MeiSooHaityu, on 04 August 2014 - 07:48 AM, said:
Nah, I don't think the game needs an overhaul. I actually think the core mechanics are solid. The game (controls wise) is probably the best and most intuitive control scheme for a Mechwarrior title to date.
The graphics (and overall performance) is ehh, but I still think it is a descent looking game. If they can honestly deliver some mild destructable enviroments (crushed cars, falling trees, etc...), I think that will go a long way. Some optimization to the performance would be nice too.
The Weapon balance and convergence is more of a PGI preference and less of them unable to deliver or lack of capabilities. They just want it to work the way they want it, so there.
Lastly, content is the real big sticking point for people. People want things like CW and Maps. Starting a game over from scratch would get us even farther from content.
Overall, the game has an excellent framework IMO. The core mechanics and bare bones product is solid. Most of the problems lies with PGI's slow development times and balancing decisions. That goes beyond the core game itself.
Just my 2 cents.
I guess honest, this is kind of what I meant. The core mechanics except for a few things like JJs is pretty solid, the mechs are really good as well. Weapons balance isn't all that bad either aside from some of the wacky mechanics like ghost heat and the Gauss rifle.
What I would like to see them do is take these things that they got right and then re-do everything else from the ground up.
They could leave what they have currently in game as an arcade mode so to speak but for the core game go with much, much larger maps with multiple objectives that have to be accomplished to win.
Basically make it so you can't just blob up and win but rather have to split up into lances to take multiple objectives at once. Also the large maps would make it so that fast lights and mediums would be in high demand so as to find the enemy and/or take and hold distant objectives and make it feel like a real battle. Also extend battle times to encompass meeting specific objectives.
Also I would like to see respawns perhaps up to 5 mechs per player and a requirement that you couldn't take more than 1 of any given variant and repair and re-arm bays at some of the objectives so mechs that are beat up would have reason to withdraw from the battle rather than committing suicide when they are on their last leg just to get a few extra points. Hell make it so that losing a mech costs your team victory points so that there is an element of risk.
Also bring back repair and reload costs and give us real salvage where we are getting lasers and PPCs and such instead of some random C-bill value.
I would also like destructible environments at least to a degree on maps, things like trees getting knocked over and perhaps some lighter buildings getting destroyed. Also I want the maps more realistic that are more flat, with rolling hills, fields and trees rather than mech sized sheer cliffs and hills.
Then change the experience progression totally. Make it so that a mech is always improving with each battle giving each chassis just few 0.001% increase in performance. Maybe give us like 10-12 options where we can slowly buy into like heat management, terrain negotiation, JJ usage, sensor usage, ECM usage, speed, etc where for every 15k XP we get an extra 1% in that give stat or something like that.
Also give us alot more maps or go with a procedural generated maps that change slightly each battle. Then give us about 10 different terrain types that would simulate dozens of planets (figure a forest on one planet would like similar to another on another planet, etc). This then opens up the door for a full, realistic CW campaign mode.
Speaking of CW and campaign mode, give us a full start map of the IS. Then let us select certain hot spots along our factions borders. If our faction wins enough battles on this hot spot, then that planet becomes our factions territory and another hot spot further into enemy territory opens up using a different map. Then make it so each planet a faction owns generates some small amount of C-bills or maybe even a little MC to encourage people to take more territory.
Anyway, this is what I want to see.