Community Warfare - Phase 2 - Feedback
Posted 10 September 2014 - 06:33 PM
Posted 10 September 2014 - 06:33 PM
Noesis, on 10 September 2014 - 05:58 PM, said:
This is really a point of contention for me.
I've got $400+ in mechs, with a very large clan pack and Phoenix Overlord+Sabre, 8 or so hero mechs... And this is saying I can only play half those mechs in matches that mean anything. What's more, I can only choose which set of mechs via which unit I join - it's not like I can just switch my own faction willy nilly.
So, if my friends are in an IS unit, my existing Clan Pack Mechs suddenly become Mech Bay Warmers? This seriously disincentizes purchasing the new clan pack, as I'd be unable to play those mechs except in random pointless PUG matches.
Posted 10 September 2014 - 06:35 PM
Wintersdark, on 10 September 2014 - 06:33 PM, said:
I've got $400+ in mechs, with a very large clan pack and Phoenix Overlord+Sabre, 8 or so hero mechs... And this is saying I can only play half those mechs in matches that mean anything. What's more, I can only choose which set of mechs via which unit I join - it's not like I can just switch my own faction willy nilly.
So, if my friends are in an IS unit, my existing Clan Pack Mechs suddenly become Mech Bay Warmers? This seriously disincentizes purchasing the new clan pack, as I'd be unable to play those mechs except in random pointless PUG matches.
Well, it does read confusingly. I was pretty sure you can use Clan Mechs, but apparently your drop deck has to be full IS or full Clan.. but that's not specific to yourself or the entire team. I wouldn't be surprised at the latter though.
Posted 10 September 2014 - 06:37 PM
Here goes:
From reading the design, I am reasonably pleased. Up until the "those without jumpjets" part of barricades. So here is a thought. Perhaps some of these barricades could have alternative avenues of ingress, such as a sewer/tunnel system or a river that they couldn't afford to blockade off with a solid wall (so instead there's a dam or other destroyable structure) which might create an opening or passage (if long then to more than one exit) in which smaller light mechs (not necessarily specific tonnages but specific heights; example Locust/Commando/Jenner could get in being as short as they are but Firestarter/Spider/Kitfox/Adder could not get in to X hidden entrance.)
Could you consider this so that our options are not entirely limited to exclusively jump-capable mechs?
One more quicky: Gates in MechCommanders 1 and 2, gates in MW2, 3 as well were destroyable. It took considerably more time, but if accessing the Gate Controls was not a viable option due to [insert reason here], a show of brute force could give them another choice. Can we see that here as well?
Posted 10 September 2014 - 06:38 PM
GlycerineOxide, on 10 September 2014 - 06:31 PM, said:
Tens of thousands, think that's just a tiny bit over estimated

But I'm sorry that my empathy for my fellow players leads you to believe that I need to 'seek help' I wasn't aware that caring about other people rather than myself was an illness....
I would guess black-colored lenses. You cannot possibly be concerned about others "getting taken advantage of" when this game doesn't cost a dime to play.
Posted 10 September 2014 - 06:39 PM
Posted 10 September 2014 - 06:40 PM
Posted 10 September 2014 - 06:44 PM
2. Can you give some examples of mechs and how restrictive they are to a faction? Some are available to all, but others aren't. What about variants? Are only certain variants going to be allowed for a faction? How will you generate xp to level them up, or will you just have to do that in non-faction play?
3. 12-mans might be hard to initiate, especially during non-peak times. Will there be a way for a smaller group to form an attack and try to get up to a team of 12 randoms or other groups to join them and then be successful in launching an attack?
4. How will cbill payout change for these matches given their importance and the time and effort necessary in being involved in them?
5. Approx. how many planets on a front will be available to fight over?
6. What will be the benefits of winning a planet or the drawbacks to loosing it? having cheaper mechs was mentioned in the past, what else?
7. Will you try to maximize the limited map selection by making the chokepoints, objectives and spawns somewhat random? That is, each map has more than one possible layout (like we have with the different gamemodes now, only far more possibilities if the map is big enough to work with them)
8. What are your intentions at the moment in terms of map production to fit with CW? Obviously it's better to have larger and more numerous maps where scouting the objectives first could become very important. Do you also plan to churn out variants of the same map so there are map suites? Then you just recycle assets and don't have to invent a new world for each map.
Posted 10 September 2014 - 06:44 PM
if so thats great news . if not it may be a point that needs to be considered.
looking forward to this

