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Community Warfare - Phase 2 - Feedback

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#21 Deathlike


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Posted 10 September 2014 - 05:41 PM

I just had to reread this...

So, the initiating group must be a 12-man (hard to build as it already is) and Mercs are not involved with this at all...

I'm not sure how workable this is actually going to be.

#22 sabujo


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Posted 10 September 2014 - 05:45 PM

First: thank you for the post. Really appreciated that.

Question(s): How will the mech restriction be handled in this phase? Will we see situations where we are forced to choose from an even more specific list of mechs based on the planet's resources and/or faction? Or are you just implementing that on Phase 3?

#23 BlakeAteIt


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Posted 10 September 2014 - 05:45 PM

View Postkeith, on 10 September 2014 - 05:30 PM, said:

after reading this it sounds like phase 2 will only be for 12 mans. what about the group of ppl who have less then 12? or the poor solo player who would wish to join in this action that sounds fun

Sounds like the slots will be filled with randos.

Will you be able to drop with an incomplete drop deck, or will Clan players need to purchase four (really twelve!) 'mechs?

Will there be weight class restrictions for some planets, ala MPBT3025, where some planets only allowed pilots to use light or medium 'mechs?

Will there be any actual benefit to the units/houses/clans based on owning numbers of planets, or even certain planets? (ie increased match rewards or discounts on certain variants of mechs, or weapons, or even modules?)

#24 NoRoo


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Posted 10 September 2014 - 05:46 PM

Question: What sort of incentive will units have to recruit new less skilled player and train them up? Should it better to have a small unit with high average skill level? Or a large unit with a lower average skill, but more pilots and mechs. Will either be viable ways of running a unit? Or will it be advantagious to purge low skilled members from a group up to the point where it would adversely affect your abilitiy to reliably field a 12 man team.

#25 Gihzmo


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Posted 10 September 2014 - 05:46 PM

What about logistics? Repair and rearm?

Will you just throw infinite free mechs at a planet to take it? Will there be no supply chain or jumpship requirements to bring up replacements?

Will you have any of these types of systems in?

#26 Deathlike


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Posted 10 September 2014 - 05:51 PM

This system begs the question - why aren't there built in tools for (solo) players to find teams?

Also, why isn't there a system to find players for a 12-man, since 12-mans are difficult to construct?

I mean, seriously...

#27 VanillaG


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Posted 10 September 2014 - 05:52 PM

Is it one match and the winner take/keeps the planet or can there multiple invasion maps per planet?
Can you explain how the "respawn" mechanic will work?
What about solo faction players?

#28 Wintersdark


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Posted 10 September 2014 - 05:52 PM

I'm very curious how this impacts Lone Wolf and Unaligned Merc Units.

Do Lone Wolf units count as IS? Clan? Does my Merc Unit *have* to be Clan or IS? Thus, if I join a Merc Unit, we all must decide together which faction we're going to be (even though we're not fighting for any particular faction, but rather ourselves)?

So, if I understand this correctly, any given unit, even Lone Wolf Merc Units, may only play in CW with half their mechs?

And thus, along this thinking: In choosing a merc unit to join, a player must consider what mechs he has - and know that no matter what, he'll only be able to use mechs of that faction while participating in CW?

In the old CW presentation at the Launch Party, you said there would be: General pug (lonewolf?) play, Faction Play, and Merc Unit Play. Is this no longer the case? Are all Merc Units now Faction Units?

#29 slide


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Posted 10 September 2014 - 05:53 PM

By kicking off planetary conquest instance throughout peak player counts, I assume you mean primetime in the different zones around the world including Oceana, and Europe?

Like the plan so far.

#30 Heer


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Posted 10 September 2014 - 05:54 PM

Guys, I think you are thinking a bit small.


BTW: Thank you for sharing it.


Ok guys, I have some thoughts and ideas. This is what I think we should be doing and how it should work. Some of this we have and most of this we have to build. What do you think?
Developers: Could you tell me if this is possible and what issues we might face.
Artists: When you are doing art-work think about this in your overall design.
COMMUNITY: Does this meet your requirements for COMMUNITY WARFARE. What issues can you see.


PLANETARY CONQUEST GAME-MODE: This new game mode and map is planned to be part of the map/game mode cycle of matches for Community Warfare.


Edited by Heer, 10 September 2014 - 05:56 PM.

#31 Wintersdark


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Posted 10 September 2014 - 05:54 PM

View PostDeathlike, on 10 September 2014 - 05:51 PM, said:

This system begs the question - why aren't there built in tools for (solo) players to find teams?

Also, why isn't there a system to find players for a 12-man, since 12-mans are difficult to construct?

I mean, seriously...

... I hate to say this, but we really kind of need a LFG queue.

If nothing else, so players looking to construct a 12 man can get a list of players currently online (who may or may not be in their friends list) who are currently looking for a group to join. Such a thing would be really, really helpful.

