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Community Warfare - Phase 2 - Feedback

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#241 BlakeAteIt


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Posted 10 September 2014 - 10:18 PM

View PostRuss Bullock, on 10 September 2014 - 10:12 PM, said:

I am going to call it a night as well.

One last answer - people are asking when.

This Fall - which officially ends Dec 21st.

The difference this time? In the past we hoped to shift to CW when certain features we're completed.

This time we are working on this RIGHT NOW. All hands on deck.

As Paul said - an update in 2 week.

Thanks for this.

#242 Johnny Z


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Posted 10 September 2014 - 10:19 PM

I think when they said 12 man only can start an attack i think they are expecting some agressive play from some of the merc groups on both sides and they want to make sure there is enough defenders. Cant think of another reason for it atm. One thing is for sure they will be making changes here and there.

#243 Ahja


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Posted 10 September 2014 - 10:20 PM

Sounds great to me. I think my rage quit meter has gone down 25%. Try not to get to much PVE into the areas that always ends up watering down the PVP in a very bad way.

#244 NextGame


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Posted 10 September 2014 - 10:22 PM

This phase 2 sounds good.

2 3 comments

1) How are you going to furnish community warfare with sufficient maps?

2) Not immediately, but later on there needs to be a discussion around some sort of salvage system that allows players to field non-faction specific mechs. Maybe rep based, maybe something else. I appreciate it's too soon to go down this particular road at the moment.

3) A group finder of some sort is probably needed.

Apologies if either of these have been discussed already, am going to backtrack and actually read the thread now that I've posted.

Edited by NextGame, 10 September 2014 - 10:29 PM.

#245 Will9761


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Posted 10 September 2014 - 10:32 PM

I have three questions for the Medallions:
  • For those who bought the Project Phoenix Pack, will the player's faction medallions come in to play for Phase 2's Loyal Points?
  • Will the Faction Ranks stay true to each faction's culture? For example: House Kurita(DCMS): Sho-sa, Clans: Star Captain, Free Rasalhague Republic KungsArmé: Löjtnant
  • Also will players with Clan medallions have the same effect for their factions as well?

Edited by Will9761, 11 September 2014 - 04:59 AM.

#246 Kinski Orlawisch


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Posted 10 September 2014 - 10:35 PM

@Bhael Fire: Please read a bit from the Background.

Stupid noobs in BT everywhere.

#247 Lindonius


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Posted 10 September 2014 - 10:41 PM

View PostRuss Bullock, on 10 September 2014 - 10:12 PM, said:

I am going to call it a night as well.

One last answer - people are asking when.

This Fall - which officially ends Dec 21st.

The difference this time? In the past we hoped to shift to CW when certain features we're completed.

This time we are working on this RIGHT NOW. All hands on deck.

As Paul said - an update in 2 week.

All very well and good. However I would like to ask why you weren't "all hands on deck" when you introduced your vision for CW in your FIRST dev blog back in Dec 2011?

If it comes in Dec 2014 that will be a full THREE YEARS of "soon."

Maybe you can see why people are sceptical about your new project when you try and launch it before even delivering the main core feature of your old one.

Edited by Lindonius, 10 September 2014 - 10:49 PM.

#248 Kjudoon


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Posted 10 September 2014 - 10:48 PM

View PostLindonius, on 10 September 2014 - 10:41 PM, said:

All very well and good. However I would like to ask why you weren't "all hands on deck" when you introduced your vision for CW in your FIRST dev blog back in Dec 2011?

If it comes in Dec 2014 that will be a full THREE YEARS of "soon."

So you're going to bite the hand that feeds you now? If so bitter why keep playing?

I think a lot of people grousing here or now angry they're finally getting what they ask for because they'd rather be right about their hate than be happy need to consider what validates their behavior. No PGI ain't perfect and has missed the mark before, but stop killing the messenger bringing you glad tidings and joy.

If PGI is beyond redemption, please quit. If they're not, let's see some of that forgiveness and grace here.

Edited by Kjudoon, 10 September 2014 - 10:49 PM.

#249 Johnny Z


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Posted 10 September 2014 - 10:48 PM

View PostLindonius, on 10 September 2014 - 10:41 PM, said:

All very well and good. However I would like to ask why you weren't "all hands on deck" when you introduced your vision for CW in your FIRST dev blog back in Dec 2011?

If it comes in Dec 2014 that will be a full THREE YEARS of "soon."

I think its fairly obvious their design goals expanded in that time. No mystery. Better awsome faction wars like we ARE seeing here than something they obviously thought didnt do Mechwarrior justice.

That outline says that their initial drop of the Clan Invasion or Succession Wars or what ever they will officially call it will be great and by phase 3 who knows might just be ground breaking in the industry. That one guy going hehehehe says they are in way to good a mood for it to be anything less actually lol.

Edited by Johnny Z, 10 September 2014 - 11:07 PM.

#250 GumbyC2C


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Posted 10 September 2014 - 10:50 PM

13 pages is a lot to go through. So I appologize if it was already asked/answered about the drop deck and having to have one of each class in it? That sounds expensive for clan players. Also unit money, what is it for? Perhaps we can buy some mechs owned by the unit to fill in holes in players drop decks?

#251 Lindonius


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Posted 10 September 2014 - 10:57 PM

View PostKjudoon, on 10 September 2014 - 10:48 PM, said:

So you're going to bite the hand that feeds you now? If so bitter why keep playing?

