

Community Warfare - Phase 2 - Feedback
Posted 11 September 2014 - 12:32 AM
So please consider this: Give us huge maps instead and put more than one choke-point on them. So the attacking team chooses one way of attacking the main objective and the defenders have to react on this.
Let's say for example the attackers can choose between blowing up a generator on the west end of the map or they can capture a radar station on the east side of the map. Reaching one of those objectives will allow them to proceed to the main objective.
That way the attackers will have to formulate a plan of attack (other than "Ok lights with JJs, go, like you do it every time!") and the defenders must scout the map to concentrate on one objective or they are forced to split their forces.
Posted 11 September 2014 - 12:40 AM
Have you considered faction chat in the lobby so that the units of one faction are able to coordinate and act as a faction launching a broad offensive against the territory of another faction?
In my view this is a very crucial part in order to get the immersion of really being part of a faction. Without this I fear it will just feel like Community Warfare is an overcomplicated game-mode expansion on the existing game. I mean what's the point of the star map and the factions if the game doesn't allow for communication. You might as well just scratch map and factions and just add the invasion game-mode.
And at least in my view "You guys would use your own Teamspeak over this anyways!" just does not qualify as a real argument against it. Because my experience in playing online games is: I use teamspeak naturaly when gaming with my friends but usually when it's about planning stuff with people from other units/clans/guilds or when a meeting involves more than 5 people teamspeak becomes an unbearable mess ( and I literally get headaches after 15 minutes) and chat is a super important tool, simply because you can scroll back and reread what others said and it also automatically comes with some order so to speak.
Posted 11 September 2014 - 12:51 AM
Edited by Grantham Besat, 11 September 2014 - 01:03 AM.
Posted 11 September 2014 - 12:55 AM
Posted 11 September 2014 - 12:59 AM
The first Details sound great although they r still rough.
But there are a few questions that came to mind while reading those:
1. If Players would have just 2minutes responding to an attack, how do you want to balance the different timezones? For Example what will happen if an US-based unit attack a planet which is currently under control of an European based unit?
2. What is with the traveltime of the approaching units? Will it be an instant attack once you have choosen a target planet or will you have to wait until the jumpships arrive?
3. Will defending Units see that a Unit is aproaching the planet, and maybe get an ETA for it so they could plan the defense (sure, that only applies if it isnt instant-attack)?
4. Will the available weapons and ammunition be limited for the attackers? As there is just a limited amount of space on a dropship? Maybe even for the defenders, so the blockade of a planet would prevent resupplying that unit.
Posted 11 September 2014 - 01:00 AM
Otherwise all nice info!
Posted 11 September 2014 - 01:03 AM
When a player clicks the Faction tab, they are opting into Community Warfare gameplay. This means they will be accepting the fact that teams will be split into IS vs Clan ‘Mechs and cannot mix the two technologies."
Question: Are there plans to ever salvage and mix IS tech with Clan tech in the future?
Now about this:
"Invasion incorporates an attacking drop zone (where attackers spawn) and a defensive base (defenders spawn). The idea is that the attackers destroy the defenders base and defensive structures. At a severe choke point location on the map, a set of defensive barriers prevent the attackers (those who do not have jump jets) from proceeding beyond this point. If the attackers use high ground positions and take out the power plants holding the magnetic doors shut, the doors will lose power and a safety mechanic opens the doors allowing the attackers through."
I've only got one thing to add: *Clap Clap Clap Clap*
- Maps must have longer travel times to point of first contact. This is important because it also increases the time it takes for re-enforcements (respawns) to arrive back into battle.
I do understand the need for trying to create a way for the players to feel they are getting reinforcements, but don't you think the respawn makes this game feel too arcadish for a simulation of a thinking mans shooter?
Will ever be considered other options for this?
Edit - One last question:
Regarding units coffers, will they finally have a purpose on Phase 2 or will we have to wait a bit longer?
Edited by FlipOver, 11 September 2014 - 01:07 AM.
Posted 11 September 2014 - 01:03 AM

Now, lets talk again about 12vs10 balancing.
Posted 11 September 2014 - 01:15 AM
FlipOver, on 11 September 2014 - 01:03 AM, said:
I do understand the need for trying to create a way for the players to feel they are getting reinforcements, but don't you think the respawn makes this game feel too arcadish for a simulation of a thinking mans shooter?
Will ever be considered other options for this?
AFAIK "respawn" are understand as having your 4 Mechs in drop deck you will respawn in the next one, when the prevoius is destroyed. If you loose them all (4), you will not respawn anymore! That's ment reinforcements.
