#auniversetoexplore - Part Deux
Posted 06 September 2014 - 09:43 AM
Where did the funding for the new game development come from?
What is the current status of PGI's business relations with IGP?
Will PGI continue to work with IGP on the new game?
Posted 06 September 2014 - 09:43 AM
You seem to be rushing things.
Posted 06 September 2014 - 09:53 AM
I mean, c'mon another Space Sim is exactly what the market needs right now! For sure you will have some competitors, but nothing you can't handle.
2. A Space Sim, I'm sure it will be based on Aerotech?
I mean, c'mon, you already got the Battletech IP, so why not? BattleTech + AeroTech + CW = profit, right?
Anyways, somehow I regret buying these clan-packs.
Posted 06 September 2014 - 09:57 AM
- Will the new game available just on french language? (I ask it, because those DEUX thing...)
- Will the PR and the marketing of the new the game, the same old "Hide everything, players don't deserve any infos!" PGI-style, or more open, like those few newish trys, like the "What happen in this month" (August update an roll out) was, in the last time here? (Of course, I'm for the open variant..)
Posted 06 September 2014 - 09:57 AM
Will AUTE be connected in any way with MWO?
What engine will it be using on?
And just because it seems popular to do in the modern age, will this new game be on consoles as well? Or how about Steam?
Posted 06 September 2014 - 09:58 AM
Previously as Jarhead games one would claim you had mediocre success in the industry and were relatively an unknown, you have since re-branded but at the core your still the same, your limited work on DNF wouldn't exactly be called a success.
Mechwarrior Online has a chequered history, of ups and downs, your content delivery and balancing and bug fixing is quite possibly the slowest of any online game around, and some of your methods would be deemed questionable.
A large portion of this community would be right in thinking even after 3 years, what we have in MWO is just past a beta stage development.
Given that your still struggling to recruit people you need, and nobody can really call MWO a success at this point, how can your studio manage two separate games?
The development pace will slow to a crawl, leading to one or both games utter failure, we still don't have SLI/Crossfire support in MWO, we still don't have stable servers, we still don't have community warfare, and we still don't have more than a handful of mechs and maps.
Mechwarrior Online was designed to be released as a MVP with continuing content updates, but your announcement to move onto another project side by side makes it seem more that MWO was designed as a cash cow which fits with the release profile of things to purchase as opposed to actual content balance and bug fixes.
How do you plan to ensure that updates to MWO not only continue, but the pace of those updates increases as they should do now you are 3 years in and should have all the tools you need to make content and map additions much much simpler.
and finally an important question
Where have you found the funding for the new game given IGP's reported money troubles, im sure the community would hope it is not from MWO sales.
Edited by DV McKenna, 06 September 2014 - 10:03 AM.
Posted 06 September 2014 - 10:04 AM
Posted 06 September 2014 - 10:10 AM
zaepp, on 06 September 2014 - 09:53 AM, said:
I mean, c'mon another Space Sim is exactly what the market needs right now! For sure you will have some competitors, but nothing you can't handle.
2. A Space Sim, I'm sure it will be based on Aerotech?
I mean, c'mon, you already got the Battletech IP, so why not? BattleTech + AeroTech + CW = profit, right?
Anyways, somehow I regret buying these clan-packs.
Posted 06 September 2014 - 10:11 AM
I think given our limited information about the game these concerns have some justification, especially now that you guys are tackling both the clans and Community Warfare in MWO, which are both pretty big tasks.
Having something to assure people that the new game will not negatively effect MWO beyond "Don't worry it won't" would go a long way to ease a lot of peoples' concerns.
Edited by Haydin, 06 September 2014 - 10:13 AM.
Posted 06 September 2014 - 10:15 AM
Second, how will this impact further MWO Development? Since the game is already behind schedule how will stretching the focus of your management staff and development staff healthy for the future of MWO?
Posted 06 September 2014 - 10:25 AM
Also, what market research have you conducted that demonstrates developing yet another space-sim is a wise venture? E:D and SC are from the two pillars of the space-sim genre; how are you going to convince backers that your game is worth waiting for/investing in, especially in light of the chequered development track record of MWO?
Posted 06 September 2014 - 10:39 AM
Anyway. Questions!
1. While I'd love an Aerotech game this clearly isn't one. Are you starting a new IP or at least taking one up that you've got room to play with? MW:O has been plagued in many ways by the depth of lore it brought with it. How is that going to be avoided in the new game?
2. I have no issue with 'sharing resources'. I'd hugely prefer it in fact - it makes for a vastly healthier environment and boosts productivity. MW:O has certainly had its fair share of missteps and high notes. What steps are being taken to leverage that for the new game? At what management level and development level are they interacting? Will they be based out of a different location or will the employees all be in the same location so they can share ideas?
3. With Cryengine development going ****-up how is this impacting engine design or development? Will you continue on with what you've already got or are you taking it another direction i.e. Unreal?
4. Since we know for sure Marketing is going to be shared, can we get some 'lessons learned' for how the new game will bypass the pitfalls of MW:O? Like if new content will be largely in streaming media (twitter for example) and reddit, can we make that integrated into the games community forum? I get the value that sort of content has but if it's going to be a core tool for interacting with customers can we integrate it into a community hub so we don't feel like coming to the official game website is the last place to look for info? If we're starting with a clean slate I just want to know if we're starting with 'things we wish we'd done differently' right out front.
Posted 06 September 2014 - 10:50 AM

