Dracol, on 09 September 2014 - 10:53 AM, said:
Let me ask you this. Can you provide an example of a successful game, built solely around multiplayer, has no respawns, and has a faction that is inherently better then the opposition in a 1 v 1 against equal tiered equipment?
That against equal tiered equipment thing is a joke right? That's the point. If you have a game where some units are much stronger 1v1. But team composition is still even when you total up the power levels of both teams...
What's the issue?
Games where you have this? There are many. There have been games with straight up point values. The Myth series comes to mind (Bungie from before they became whores for Microsoft and stopped making PC games). Some units were insanely powerful but they also meant the other guy who take 8 lesser units for the same points.
Another great example of point systems is in EVE. They have a big high level competitive tournament every year and you can bring tons of different combinations of ship class but they all have a point value so the teams are balanced in the end.
WoT obviously has the tier system and balances around the fact that teams are comprised of different tiers compositions.
Balance can take many different shapes or forms.
One other thing, please clarify your position. Should MW:O stick closer to TT fluff / rules or less?
Cause in one line you are saying 10 v 12 should be in place cause BTech and clans won't need to change. And in the next line you are saying Endo + FF should be balanced when FF has always been the second weight savings upgrade in Btech rules, never even close to being equal to endo.
I think 10 v 12 would have resulted in a game that people enjoyed playing more. That is why I was for 10 v 12.
Since 10 v 12 is dead we need to move onto a new reality. That Clan mechs have to be 1:1 tonnage equal to IS mechs. That means that clan mechs with Endo+FF are a big problem because other clan mechs don't get Endo and/or FF which means they are inherently weaker mechs than fully upgraded Clan counterparts. PGI has a serious balance issue on their hands there which I outlined. That balance issue mainly stems from the fact that we're doing 12v12 instead of using tonnage and/or some form of BV's plus 12v10 to balance around the fact that some mechs are much better than other mechs.
I dislike this for lore reasons and I also think PGI will be very reluctant to nerf clan mechs (that made them so much money and will make clan players sooooo sad) as hard as they need to.
I also think if you are nerfing clan mechs to 1:1 it kind of ruins the entire different flavor of clan mechs making the wisdom of even adding them to the game questionable.
Most of all I feel, that adding clan mechs, that were so obviously overpowered compared to IS counterparts while having the MM do almost nothing to keep clan tonnage balanced in matches in solo public games. Was utter bs. It was pure pay2win, short sighted, dishonest and obnoxious on PGI's part. That they ever made clan mechs as powerful as they were at release and yet they weren't even planning for 10 v 12 or even 16 v 10 in CW or working on making that happen shows a lack of foresight or concern about selling something so crazy overpowered to make some bucks knowing they'll have to nerf it into the ground later.
That bugs me. I think its bad for players, having a ride get progressively worse and less fun to drive sucks. I think its bad for the gameplay, 10v12 gives a real lore flavor and makes the gameplay that much different and interesting in CW. And yes I think its awful for the flavor of the game, which is important. The only reason PGI has gotten away with 2 years of broken promises is the love people have for this IP and respecting the history of the IP while not the most important consideration in the world should be a consideration.
Edited by Hoax415, 09 September 2014 - 02:21 PM.