Dev Vlog #7
Posted 22 August 2014 - 09:31 PM
Posted 22 August 2014 - 10:14 PM
Tholis Verrin, on 22 August 2014 - 09:31 PM, said:
"I can see it, but i can't hit it"...though i think they do need to clean up almost all (if not all) current maps we have now

Posted 23 August 2014 - 07:44 AM
My feedback to the Remove button for each rank is as follows:
I would replace each Remove button with a checkmark box, and place one single Remove button either at the top or bottom of the display in a fixed position. You can also add a universal checkmark box that selects all the ranks at once, minus the unit leader's rank, to simplify selection.
The leader can then press the Remove button, and a confirmation popup comes up with a Yes / No option. Voila, a very quick and easy method to removing any undesired ranks.
This would greatly help those who want to use unique rank names, or also clan lore rank names as well.
Finally, General of the Army should have the option to be renamed to the unit leader's desire.
Edit: couple of typos
Edited by Caine2112, 23 August 2014 - 07:45 AM.
Posted 23 August 2014 - 07:56 AM
Nocturnal Link, on 22 August 2014 - 10:02 PM, said:
...or, maybe they are preventing butthurt people from making statements about how "unplayable" this game is, when it is very playable for most of us.
Posted 23 August 2014 - 08:02 AM
Hopefully the lance placement won't be lame like on Caustic for Charlie on that one side and hopefully it won't be a mere couple-three choices of movement like on Mordor and hopefully fewer invisible walls and toe-traps like on HPG and River.
And what's up with the incessant hatred by PGI for anything long ranged. (ER)PPC nerf to rocklike speed = crap at long range now against anything even slightly moving and C-ERL friendly fire facetime lightsabre.
Posted 23 August 2014 - 09:07 AM
Cimarb, on 23 August 2014 - 07:56 AM, said:
Game's a ton of fun for me, and has been improving in leaps and bounds lately.
Leave those passers by to make their own decisions.
Posted 23 August 2014 - 10:24 AM
Posted 23 August 2014 - 02:34 PM
What i'm driving at is we need some kind of map selection or map voting so we can config our mechs to suit the terrain we are fighting in. That said I love the idea of "small little battles" but those battle would suck if you got this map while being an LRM boat. Just like the tundra maps sucks if you are running with a "city" mech that only has short and medium range weapons. Really think the Dev's ought to consider working on a server hosting client and a server list style of match making that way people can choose their mech to fit the map they want to play on. also this would eliminate the string of complaints I'm always hearing about guys getting dropped into the same map 5 or 6 times in a row.\
Last but not least, do not take my above comments as a sign that I some how hate the game, As you can see from my forum pic on the left I am a founder I didn't buy the founder pack because I thought the game was useless. I just see a lot more potential for this game than what's been done with it. I was hoping and i'm still hoping at some point we get an experince that is much closer to classic MW games. I just want to see new game modes that facilitate the kind of play I got as a kid from the MW franchise. currently the gmae feels more like a FPSer wrapped up in a Simulator paint job. That's not altogether bad as its quite enjoyable but the game could be more than it is.
Edited by Demon Horde, 23 August 2014 - 02:42 PM.
Posted 24 August 2014 - 12:11 AM
Also, I haven't been paying much attention lately, but what happened to the other map that was supposed to be out (I thought months ago), Jungle? Search of the forum doesn't give any status on this. Happy to see content might finally be coming in, but I'm taking that with a grain of salt.
Posted 24 August 2014 - 01:42 AM
Posted 24 August 2014 - 03:10 PM
starmap - looks good!

Posted 25 August 2014 - 06:19 AM
Kael 17, on 21 August 2014 - 11:36 AM, said:
Why do you say he 3S is "in the future"? Just wondering as from my source books it does not indicate that it is. Thanks.
Posted 25 August 2014 - 12:49 PM
Xtrekker, on 24 August 2014 - 12:11 AM, said:
The rumor is that the map is designed around destructible trees/paths/stuff, and that is not ready to be released yet, which is causing it to take a lot longer to get finished. If I can plow through trees and make my own paths, like they alluded to, I am more than happy to wait a month or three!
Posted 25 August 2014 - 01:36 PM
Yes...please run through all existin maps and fix this.
(And make trees destructible while you're at it. Lol)
Also, it's great that the default ranks are US Military (I'm a US Combat Veteran), and I think it's even better that we can change the ranks to whatever we like...but..it would be even awesomer (yes, that is now a real word) if there was a drop down to select the rank profiles of another country (whichever ones have a good player base on here) and it would be triple-Magnus awesome (I don't know what that means but it sounds cool) if we could select the cannon rank profiles of whatever faction we are a part of.
Posted 25 August 2014 - 04:24 PM
Posted 25 August 2014 - 06:36 PM
Airic Gryphon, on 21 August 2014 - 05:36 PM, said:
Has any thought been given to selling MWO merchandise at some point. I'd shell out for the battlemech t-shirts we often see the staff wear in the blogs. Steins as well, I've heard rumors that some of us Canadians like to drink beer

I'd buy one of those Mech tees in a heartbeat! Maybe several! Also love the new map. And a by golly map of the Inner Sphere! Stuff is happening!
Posted 26 August 2014 - 03:53 AM
Dominatrix420, on 25 August 2014 - 06:36 PM, said:
I'd buy one of those Mech tees in a heartbeat! Maybe several! Also love the new map. And a by golly map of the Inner Sphere! Stuff is happening!
Just like I said when they released the state of the I.S back in December. I knew this was happening in 2014. white knight indeed.
Edited by BLOOD WOLF, 26 August 2014 - 03:53 AM.
Posted 26 August 2014 - 05:08 AM
Reference the T-shirts.
This constitutes physical merchandise, PGI does not have the licence to sell this type of merchandise.
- But they could 'offer' it as a free 'included' item for other activities that required purchasing something digital.
- Something similar to the 'digital' file of the IS map image they have on there office wall.
- Or digital artwork of there designs.
(that could be locally printed at a shop, unless you have a wide bed printer at home or work.)
Now NGNG appears to be 'selling' these or similar items, not sure how that works for an associated site?
- If PGI uses these T-Shirts as 'promotional only', or 'inter company use', they may be able to use them. But again, no licence to sell this type of material.
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