Posted 10 September 2014 - 06:45 PM
Deathlike, on 10 September 2014 - 05:57 PM, said:
Been suggesting this due to the absence of a global lobby.
It would indirectly improve the New Player Experience, but you know... IGP actually requested that (to my own shock and chagrin).
I remember PGI saying yes they wanted to put this in ... maybe on Twitter? i cant remember but aaaages ago.
What did IGP request i am not sure your wording?
Posted 10 September 2014 - 06:48 PM
Paul Inouye, on 10 September 2014 - 05:11 PM, said:
To make taking a planet feel epic, a new game mode would bring the feeling of longer matches and standoffs. Instead of playing a series of death match games to decide who conquers a planet, this new attack/defend game mode would let players feel like they’re truly fighting over something.
Invasion incorporates an attacking drop zone (where attackers spawn) and a defensive base (defenders spawn). The idea is that the attackers destroy the defenders base and defensive structures. At a severe choke point location on the map, a set of defensive barriers prevent the attackers (those who do not have jump jets) from proceeding beyond this point. If the attackers use high ground positions and take out the power plants holding the magnetic doors shut, the doors will lose power and a safety mechanic opens the doors allowing the attackers through.
Have you considered expanding this sort of gameplay into our other existing game modes? I can imagine that the vanilla game modes will stagnate next to this pillar of awesome.
Edited by Kiiyor, 10 September 2014 - 06:49 PM.
Posted 10 September 2014 - 06:48 PM
Deathlike, on 10 September 2014 - 06:35 PM, said:
Seems pretty clear that you can ONLY use IS or Clan mechs as per your Unit's faction.
This is why I'm really upset.
I've got (IS):
6 Hero Mechs worth roughly $140
18 Phoenix Mechs worth $150
~21 Other IS mechs (many purchased with MC)
15 Clan Mechs ($175)
and I wanted to grab the next 4 clan mechs in their pack for another $140
So, no matter what, I lose use of at least $300 of real-money purchased mechs in CW (read: The Whole Game I've Been Waiting For).
Now, I'm sure there's lots of people lining up to go off on "you should have known" or some such, but nothing of the sort was said. Whatever.
So... I'm kind of interested here: Do I have either way have ~$300 worth of PUG-only mechs? And my selection of which mechs I get to use is based not on which I'd prefer, but which the majority of my friends prefer?
Posted 10 September 2014 - 06:49 PM
Asmudius Heng, on 10 September 2014 - 06:45 PM, said:
I remember PGI saying yes they wanted to put this in ... maybe on Twitter? i cant remember but aaaages ago.
What did IGP request i am not sure your wording?
In the PGI "Town Hall" meeting, they stated that IGP requested an improvement of the New Player Experience. That lone tutorial was probably a result/artifact of that, but I suspect they would've wanted more.
Oh well, simple improvements to the NPE sound like Lostech.

