Crystalnova, on 21 August 2014 - 03:04 AM, said:
What? I know, I know. The LORE. The tabletop! Well, let's be realistic. The LORE sucks. ... The decision is clear here.
If this Lore didn't exist, you wouldnt be able to write these lines because MWO would be just like any other Online Multiplayer Game on the market. The Lore is it what made this game exist in the first place. BT/MW(not O) IS about a technologically crippled society this is threatened to be overrun be an OVERPOWERED opponent! If you ever played MW4MERCS you would know which fight the Clans SHOULD give you when you encountered them for the first time (and not steered by any player, but by the AI of a game) - they have to be overwhelming.
You as a game designer miss the most important point: The games you mentioned were created for the PC, AFTER someone discovered/developed its opportunities. For those games, the creation of balanced opponents was an evident necessity, the creation of a story pretty but irrelevant. And we all now to how many replacable games this led. MWO lives from its story, from the lore and thus is different and has to be different. It's its difference is what makes the difference .
You as a game designer should be able to fathom this and you should be the first person being able to respect the efforts of people that developed a (borad) game LONG before either you were born or at least before you ever thought of what to become as a grown up. And these efforts are being destroyed by too much "balancing".
And for your last (quoted) sentence: If you don't like the story of a game, go and play another robot-fighing-like-somehow-game. Or something with tanks, or so... ( ) .
Crystalnova, on 21 August 2014 - 03:04 AM, said:
You got it! The Clans are the Problem of the IS that it needs to overcome with the options it has. WITH THE OPTIONS IT HAS! Not with the answer of a whining susceptible "GOD" playing the "all must be equal"-card.
If any player steering a clan mech would commit himself to the rules of clan warfare, every little inch of overpoweredness would be absolutely justified. But as this is nearly impossible to establish/enforce, a slightly downtuning is acceptable. Completely balanced Clans are not! No matter how much the non-lore-knowing-and-replacable-games-game-mechanic-accustomed player base starts to complain.
And therefore it is important for the designers and community managers to possibly listen to everything. But and i think this might be what they are doing, when it comes to changing the game, they prefer taking their statistics prior to totally unobjective and biased opinions from players of whatever quality.