Anyway... the whole concept sounds promising! :-)
Edited by BladeXXL, 11 September 2014 - 01:16 AM.
Posted 11 September 2014 - 01:16 AM
lets see what happens within the next 14 Days...
1. If we are faction bound in mech choices, will you deliver a list, prior to CW, including the Mechs each faction will be able to use?
It would be helpfull, so people could start building up those weight classes they are missing.
2. Will heroes be faction bound?
I hope not, as those are Real money purchases, and should be aviable as "Wildcards"
3. Will equipment be faction bound?
If not, the faction difference will be marginal at best, as most people will stil stick to "working meta" builds and just tailor arround their mechs.
But factions do have "personal taste" about weapons, not really a "must have" but a "would be a nice quirk"
(I am NOT suggesting, never ever allow faction x to equip weapon y, but rather, Davion gravitates towards ACs, so ACs will be cheaper, maybe a few quirks for the Davion
mechs addes for ACs, Laser beeing a bit more expensive then average to purchase, Liao likes to take Energy weapons, Lasers and PPCs, so there ACs could be more expensive to aquire, while Laser weapons and PPCs could be dropped in prize for them, maybe a 10 or 20% difference, preffered weapons -20% uncommon weapons +20%)
4. What role will Premium time play here? Still working as a tagged on Bonus for earnings?
Personaly i would think it would be a chance, to add something like: Premium time allows you to start +1 attack during an event or something.
Nothing major, but something nice.
5. Given that we, ATM, still can change faction, while retaining our Unit affiliation (i created a Liao Unit for fun and changed my faction later, keeping the unit as Liao, beeing Jadefalcon, later i deleted the Liao unit, and made a JF Unit) will that change? Meaning: Are we bound to our Units Faction in the Future?
6. given that 5 is a "will not change for technical reasons" or something, which Aligment takes precedence? I guess Unit Faction > Personal faction?
7. given that we have a respawn mechanick, what will happen if, for example, Team 1 plays it "ultra smart" and just disabled the enemy Team, leaving them with 12 mechs without or with minnimal weapons? As far as i can see, this would be the most efficient approach to Win a battle here, take away the enemys weapons, take one leg away, and simply ignore them for the rest of the match.
Posted 11 September 2014 - 01:50 AM
Unit coffers are paying for what? Defender contracts?
Posted 11 September 2014 - 01:54 AM
Paul Inouye, on 10 September 2014 - 09:57 PM, said:
There is nothing stopping you from playing all of your 'Mech in the public game space. Community Warfare is the only place where you will be Faction restricted. Community Warfare is meant to be the playground of Units who fight for their Factions.
Then why did you comment for Community warfare that Salvage rights would allow for mixed use and then proceed to sell clan packs under this impression?
I mean I bought Clan tech as a member of a Merc unit under the impression that this would be a possibility as a part of CW. This the main "aspect" of MWO gameplay so I would prefer to use the assests I have purchased with MC or $ ideally to be used in the game for this more purposeful mode of gameplay.
Moreso it seems I cannot do so even within the restrictions of the same unit which also causes social issues and management problems in organising those arrangements. This then having the potential impact of causing existing social player bases to have to split their structures or see players walk away to their prefered tech or preferenes.
Whilst I recognise the "ideal" of wanting simplified factional warfare, your sales model did in no way inform this and effectively encouraged people to purchase the Clan packs under the illusion salvage and the black market would be a main compnent of the economic model. This also evident in the annual meeting video to launch CW:
So with this being the "limited" information but suggesting that open use of tech would still be possible this made it possible for people to purchase the Clan packs in good faith.
I guess this was your "position at the time" and that people will simply suggest "Caveat Emptor" with the idea that PGI can change the content at any time as per the ToS. So yes I guess you are entitled to shift how these things operate. Needless to say I have personally lost faith investing in packs for CW in advance of designs as a result with how they may or may not be applied. I also see this potentially limiting sales as players focus on their prefered factional tech.
However at least now as player units we are able to re-aligned interests in preperation for CW. So this news is helpful as a build up to CW as we can plan and re-orientate pilots and their assests whilst hopefully still trying to remain as social communities.
So excited about the gameplay for CW, happy to be informed of the impact to player units, lost huge faith points in the "sales pitches" and so called promises. I do now sympathise more fully with most of the grievances placed with the pre-sales of mech packs now as a result, whereas before I was kind of sympathetic to the notion of flexible choice making a player selection. Now the restrictions are evident I now agree with those players who disliked the idea of selling mechs in advance of an understanding of CW.
