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Clan Mech Design Throwdown With Sandpit!

BattleMechs Balance Gameplay

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#1 Sandpit


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Posted 15 July 2014 - 09:30 PM

Calling all mechwarriors!!!

I call to order the first ever OFFICIAL and hereby proclaimed (by me, for me, and all because of me!) this to be:

Sandpit's Clan Mech Build Off!!!

Ok seriously I've seen it debated to death. So here's what I'm proposing. All you "clans are op" guys, post your best clan builds via smurfy links here. I challenge that I can come up with a viable IS build to counter it. This won't be about hard numbers. I don't feel they do anything in this game justice as a metric. This is a TEAM based game. No mech shall survive long upon an "island" right? :P
So, we will have the entire community to chime in with thoughts and any of you so inclined, battling it out in 1v1 private matches. Results will be posted in this thread. It's just for fun but I think some of the results will surprise a few. I can even set up some battles between the mechs using TT and a 2d6 generator just for kicks and giggles.

The build rules:
The builds will be matched via weight class not direct tonnage as the mm matches in this manner so it's a very viable matchup.
IS mechs can use either xl or std engines as that's one of their advantages in my eyes. It gives them more flexibility and longevity in builds.
you can only submit one design per player per weight class.
Joe Derp can submit one build per weight class but cannot submit four builds in one weight class.
All mechs must be valid builds able to drop in a match
All mechs must use their maximum amount of tonnage available. No dead space
All mechs must carry at least one offensive weapon other than a single flamer or mg.
Mech A has only one flamer as total offensive payload is NOT legal
Mech B has a flamer AND an mg or 2 flamers or 2 mgs IS legal

So what do you say clanners? Put your money where your mouth is? Here's your chance to prove to the entire community that the clans aren't op. Choose your builds wisely mechwarriors.



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Posted 15 July 2014 - 09:40 PM

A clansman only proves that he is the superior pilot in zelbriggen, the mech is only preference.

#3 Adiuvo


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Posted 15 July 2014 - 09:43 PM



One design per player rule... meh =/

Edited by Adiuvo, 15 July 2014 - 09:45 PM.

#4 Sandpit


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Posted 15 July 2014 - 09:51 PM

View PostAdiuvo, on 15 July 2014 - 09:43 PM, said:

it's more or less to keep it whittled down to your best "go to" design and keep me from getting flooded with trying to build too many of one weight class. lol

#5 Wintersdark


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Posted 15 July 2014 - 09:58 PM

Oooh, ok, color me intrigued. If you do end up doing 1v1 matches, I'd *love* to see some someone jump in with a CameraCommando for video. Hell, I'd happily do that if I happen to be available at the time :P

#6 Sandpit


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Posted 15 July 2014 - 10:03 PM

we got a cameraman for documentation now!

#7 Adiuvo


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Posted 15 July 2014 - 10:20 PM

Forgot to post this one too.


It's an assault, so it's all good :P

Edited by Adiuvo, 15 July 2014 - 10:23 PM.



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Posted 15 July 2014 - 10:32 PM

Isn't this putting the clanners at a disadvantage, because they do not get the option to counter your counter build?

#9 Wrathful Scythe


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Posted 16 July 2014 - 12:50 AM


This could be interesting. I hope someone posts the quad gauss dire and the famous 2xgauss/2xC-ERPPC dire. Would love to know how you counter the raw firepower of the Direwolfs in an even fight with IS mechs. They can be countered with maneuvers but not with builds.

#10 Khobai


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Posted 16 July 2014 - 01:10 AM


I hope someone posts the quad gauss dire and the famous 2xgauss/2xC-ERPPC dire.

quad gauss direwolf is a joke. The x2 erppc, x2 gauss, x4 machine gun, x4 er small laser direwolf is good but far from the scariest direwolf build out there.

The scariest direwolf build IMO is the x5 or x6 LB5X direwolf. Because LB5Xs have great stats, decently tight spread, and do entirely frontloaded damage unlike the UAC5s. It will completely obliterate any mech 1v1 and the only real way to counter it is to outnumber it or take it down with attrition.


Isn't this putting the clanners at a disadvantage, because they do not get the option to counter your counter build?

Youre also being forced to take his opinion at face value. Just because he says a build counters another build doesnt mean its true. Plus you have to make some other dubious assumptions like 1v1 situations only (rare in a team game) as well as equal piloting skill for both mechs.

Edited by Khobai, 16 July 2014 - 01:16 AM.

#11 Satan n stuff


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Posted 16 July 2014 - 01:34 AM


I know some people prefer 6 ultra AC/5s but you can't actually fire that at full DPS without generating ghost heat.
+7.08 heat per cycle when fired in 2 groups, +14.16 heat per cycle when alpha'd, so this is the one I went with.
It has the advantage of dealing more frontloaded damage without losing too much in accuracy. Haven't gone up against a sniper whale with it yet but unless it takes a headshot it should perform well enough.
3 Ultra AC/5s + 4 tons of ammo
3 LB 5-Xs + 3 tons of ammo
4 ER small lasers

View PostAdiuvo, on 15 July 2014 - 10:20 PM, said:

Forgot to post this one too.