Posted 10 September 2014 - 06:50 PM
1 - Will Loyalty Points accrue for multiple factions, depending on the battles a players joins? In other words, can you maintain an LP balance for more than one faction? This seems most relevant to alliance structures (FedCom) and mercs.
2 - Will solo or small group players who aren't members of units have more than just PUG defensive battles? Can they participate in assaults on enemy planets?
3 - What kind of rewards will LP be used to unlock? In the past mention has been made of faction ranks, unit colors, patterns, and decals, and other such benefits.
4 - Will LP (a major part of the Project Pheonix packages) be going live with Phase 2, or will it be more of a Phase 2.5 coming in after basic faction warfare goes live?
Posted 10 September 2014 - 06:50 PM
Edited by Johnny Z, 10 September 2014 - 06:51 PM.
Posted 10 September 2014 - 06:51 PM
Sprouticus, on 10 September 2014 - 06:04 PM, said:
What about players who dont have 1 of each weight class, (especially if there are faction mech limits).
Mechs cost real money/time and a lot of folks dont have a large stable to choose from.
trial mechs, i'd guess. if you really want to be involved in faction play, you're gonna want to get one mech in every weight class.
Posted 10 September 2014 - 06:52 PM
Wintersdark, on 10 September 2014 - 06:48 PM, said:
This is why I'm really upset.
I've got (IS):
6 Hero Mechs worth roughly $140
18 Phoenix Mechs worth $150
~21 Other IS mechs (many purchased with MC)
15 Clan Mechs ($175)
and I wanted to grab the next 4 clan mechs in their pack for another $140
So, no matter what, I lose use of at least $300 of real-money purchased mechs in CW (read: The Whole Game I've Been Waiting For).
Now, I'm sure there's lots of people lining up to go off on "you should have known" or some such, but nothing of the sort was said. Whatever.
So... I'm kind of interested here: Do I have either way have ~$300 worth of PUG-only mechs? And my selection of which mechs I get to use is based not on which I'd prefer, but which the majority of my friends prefer?
I thought I was reading (at the earlier moments) that you could bring either Clan or IS mech regardless of the faction you're in... but I guess my brain isn't fully operational.

I figured that it would be the case only because of the reason you are mentioning... faction-based players would want to use either side because they invested money in it... over the "lore" based aspect.
I also figured Mercs would be exempt from this rule, but they aren't even a consideration in this version of the document. That's what makes me a bit peeved.
Posted 10 September 2014 - 06:53 PM
Paul Inouye, on 10 September 2014 - 05:14 PM, said:
PAUL! I want to give you a big hug.

The new game mode being tied in with the map design is EXACTLY what I was hoping for. Kudos!
So, I'm assuming that there may eventually be multiple new maps designed specifically for Invasion mode? That is, none of the existing maps are being retrofitted are they? Seems like the arcade style deathmatch maps (i.e. Conquest, Assault, and Skirmish) should stay just for the Public play queues...and any new maps should be made with Invasion mode in mind for Faction play.
Edited by Bhael Fire, 10 September 2014 - 06:58 PM.
Posted 10 September 2014 - 06:54 PM
Kjudoon, on 10 September 2014 - 06:16 PM, said:
I am developing a concept on this that integrates division/faction coffers for CW drops as well as 'challenges' for pugs in order to counter the 'if you keep losing this mechanism sucks' issue.
Really the only reason it failed was there was so much QQ from players that constantly lost so could not afford mechs.. ..I personally think that CW and other develpoment ideas offer opportunities to re-imagine the system to make it more balanced and applicable to the game without ruining gameplay or experience. It could also be tied in with mech salvage...
Posted 10 September 2014 - 06:56 PM
Wintersdark, on 10 September 2014 - 06:33 PM, said:
I've got $400+ in mechs, with a very large clan pack and Phoenix Overlord+Sabre, 8 or so hero mechs... And this is saying I can only play half those mechs in matches that mean anything. What's more, I can only choose which set of mechs via which unit I join - it's not like I can just switch my own faction willy nilly.
So, if my friends are in an IS unit, my existing Clan Pack Mechs suddenly become Mech Bay Warmers? This seriously disincentizes purchasing the new clan pack, as I'd be unable to play those mechs except in random pointless PUG matches.
This is why I made three accounts: one Davion, one Kurita, one Clan. We've known since the beginning that Community Warfare would come one day, and everyone in I.S. factions running around in 3050 with Clan gear would be so ridiculous it would ruin the spirit and atmosphere of CW.
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