I'd really like to see anyone actually refute any of the original posts. If, in fact, any of the posters here read them.
I mostly see personal attacks on the OP. This is a logical fallacy, called an
ad hominem.
Remember guys, address the argument, don't attack the person.
I've only read 4-5 pages and I haven't seen anyone actually properly address any of his points.
In fact, most of the responses I see have been already addressed in the original post, which infers they have not actually read it or are simply arguing otherwise without any proof.
Here's the most common responses, along with a quote from the OP that ALREADY addressed it.
"It's not pay-to-win, it's pay to early access"
Providing a date at which a pay-to-win item will be available for in-game currency does not change the pay-to-win nature of said item in the present.
"It's all about being a good player"
I'd like to point out that it does not matter whether this hypothetical player is highly skilled, or modestly skilled.The question is whether Clan tech will improve their ability to kill enemies and/or win matches. If they can build a mech that is better suited to killing/winning using their play style with Clan tech than they can build using IS tech, they serve as living proof that Clan tech can indeed provide an advantage to certain players that currently can not be acquired with C-Bills.
"Clan mechs are supposed to be stronger, in fact they're nerfed from what they should be"
This has nothing to do with the argument. Making them stronger AND keeping them to only "paying" customers would only increase the cries of p2w.
"I died in a Dire Wolf once, so it's not P2W" "I do more damage in my IS mechs" "In one game, only IS mechs were left standing at the end"
Not only does this not address the original argument (see the quote above), but using personal experience and isolated examples as "proof" seems dubious at best. I sometimes see screenshots of Dragons that do 1100+ damage. Based on one screenshot, I could argue the Dragon is the best heavy.
"I'd like to downvote this **** for making another P2W thread"
Whilst I can somewhat sympathize with this, if you had the energy to post, you might as well respond to his argument. If you "don't care" then stay out of the thread and don't keep it top of the forums.
"Buy a clan mech or STFU. We who pay for the game shouldn't listen to the whining of freeloaders"
Personally, I think this seems a bit insulting to a founder. Also, it has nothing to do with the original argument.
He has not attacked people for using clan mechs. Most clan mech players would be using them as they love the clan mechs and lore, not to "win." However it does not change the nature of the current situation.
(Which has always existed with heroes like the DS and to a lesser extent mechs like the Ember, Misery and Illya, but is especially highlighted with the clans)
All the OP is pointing out is
#1. PGI is sneakily using a P2W model
#2. people are in denial that it is P2W
So far I haven't seen any coherent or logical rebuttals.
Edited by Dunning Kruger Effect, 25 June 2014 - 11:11 PM.