Mizeur, on 02 July 2014 - 10:35 AM, said:
I'm going to explain this without acronyms since it seems to be the source of our failure to communicate.
The changes to the Clan Extended Range Small Laser were necessary to give the Clan Small Pulse Laser a role. Pre-patch there was no reason to use the Clan Small Pulse Laser. Now there is.
The Clan Small Pulse is still a bad weapon, though. All it got was a damage bump up to 4.4. The C Small Pulse still has a similar fate as the Inner Sphere Small Pulse, because it's just as heavy as the medium class laser (ER for Clans) but with way less range.
The C Small Pulse should have just gotten its own damage increase and duration reduction. Nerfing the ERSL was not a requirement for making the C Small Pulse be useful, and the CSPL still isn't going to be very good.
lartfor, on 02 July 2014 - 10:36 AM, said:
Please keep ignoring the other advantages like faster burn time and shorter cool down... It's really making your point much for valid...
Faster burn time: How many people use the Inner Sphere Small Laser over the Inner Sphere Medium Laser? Or the IS SPL over the IS ML? Not many, and those that do are using suboptimal builds.
Cooldown time: See above. Also, use that cooltime time to vent heat and torso twist. Or, better yet, don't be exposed during that time.
Edited by FupDup, 02 July 2014 - 10:39 AM.