You have been making a lot of improvements in the last 3-5 months, PGI, be careful not to throw it away.
Posted 06 September 2014 - 10:56 AM
Logan Hawke, on 06 September 2014 - 10:50 AM, said:

You have been making a lot of improvements in the last 3-5 months, PGI, be careful not to throw it away.
Read OP. Monday

Posted 06 September 2014 - 11:07 AM
Dystar, on 06 September 2014 - 06:57 AM, said:

On a side note, this is the first time I"ve ever had a 'first' on a thread like this. However do the fact it is a 'redo' and what it's about, I"m not even thrilled enough to scream 'first'.
Fairly annoyed to see that the entire conversation from last night has been deleted myself.
Posted 06 September 2014 - 11:09 AM
In what way does the fact that many founders, myself included, funded the initial vision and promise of a Mechwarrior game prove that PGI can, has, or will ever build a game for a community?
As a founder in this situation, for what reasons should I be interested in your new project?
Posted 06 September 2014 - 11:10 AM
It seems so many things have been promised in MWO, yet simply haven't been implemented..or worse, removed.
Official use of the Forums also seems somewhat poor, when compared to Twitter. Any chance this will be changed?
Posted 06 September 2014 - 11:19 AM
That being said, it's very hard (trust me, i am not the only one) of being polite when i found out this morning that you are currently putting efforts in *another* spacegame. While this game is obviously in need of more attention. Original Founders, Overlord & Phoenix and lastly The Invasion have the right to complain. With this kind of attitude you have hit alot of Mechwarrior fans. They feel cheated or perhaps scammed over.
Looking at the slow and painfull progress over the last three years and the recent development i can conclude that this game is getting near his end. Your litterally abandoning the ship already. You, and others repsonsible for this franchise have killed it for me today. I bet today it was the final straw for alot of our beloved BT & Mechwarrior fans.
This game has been proven to be a full cashflow to fund other products. From the start. That's how i feel, Bryan.
I, and alot of people are sick of your minimum viable product. I am sick if your no-ending problems, poor patch quality and bug fixes with the game and the excuses and specifically your mismanagement. No more MC mechs.
If you have changed your attitude, actually listened to the community, made visual and transparency roadmaps and had a proper management that would have been a great start.
But no, instead of that: You just insulted me, and the whole community again. I certainly hope this is another eye-opener (for the third time!) for the people who are wanting to shell out any money.
In the end you wanted to be serious. So here i am. I am deadly serious. Now it's up to you to be serious.
My questions, and i don't expect you to be honest about but i will fire them anyways:
1. What did exactly happened to all funds? Starting from Founders - Overlord (&Phoenix) and lastly The Invasion. Give me full details on what amount of funds is spend on. Give me a chart. Name the projects. You are the one starting a new project, we, the community have the right to know from what funds it's coming.
2. Who is going to be the Publisher of that new game? Name it. And how is it exactly going to publish and raise funds?
3. How will that development cycle going to look like? Because you and i know how "well" MWO is doing.
4. How is your paymodel going to look like?
5. How are you going to find a new community? Bad words are spreading faster then you know..
6. Shared resources. We all knew that resources were fully spend on The Invasion. What resources are going to share with the new game? Name it. Give me numbers of each division.
7. How are you going to regain my trust?
I am looking forward for your serious reply on Monday and i certainly hope you understand my position and many others.
Edited by Sarlic, 06 September 2014 - 12:09 PM.
Posted 06 September 2014 - 11:26 AM
Either way it looks cyber punk which is where at least a couple upcoming games are going.
Edited by Johnny Z, 06 September 2014 - 11:29 AM.
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