Aside from the occasional drop to check on the situation, I haven't played since they announced that the Clans were coming before CW. I might start playing again once CW is delivered though (despite the 3 year wait).

Let's hope it's not CW ala UI2.0

Edited by Lindonius, 10 September 2014 - 11:10 PM.

#252 Johnny Z


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Posted 10 September 2014 - 11:02 PM

View PostLindonius, on 10 September 2014 - 10:57 PM, said:

Aside from the occasional drop to check on the situation, I haven't played since they announced that the Clans were coming before CW. I might start playing again once CW is delivered though (despite the 3 year wait).

Let's hope it's not CW ala UI2.0.

You got a point there. Although they wouldnt have done much finishing until after faction wars were in so that explains that.

Also does december mean phase 2 is in or phase 3?

#253 MonkeyCheese


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Posted 10 September 2014 - 11:02 PM

So so happy to see "drop decks" and the fact that they are listed as one of each weight class. Might have to start getting into more heavy mechs, only have summoners, and my good old mastered 5N dragon and my mastered k2 cat.

#254 Honiara


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Posted 10 September 2014 - 11:06 PM

A suggestion on the 4 'mech selection limit.

Put an option for players to select a lot more 'mechs, say12, and when you select a 'mech you have to select 1 of a few radio buttons for what type of 'mech it is e.g. Brawler, Support ,Range, that way when the 12 'mechs are selected you had the ability to see what 'Brawlers' there are in what weight class and pick a more appropriate 'mech to suit.

2 Minutes!

Hell dropping in a 8man player run league or a 4man lance group it takes more than 2 mins to create a group, what if players are in a PUG game? what about modules it takes several minutes just to swap them as no1 is buying multiple 3mil weapon mods (how about making weapon mods 300k, so we all buy and leave them on our 'mechs?)

Light 'mechs

With out jump jets, useless? perhaps have bridges or tunnels on maps that light 'mechs can get under (or over) that the bigger 'mechs cannot?

#255 Kinski Orlawisch


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Posted 10 September 2014 - 11:07 PM

One remark: I think this means that Elite Units can easy take planets. You Need a Top 12er premade to do it. Pug Players will become victims in that system. Is there a way for normal Players /Clans to achieve something? We can for shure Setup very stong...but not 7days a week...and not to American Primetime....

#256 BlakeAteIt


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Posted 10 September 2014 - 11:12 PM

View PostGumbyC2C, on 10 September 2014 - 10:50 PM, said:

13 pages is a lot to go through. So I appologize if it was already asked/answered about the drop deck and having to have one of each class in it? That sounds expensive for clan players. Also unit money, what is it for? Perhaps we can buy some mechs owned by the unit to fill in holes in players drop decks?

Four 'mechs, one of each weight class is a requirement. They plan to have enough Clan trial 'mechs available by the time it launches. It sounds like it will be very easy to swap what 'mechs are in the deck, possibly even just pre-drop

#257 Blackfang


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Posted 10 September 2014 - 11:12 PM

My sincere apologies if this has already been answered elsewhere and perhaps someone could PM me if they have. My questions is this:

Is it still the goal to have House orientated players fighting on battle "fronts" (read: theatres of war with shifting frontline territories) and merc corps taking individual planets or has this now changed to any group fighting for planets regardless of player denomination?

What I've read so far sounds fantastic and really looking forward to the new game mode, but my intial understanding of CW was threefold, Battles from clans to IS, IS to IS and then Merc corps along the planetary borders. If the design scope of CW has now changed and evolved from that then fair enough, or whether this is a plan going forwards looking beyond CW phase 2.

Loving your work PGI, keep up the great efforts in features and communications.

#258 Johnny Z


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Posted 10 September 2014 - 11:12 PM

View PostMarc von der Heide, on 10 September 2014 - 11:07 PM, said:

One remark: I think this means that Elite Units can easy take planets. You Need a Top 12er premade to do it. Pug Players will become victims in that system. Is there a way for normal Players /Clans to achieve something? We can for shure Setup very stong...but not 7days a week...and not to American Primetime....

Almost every drop against one of these "elite" groups you mentioned I was either outright shot by a friendly, no kidding i actually went down to nothing but friendly fire once and i wasnt the only one on our team that took friendly fire in the first 3 seconds of the match and/or 2 to 4 players on my team did a total of 80 to 200 damage combined. If they do the faction wars right it will be difficult for them to synch drop.

I have no problem going against elite teams in a free drop, beat them a few times doing just that with the 4 man lances in the recent challenge.

But good point make synch dropping difficult in the faction wars please.

Apologies of course to any legit team that dont do this.

Edited by Johnny Z, 10 September 2014 - 11:41 PM.

#259 Kilo 40


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Posted 10 September 2014 - 11:13 PM

View PostFelio, on 10 September 2014 - 10:12 PM, said:

This doesn't pass the smell test.

I read this as: "You are totally free to not do this awesome thing we know you've been expecting for a long time. If you choose to dump all those mechs, it's your fault you gave us all that money for them. Cheers!"

I read it as "You are totally free todo this awesome thing we know you've been expecting for a long time, you just have to follow the rules while doing that awesome thing, just like everyone else. Cheers!"

#260 JD R


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Posted 10 September 2014 - 11:18 PM

If there is a respwan when has the defender won the game?

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