It's an assault, so it's all good :P

I think I might try that one, looks interesting.

Edited by Satan n stuff, 16 July 2014 - 01:37 AM.

#12 Cryptic Gamer


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Posted 16 July 2014 - 01:48 AM

Sure, why not for lolz. Though I am at sea just now for the next 4 and a half weeks and will need a few days to knock the rust off so...... 5 weeks? :ph34r:

(A) WHK-B - http://mwo.smurfy-ne...28c68b5cd65628b
(H) TBR-S - http://mwo.smurfy-ne...134f3a9264d4635
(M) SCR-C - http://mwo.smurfy-ne...57de0e89496904a
(L) ADR-P - http://mwo.smurfy-ne...a655331887ef63c

I don't expect to be kicking any ass but this sounds good for a laugh. Also run Premium time so if this is still going on when I return I can help out with the Private match setup if someone without wants to participate.

#13 Koniks


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Posted 16 July 2014 - 01:50 AM

View PostWILL WORK FOR AMMO, on 15 July 2014 - 10:32 PM, said:

Isn't this putting the clanners at a disadvantage, because they do not get the option to counter your counter build?

I think it's a fair test for where we're at right now. The Inner Sphere meta is well-established. Neither the IS LRM speed increase or SRM hit registration improvements have really changed that. The Clans are the biggest change to game dynamics (since...Ghost Heat?) so they're likely to shape the course of the new meta. And the Clan meta is formed in response to the pre-existing Inner Sphere meta.

I think it's safe to say that the Clan's going to develop a new preferred drop deck and the Inner Sphere decks will change (or not) in response.

View PostAdiuvo, on 15 July 2014 - 09:43 PM, said:

Is that really the TBR's response to the JJ thrust changes? From Jager's post-patch tests, it seems like this is more likely to be the new meta-TBR: TBR-S. 2 JJs is probably insufficient so it has to be built with the TBR-S CT to get another jump jet. And it trades the second ERPPC for 3xERML.

Edited by Mizeur, 16 July 2014 - 01:56 AM.

#14 XX Sulla XX


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Posted 16 July 2014 - 02:01 AM


So what do you say clanners? Put your money where your mouth is? Here's your chance to prove to the entire community that the clans aren't op. Choose your builds wisely mechwarriors.
Maybe its late but I seem to see a flaw in this. If those of us who have Clan mechs are trying to prove they are not OP. Then all we have to do is make sure to loose the matches. Then we can say see the IS mechs won 100% of the matches Clans cant be OP :ph34r:

#15 Kilo 40


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Posted 16 July 2014 - 02:10 AM

I don't think clans are OP at all. I'm just curious to see what counter you'll come up with.


Edited by Kilo 40, 16 July 2014 - 02:11 AM.

#16 Satan n stuff


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Posted 16 July 2014 - 02:15 AM

View PostKilo 40, on 16 July 2014 - 02:10 AM, said:

I don't think clans are OP at all. I'm just curious to see what counter you'll come up with.


Any poptart, any sniper, any DPS build, any brawler even.

#17 LordKnightFandragon


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Posted 16 July 2014 - 04:15 AM

Clans arent OP, just more efficient.

In Table top and any other mechwarrior game, clanners are OP by comparison.

#18 Kilo 40


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Posted 16 July 2014 - 04:41 AM

View PostSatan n stuff, on 16 July 2014 - 02:15 AM, said:

Any poptart, any sniper, any DPS build, any brawler even.

ok chief.

#19 Khobai


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Posted 16 July 2014 - 04:45 AM


3 Ultra AC/5s + 4 tons of ammo
3 LB 5-Xs + 3 tons of ammo

Its silly to mix weapons though. Its better to use all LB5Xs because its frontloaded damage and you can do your full damage to poptarts when they jump up. LB5Xs have no ghost heat either so you can use 5-6 of them.

#20 Bishop Steiner


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Posted 16 July 2014 - 04:48 AM

View PostKhobai, on 16 July 2014 - 01:10 AM, said:

quad gauss direwolf is a joke. The x2 erppc, x2 gauss, x4 machine gun, x4 er small laser direwolf is good but far from the scariest direwolf build out there.

The scariest direwolf build IMO is the x5 or x6 LB5X direwolf. Because LB5Xs have great stats, decently tight spread, and do entirely frontloaded damage unlike the UAC5s. It will completely obliterate any mech 1v1 and the only real way to counter it is to outnumber it or take it down with attrition.

Youre also being forced to take his opinion at face value. Just because he says a build counters another build doesnt mean its true. Plus you have to make some other dubious assumptions like 1v1 situations only (rare in a team game) as well as equal piloting skill for both mechs.

or, um, IDK, outmaneuver it, since it's still a bloody beached whale? The simplest counter to the DW is simply not to stand in front of it, which if you pilot anything faster than a Stalker, is pretty easy to do, most times.

Easiest counter to any DW is an Ember.

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