Nikolai Lubkiewicz, on 29 July 2014 - 10:53 AM, said:
Greetings MechWarriors! Please let us know which of Paul's ideas to balance PPC+Gauss you would prefer to see in-game!
They're Paul's ideas, and therefore must be evil ... where's my pitchfork! (Just kidding.)
I'm going to pre-empt the concern that nothing has happened with the PPC/Gauss combination in the game and Russ mentioning work being done on it for this patch.
I'm glad you're willing to discuss it ... while I'm not a big fan of hard limits on customization, etc., I'm also not a big fan of getting insta-gibbed from 500m when I peek around a corner.
The new firing mechanic ...
This type of complexity (and heat scale, etc.) is why we need an operators manual for this game, particularly for new players. I don't need it, I read the official forums, and the patch notes, and half a dozen fan forums, and OutreachHPG, etc. ... but someone new to the game looking for "how does this (or heat scale, etc.) work" is going to have to either dig into old patch notes, etc. or ask someone. Having a single place where the game mechanics are explained would help ensure clear correct and complete answers are available.
... Public Test Server for you to provide feedback and thoughts on the mechanic.
Please use the PTS more often for changes like this!
One of the other solutions I've been looking at is slowing down the PPC projectile. ... The number I've been toying with is 750m/s for PPCs and 850m/s ERPPCs(IS and Clan).
Yikes! I'm not sure how I feel about this ... while it definitely would be a significant long-range nerf to PPCs, at short range, particularly when paired with an AC/20, PPCs would still be devastating.
You might want to consider a more gradual approach ... maybe knock down the speed by increments of 125m/s (or so) each month (or so) and track performance numbers.
I understand that that both of these mechanics seem fairly heavy handed but it's time to bring this weapon combo into alignment with the other combinations of weapons.
It was time almost a year and a half ago, when ballistic HSR went live.
Edited by Kageru Ikazuchi, 29 July 2014 - 06:02 PM.