#32 Feetwet


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Posted 10 September 2014 - 05:55 PM

Thanks for the info...sounds fun as hell. My biggest concern is when will this be released. The reason I ask:

1. Dropship style respawns...not currently possible
2. New combat mode...not currently available
3. Chokepoint/gate mechanism...doesn't currently exists
4. New maps large enough to house number 3 and matter...wow nelly
5. New matchmaker mechanisms for team composition...not currently available

Lots of new stuff here...LOTS. I don't see how you complete this in the next couple of months. So what timeframe are we looking at here?


#33 SirDubDub


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Posted 10 September 2014 - 05:56 PM

Would you guys consider a maximum total tonnage system for selecting a player's respawn mechs? (For example, a 265t total limit allows for 100+75+55+35t) I understand the need to prevent assault spam, but what about players that specialize in the medium-light weight classes who potentially do not own or are not as comfortable with the heavier chassis?

Edited by SirDubDub, 10 September 2014 - 06:10 PM.

#34 1453 R


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Posted 10 September 2014 - 05:56 PM

You'll never see a group able to scramble a 12-man defensive team in two minutes, unless that team is standing by at all times being very, very bored. Even the largest of units wouldn't be able to organize a coordinated 12-man drop in two minutes by sheer dint of being large.


Thanks much for the information, Paul. The new attack/defend mode actually sounds really killer, even if the notion of respawns makes me want to cry a little. Here's my question:

Is there any chance of the attack/defend mode, or a similar mode, making it over into the regular Puglandia queue, or are the solo players and casuals going to be completely cut off right away?

The document shown very firmly reinforces that Commodity Warfare is for very large, extremely rigidly organized units only. Is there any possibility for looser restrictions or relaxation of time limits such that a team doesn't have to have a hot-scramble 12-man sitting on their thumbs 24/7 on the off chance that somebody comes by to set them up the bomb?

#35 NoRoo


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Posted 10 September 2014 - 05:57 PM

Question: Will an assymetry between number of attacking pilots and defending pilots have any implications? If 240 pilots are on standby to defend against 24 attacking pilots, will the process be any different than if there were 24 available on each side, (would the attackers have to destroy more mechs, win more matches, or anything like that)?

#36 Deathlike


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Posted 10 September 2014 - 05:57 PM

View PostWintersdark, on 10 September 2014 - 05:54 PM, said:

... I hate to say this, but we really kind of need a LFG queue.

If nothing else, so players looking to construct a 12 man can get a list of players currently online (who may or may not be in their friends list) who are currently looking for a group to join. Such a thing would be really, really helpful.

Been suggesting this due to the absence of a global lobby.

It would indirectly improve the New Player Experience, but you know... IGP actually requested that (to my own shock and chagrin).

#37 WarHippy


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Posted 10 September 2014 - 05:57 PM

Any plans to allow people to select people in their unit to be the Assault mech pilot, or Light pilot instead of making everyone pick one of each? Some people are just plain better in lights and terrible in heavies and assaults. It would be nice if we could assign people to their desired role so long as it doesn't break the rule of 3. I guess what I'm saying is I want to be able to put my aces in their places.

Any plans for making room for groups of other sizes than 12, or is that where faction defenders come in at?

Can we get an exact list of each factions mechs so we can start preparing ahead of time?

Respawns were mentioned in the new game mode. Is that limited to the four selected mechs for each player, or is it unlimited until certain conditions are met? I just want clarification because while the 4 mech "dropship mode" has often been a requested game mode unlimited respawns and respawning in general have been seen in a very negative light.

#38 Noesis


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Posted 10 September 2014 - 05:58 PM

If I joined an IS player unit and I also bought a Clan package under the impression I would be able to pilot them due to salvage rights, can I now ask for a refund of that package?

#39 Domoneky


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Posted 10 September 2014 - 05:58 PM

How exactly will you handle travel time from planet to planet? Will it be the same as it is in the novels? Reason is in some cases it can take three weeks or more to actually land and assault the planet you wish to attack.

#40 Kyrie


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Posted 10 September 2014 - 05:59 PM

Read it, and I'm somewhat confused. In no particular order, my questions are:

1) Will assets such as jump-ships, drop-ships, lances, mechs have actual locations and logistical requirements. To attack point C, you travel to A and B... a mech attacking C cannot be used to attack D unless actually moved there, and so on.

2) unit first chooses an alignment, and then accepts contracts on a planet by planet basis? Is that it?

3) One single battle decides control of a planet, what is the expected length of that battle.. 30 mins? 45 mins? one hour?

4) What are the penalties for failing an attack? Costs involved -- such as the logistics question earlier. JumpShips and DropShips are expensive... What do you get if you fail the attack>

5) What are the benefits of winning for each case (attackers and defenders).

Edited by Kyrie, 10 September 2014 - 06:01 PM.

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