R Razor, on 20 June 2014 - 05:20 PM, said:
I'd be all for restrictions on what mechs you can use being based on what house or clan you belong to..........as well as repair and re-arm. I'd even go so far as to support a system wherein if you get the kill on an enemy mech AND your team wins the battle, the mech you got the kill on becomes a playable mech whether it's of your house or clan or not.
That is immersion, something this game currently sorely lacks. That is Battletech / Mechwarrior, and that is what I would truly like to see this game live up to.
100% agree. Totally in favor of the salvage system, though I think it should be a chance by component ("gotta collect em all" to use - maybe by omnipod, or all the way down to by item). Make us work for it. In fact, make it be required that the component has to be INTACT at the end of the match to get! (makes taking out legs instead of torsos important, for instance).
So much cool stuff they could do with this...
AntharPrime, on 20 June 2014 - 05:45 PM, said:
Another 180? They previously said that players that paid real money for Clan mechs would not be penalized for using them in CW.
As was already mentioned: they didn't say that. They said that anyone could use any mechs regardless of faction, and said that everyone could participate in CW, but they did NOT say them together.
CyclonerM, on 21 June 2014 - 02:55 AM, said:
I am all for restrictions but there is both for House and Clan units the usual justification for having 'Mechs manufactered by other factions. In the Successor States salvage could bring Panthers or Dragons in Davion hands or an old Catapult in Marik hands. In the Clans even more so: gifts, trades and most of all isorla (spoils of war) and Trials of Possession make every OmniMech and 2nd line 'Mech common enough among many Clans.
This means that not being able to use a Timberwolf if you are a warrior of Clan Jade Falcon makes little sense as they actually had a few of them (of course not as many as the Wolves). Here is where Repair & Rearm should come back: the more common is a 'Mech in your faction (basically manufactered by your faction aka you currently control the factories that build it) the less you will pay for R&R and vice versa.
Salvage/trade excuses are just as valid for House vs. Clan arguments as House vs. House and Clan vs. Clan. I have fought in nearly a hundred matches against other Clans, both in my own Clan mechs and my IS mechs, so I can justify a lot of salvage already.
I completely agree about the repair and rearm, though. This, and a salvage system as I quoted Razor above, are VERY important if we are to have a proper CW with mech restrictions.
wanderer, on 21 June 2014 - 09:11 AM, said:
The reason is simple, and it is repairs.
In 3050, there are zero suppliers of repair parts for Clan machines in the Inner Sphere. None. Any parts slapped into a Clan machine by an IS unit had to be salvaged from another Clan unit. And Battlemechs are hangar queens at an epic level, Clan ones even more so. Without parts, the average Clan 'Mech would be dysfunctional inside of a fight or two.
Now, you put an R&R system in that lets IS units hack together a Clan 'Mech from salvaged parts and repair them from same? I'm all for it, and considering the base cost of Clan gear, I expect it'll be hideously expensive for non-Clan factions to maintain one even with salvage- especially since you're frequently going to take more damage than you get back in cannibalized parts from anything but a Clan opponent.
As for Clan units using IS gear? Call it fluff if you want, but most Clanners would be shamed beyond belief for getting stuck in an IS Mech as a first choice. It's basically saying the warrior in question wasn't worthy of actually piloting a real 'Mech and was stuck with discarded IS garbage instead. IS units sharing from the same pool at least have the process of centuries of trade, salvage, and "this works if you don't actually have that" from four Succession Wars worth of combat and inter-state exchange to allow for other factions to use their designs.
Completely agree, again. R&R is paramount, and some sort of salvage system needs to be implemented if there are mech restrictions.
Your "Clanners using IS gear" idea is only valid when you consider that Clan gear was supposed to be far "better" than IS gear. Now that it is not, that argument doesn't have as much weight as it previously did. In fact, with the current AC setup, Clan units would probably prefer to have slightly heavier IS versions on their Clan mechs due to FLD...