Cavendish, on 11 June 2014 - 10:12 AM, said:
Now now, just because people dont feel the need to post a lot dont mean we are do not frequent the forums.
You are correct, that was my bad. I apologize.
Gorgo7, on 11 June 2014 - 10:28 AM, said:
And that's your problem isn't it? You "Highly doubt". You "imagine". Some times you "feel".
Thought doesn't seem to enter into the equation.
For a guy that posts a lot you sure know very little. What kind of Clan pack did you purchase?
None. Thats what kind. You have no investment in the clan system. Am I wrong?
Clan weapons are supposed to be more "skilled" what kind of crap are you dreaming about?
You sir are what is known as a blowhard.
Blow might make some new *friends*.
Have a great day!
(and there he goes proving my point)
Daishi pack actually, would've gone for the full Masakari, but medical bills took priority.
As for your condescending statements, I'm going to ignore them as they are inane and unrelated to the topic.
If you have no valid points to raise, just accept that you are wrong. Don't drag this down into an insult match. That one, you will surely lose, as I will not play with you.
Gorgo7, on 11 June 2014 - 01:52 PM, said:
Validation of your argument through a nerfing of my purchased Clan gear sucks. I doubt it will be good for the game unless implemented widely.
I have no interest in your or anyones posted advertisement. I have not enabled it.
Insulting, abrasive and very uninformed...
I can only assume I ran off one of your sycophants? Yes/No?
Well, there is always small minded and jolly. That seems to be good at x-mass. Why not at clan time?
In any event, many people seem to have a similar feeling to mine if not so vehemently posted. See above.
(OMG I said "Feeling")
You seem to have a very inflated ego, and the "I'm the only one that's right" mentality. Good luck with that.
wanderer, on 11 June 2014 - 01:06 PM, said:
I disagree. And the reason is the transitory nature of exposure to damage in MWO right now.
That is, we find the most effective weapons to be FLD- and the least effective to be DoT. Thus the PPC/AC meta.
We already understand "streaming" LRMs. They don't really do more damage, because it's easier to avoid part of the stream vs. taking a full single hit from a clump of missiles. If you'd like to see what Clan LRMs are like vs. IS ones in that regard, go drop a large launcher into something with a small number of tubes- like a 4-tube LRM 15. Then go run the same number of missiles in a 'Mech that can fire the entire salvo at once. The streaming launcher is good for holding down targets and more focused damage, but tends to do less damage and eats more damage loss from AMS.
Lasers with longer burn times suffer as well, since drift and movement cause more damage to spread over a target. In both cases, longer firing times are a negative- it's a longer firing cycle, which means more opportunity to spread/cover damage away from vulnerable spots, and in the case of lasers, more time spent facing a target and eating return fire. Extended burn time for lasers also means the gun actually fires slower than the IS version as well- which tends to play hob with how much more damage (and how focused) it really is.
I personally wanted lasers to have shorter burn time. That way you have to be skilled with your aim, or you lose most of your damage, instead of miss the target, and still have time to get back on target, and STILL deal good damage.
As for LRMs, stream fire is actually going to be a bit different from slapping a big launcher in a small tube-count port. As that is still burst firing. We're gonna have to wait until the PTS is up, to see how they really handle.
Fastwind, on 11 June 2014 - 03:44 PM, said:
Yea Stream fire LRM's about that.I actually thought i missread that.
1 (ONE) AMS and no missile is ever gonna hit anything until the AMS runs dry of AMMO
There is a reason why you never fire less than 15 LRM's in 1 volley if you want to do dmg and stay effective
To the CERPPC's the splash mechanic isn't the real problem.
The problem simply is (as for the AC's) that ONLY the Clan variant gonna get it,thats highly unbalanced + there is no alternative low heat PPC.
Actually, 1 AMS will be able to eat up maybe 5 missiles from an LRM 20. Remember, AMS can only destroy 2 missiles per second, at best. With the current missile speed, even with ER AMS module, you'll still get showered, of course, I'm working off the assumption that Clan LRM missiles have the same HP as IS LRM missiles.
as for the PPC, it has been mentioned before and bears repeating. There has been talk of moving these implementations to the IS systems as well. Mostly for the ACs, but I think PPCs as well. The clan mechs are going to be the test bed, also, clan tech is supposed to operate at least in a different way from IS tech. So I see it as a new fun experience.
Pezzer, on 11 June 2014 - 05:55 PM, said:
This update brings a tear of hope to my eye. This is no small feat.
Someone at PGI knows how to balance weapons (theoretically; we'll see how these changes work in-game soon enough)! It's a miracle!
Can this magical magic man work on something to replace Ghost Heat after the Clans have been tuned? Please?

I would not want ghost heat to be completely gone. Not while we still have 6ppc stalkers as a possibility. Although, to be honest. Removing cool shots would help SO much!
Edited by IraqiWalker, 11 June 2014 - 10:07 PM.