person crosshair replacing the first person; moving to how the third person mech is animated and thusly creating a system that aims based entirely on how the mech moves).

Impossible convergence. Really? This is taking pinpoint beyond too far.

Possible pinpoint solution. (Yes I still have to get around to the annotations; but take a watch of first person versus third person).

There is a demonstration during the Banshee, which shows that through the use of 'timing', even with the crosshair bounce caused by the mech running, it is perfectly possible to use player skill to produce consistent headshots. This 'solution' is 100% skill friendly, 100% user controlled [if aiming is difficult to time, you can slow down to make your shot. If you want a perfect shot with no chance to screw it up you can be stationary. Everything about your aim is affected by what you do and how you do it.

To further flavor it, the concept is unique to mechs, giving them each a different feel as unique as the animations they are given (and clearly affected by loadout choices such as engine as the engine and set throttle both cause changes animation play speeds).

Best of all, the solution is already in the game with minimal work required to implement it. Just take how the crosshair draws the reticule from the third person cockpit and follows the third person animations and have the first person version do exactly that.

This completely. Targeting computers should directly influence convergence speed to give clan 'mechs a serious edge over their Inner Sphere counterparts.

In fact, the current in-game convergence speed should be what the targeting computer provides...

#169 Statius


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Posted 08 June 2014 - 10:04 AM

The TC is ok, but the CC is really just silly and shows either hastiness or laziness. As with so many of the changes that have come around recently it is only fiddling with number, new dimensions are added to the game. This kind of game designing seems to lack a coherent vision of what the game ought to be. This would have been a wonderful opportunity, at least in the case of the CC, to add a new mechanic that gave a better role to scouts and commanders either by having the command console offer more information for the whole team such as suggested above (i.e. adding waypoints, mech stats, last-known-locations of enemies). As for the TC, if we had convergence, it would have been a lovely instrument.

Dev's, please think outside of the numbers!

#170 Pezzer


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Posted 08 June 2014 - 10:18 AM

What a letdown :/

#171 Vanguard319


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Posted 08 June 2014 - 10:35 AM

Good news for my Summoner D, seeing as it has a Targeting Computer, so I get ER clan lasers that now have even better range, and a higher crit rate. Nice.

#172 Goose


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Posted 08 June 2014 - 10:35 AM

We've seen Teh Devs carp about the construction rules before, so it stands to reason the TT-TC annoys the crap out'a them; But there will now be a <=3 ton TC in every non-missile boat Clanner on the field.

I don't know where to go with the CC: WSO-in'a-Box would overload many CPUs even when derping badly …

#173 MisterPlanetarian


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Posted 08 June 2014 - 10:40 AM

The Targeting Computer calculates shot lead to the weapons its assigned to. The safest way to emulate that is actually a projectile speed buff and a Gauss rifle going 2300m/s with 50% crit chance is nothing to scoff at. It will oneshot most weapons.

You also don't have to waste module slots on target info gathering etc.

Edited by MisterPlanetarian, 08 June 2014 - 10:42 AM.

#174 Levon K


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Posted 08 June 2014 - 10:43 AM

Back to the drawing board, please.

Your proposed implementation is equivalent to mounting an amulet of dexterity onto the mech and give it a boost to it's abilities.

We don't want buffs to existing systems. We want these components to *do something*.

A targeting computer is a computer. It should add more information to our HUD. This should improve an individual's performance. Quite powerful.

The command console is a command console! It should be used to take command of the company and improve communication within the group. This should improve the group's performance. Also quite powerful.

They can be completely different, and you can balance them. It would give different strengths to each side of the battle.

Please do away with the magical +2 to strength and dexterity, and move onto implementing some real technology.

Also we would like a little more variety in this game. Different equipment should do different things.

#175 Corbon Zackery


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Posted 08 June 2014 - 10:44 AM

The 2 things I don't like are:

Ballistic weapon speed increase. A computer cant make a bullet go faster out of the gun. It can increase the rate of fire slightly.

The critical hit chance is way to high already at 25% for computer based play. A targeting computer cant help you critical a mech its all random.

Otherwise it looks fine.

#176 Slarticus


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Posted 08 June 2014 - 10:45 AM

I really like the direction being taken here with the TC and CC.

However there is something missing in the CC, if it is just a weak version of the TC it is a bit bland.
I would like to see the same bonuses apply to allied mechs in a range around a CC carrying mech.
Something like ECM but grants bonuses instead.

I believe this will increase the focus of the IS as a collaborative tactics while the clans fight one on one.

#177 Appogee


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Posted 08 June 2014 - 10:50 AM

View Postdarkkterror, on 08 June 2014 - 09:44 AM, said:

A 7 ton computer must be pretty dang powerful. I bet it spends most of its' time contemplating the meaning of life or determining how to bring about a Skynet-esque robotic domination of the galaxy.

It is capable of firing 42 weapons at ranges of 42 metres, doing 42 points of damage each.

#178 SolCrusher


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Posted 08 June 2014 - 10:56 AM

View PostSlarticus, on 08 June 2014 - 10:45 AM, said:

I really like the direction being taken here with the TC and CC.

However there is something missing in the CC, if it is just a weak version of the TC it is a bit bland.
I would like to see the same bonuses apply to allied mechs in a range around a CC carrying mech.
Something like ECM but grants bonuses instead.

I believe this will increase the focus of the IS as a collaborative tactics while the clans fight one on one.

This would be handled by the C3 Slave unit.....

Did anybody bring up that they need to introduce the C3 Slave unit for the Command Console? It should allow faster sharing of target data between all mechs equipped with C3 Slave units. This would allow some of the small mechs to benefit from the Command Console if one is on the battlefield.

Anyways wasn't sure if they had thought about adding the C3 Slave unit.

Edited by SolCrusher, 08 June 2014 - 10:58 AM.

#179 Vassago Rain


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Posted 08 June 2014 - 11:00 AM

View PostSolCrusher, on 08 June 2014 - 10:56 AM, said:

This would be handled by the C3 Slave unit.....

Did anybody bring up that they need to introduce the C3 Slave unit for the Command Console? It should allow faster sharing of target data between all mechs equipped with C3 Slave units. This would allow some of the small mechs to benefit from the Command Console if one is on the battlefield.

Anyways wasn't sure if they had thought about adding the C3 Slave unit.

No, in the past two years, we've never brought up C3. Not even once.

Oh, and you things confused. C3 master is what you're thinking of. Command console is a completely different item.

#180 Gyrok


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Posted 08 June 2014 - 11:08 AM

Actually, if the CC did all that listed in the CC post plus allowed you to drop airstrikes/artillery that would be good. Prevents anyone without CC from using Artillery/Airstrike. Only a CC equipped mech can call them in. I actually like that idea...quite a bit...

Edited by Gyrok, 08 June 2014 - 11:08 AM.

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