Medium Lasers
A Clan Medium Laser does 7 damage and has a 1.3 beam duration. This means that it takes 1.3 seconds for the full 7 damage to apply. An Inner Sphere medium laser does 5 damage, with a 1 second beam duration.
However, if you do the math this means that a clan medium laser is going to do 5.38 damage per second of beam duration, while an inner sphere medium laser does only 5 damage per second of beam duration.
Notice how the Clan laser stays ahead of the IS laser in damage throughout the entire beam duration?
Small Lasers
A clan er small laser does 5 damage with a beam duration of 1 second. an IS small laser does 3 damage with a beam duration of 0.75 seconds. This gives clans 5 damage per second of beam duration and the IS 4 damage per second of beam duration.
Same as above, but even more noticeable.
"But Jman" you snivel, "the lower beam duration gives Inner Sphere better DPS!"
Aha, not so fast young padawan. Clan ERML has 1.63 DPS vs IS 1.25. Clan ERSL has 1.54 DPS vs IS 1 DPS. However let's take this even further. let's assume that you only get the exact same amount of time on target as the IS player over an extended period of time. So a full beam duration on the IS versus a partial on Clans.
To the Mathmobile!
- With a partial 1 second beam duration the Clan ER ML will have a 1.252 DPS
- With a full 1 second beam duration the IS ML will have 1.25 DPS
And Small Lasers?
- Clan ER SL with 0.75 second beam duration: 1.15 DPS
- IS SL with 0.75 second beam duration: 1 DPS
I believe I have convincingly refuted the commonly held belief that longer beam duration gives IS lasers an advantage in this field. The truth is that the increased damage the Clan Lasers have counteract the disadvantage of the longer beam duration, thus making it irrelevant when you compare them to their IS counterpart.
For the sake of argument I am going to claim that the increased range advantage of clan ER ML lasers are canceled out by the increased heat requirements. IMO the range advantage is more valuable, but for simplicity I'll say it's a wash.
Clan ER SL has identical heat to IS SL which is troubling in it's own right, but I'll leave that to another thread.
Also, this thread applies to Medium Lasers and Small lasers only. I make no claims about the other ones.
You can find all these stats on smurfy's here
Edited by Jman5, 23 June 2014 - 09:00 AM.