I call to order the first ever OFFICIAL and hereby proclaimed (by me, for me, and all because of me!) this to be:
Sandpit's Clan Mech Build Off!!!
Ok seriously I've seen it debated to death. So here's what I'm proposing. All you "clans are op" guys, post your best clan builds via smurfy links here. I challenge that I can come up with a viable IS build to counter it. This won't be about hard numbers. I don't feel they do anything in this game justice as a metric. This is a TEAM based game. No mech shall survive long upon an "island" right?

So, we will have the entire community to chime in with thoughts and any of you so inclined, battling it out in 1v1 private matches. Results will be posted in this thread. It's just for fun but I think some of the results will surprise a few. I can even set up some battles between the mechs using TT and a 2d6 generator just for kicks and giggles.
The build rules:
The builds will be matched via weight class not direct tonnage as the mm matches in this manner so it's a very viable matchup.
IS mechs can use either xl or std engines as that's one of their advantages in my eyes. It gives them more flexibility and longevity in builds.
you can only submit one design per player per weight class.
Joe Derp can submit one build per weight class but cannot submit four builds in one weight class.
All mechs must be valid builds able to drop in a match
All mechs must use their maximum amount of tonnage available. No dead space
All mechs must carry at least one offensive weapon other than a single flamer or mg.
Mech A has only one flamer as total offensive payload is NOT legal
Mech B has a flamer AND an mg or 2 flamers or 2 mgs IS legal
So what do you say clanners? Put your money where your mouth is? Here's your chance to prove to the entire community that the clans aren't op. Choose your builds wisely mechwarriors.