Also, though I want to try the clan tech out, I have not been feeling any "weakness" or "underpowered performance" from my IS mechs since the clan release. They have been a different flavor, but I have not been seeing them as any more powerful than the IS mechs I have been piloting.
Atheus, on 25 June 2014 - 05:08 PM, said:
I hear World of Tanks gold ammo is scheduled to be released for the free currency sometime in 2043, so by your definition it's not pay to win either.
You, good sir, are throwing out a random, and error riddled, example. There is a difference between an early access (less than years, about six months, with some clan mechs being available as early as next month, which is the Uller which is a nice mech) and your exaggerated example of 29 years time span. 1-6 months (mech chassis dependent) compared to 29 years is by far a large gap for any kind of comparison. One you will see in the life of the game, and probably within your life time (provided you don't die in the next 6 months). The other will probably not happen by the time the game closes, and/or the players would have aged/died before hand.
Also, I don't play WoT, so I don't know what Gold Ammo does. In MWO, Clan mechs don't provide nearly as large an advantage you seem to suspect. Their advantage increases with the skill of the pilot, just as IS mechs increase with pilot skill. If you can keep a solid bead on your target, Clan mechs become more rewarding. (Actaully, as far as weapon mechanics, IS weapons tend to be more powerful than their clan counter parts, because they tend to deal more damage to a single location, run cooler, among other benefits. Example: C AC vs IS AC. The Clan AC shoots it's damage in several shots. The CAC5 deals it's damage in three shots, the total of the three shots totaling to 5 damage. The ISAC5 on the other hand, shoots a single slug that deals 5 damage. This means that the clan AC is more likely to spread it's damage, where as the IS AC will deal it's damage to a single location.)
So far, the clan release schedule seems rather reasonable to me. two mechs being released per month, pushing out twelve mechs within six months isn't that bad. Till then, let the people who preordered the mechs have their fun. I know I don't envy them any, and I'm still taking down clan mechs with my good old mechs. Actually... I've been doing it in a stock Hunchback 4J, and I am not joking. If I can do that in a stock IS mech... I'd have to classify clan mechs as NOT OP...