I will still play and likley enjoy CW and the community elements, though I'm reviewing whether to start selling my mech assets based on making a factional choice and discontinue investing pokemech style as a result now. This since you have now given me a definate reason to scrutinise my investment of factional Tech use.
Edited by Noesis, 11 September 2014 - 02:04 AM.
Posted 11 September 2014 - 01:56 AM
1) will there be random drop points?
take alpine map for example, most fights end up in a predictable place in the middle. if drop points were changed/lopsided fights could occur north/south on the western side, or east/west on the southern side.
2) Will this force assorted players to face 12 man groups?
If the attack is initiated by a 12-man lance (star?) it sounds like they could end up fighting assorted pug defenders if there isn't a 12-man lance on defensive standby.
Posted 11 September 2014 - 02:03 AM
Posted 11 September 2014 - 02:10 AM
Posted 11 September 2014 - 02:14 AM
PyckenZot, on 11 September 2014 - 01:00 AM, said:
Otherwise all nice info!
Somewhere up thread it is stated quite clearly. Merc and LNW are both IS designations. Clan Loyalist is the non-specific clan designation.
There is no faction that will be able to use both Clan and/or IS mechs at the launch of CW. You faction choice will put you on one side or the other.
The clans at the time of the invasion are not hiring inner sphere mercenaries. There are no clan units who along with their omnis are working as mercs, their society and mercs are not compatible.
Let me stop you right there. Yes I know about Wolf's Dragoons. That is a unique case and they are not a faction in MWO at this time. Also they worked for the IS at this time and didn't use omnimechs at this time. So please stop bringing this one special ex-clanner spy group up as a reason for things to be some other way. This is not single player, you aren't the game's most special unique amazing hero who pilot's his salvaged mad cat blur hurr.
Edited by Hoax415, 11 September 2014 - 02:26 AM.
Posted 11 September 2014 - 02:16 AM
Bhael Fire, on 10 September 2014 - 07:05 PM, said:
You can still play whatever mech you want in the Public play queues.
If you want to mix your tech you can play in the standard Public mode.
THIS! I will never get tired of repeating it.
Besides, from the sound of it, CW will be played mostly at certain times. This means two things:
1) The rest of the day you can just play public matches with any of your 'Mech. It may be the most of the time.
2) 2 minutes is little time. However, i LOVE IT!
Seriously, this is one of the things i love the most. You are a Militia commander on a planet somewhere near the coreward Periphery. You are sleeping in your bed, or working at your desk. Your phone rings with urgency. "An unkown invading force is in-system! they have arrived in a pirate jump point, and are burning toward our planet!" Everyone scrambles at his post. In the comm center, you are standing in the holoviewer. An incoming transmission.. A strange individual, a woman with some unknown rank patch on her shoulder , a feral grin, fire in her eyes, starts to speak with a strange accent: "I am Star Colonel Jera Carns , commander of the 4th Wolf Guards of Clan Wolf. What forces defend this planet from the Wolves of Kerensky?"
This is the whole point of the timer. I figure that my unit, as all the other big ones, will stay around during those peak times, all in a channel, waiting for a planet to attack/defend (but more probably to attack

Regarding this phase, i have a question:
-Will CW drops have a pre-drop lobby in which you can select the drop location AKA the map? I assume that if you drop on a planet you will not go blind, and you will know at least if you are landing on a icy plain, a volcanic area or a hilly agricultural area, quiaff? This makes sense; besides, OmniMechs are supposed to have the advantage of being able to quickly switch omnipods to adapt to their mission and the area they are going to drop in. Thanks.
P.S. I am against respawns. They heavily break immersion and promote "Rambo" gameplay. Please, i want to feel i am CyclonerM, a MechWarrior of Clan Wolf, not just one of 4 clones piloting my 'Mechs ..
EDIT: Another question: Bryan mentioned NPC-run canon faction units. How will they be implemented and how will they work?
Another quick note: aside from edge cases like the private war between the Dragoons and the Draconis Combine, a merc unit simply does NOT fight for itself. They are mercs, so they fight for an employer. Otherwise, they would just be pirates, quiaff?
Edited by CyclonerM, 11 September 2014 - 02:32 AM.
Posted 11 September 2014 - 02:24 AM
All these invasions etc in CW take place on various planets with a massive variety of climates/biomes etc.
How are you going to handle the variety? Because if you have a battle taking place one of several heavily-wooded planets are we just going to get dropped into Forest Colony for example? Or River City for invasions taking place on a more settled planet?
Ideally you'd have several slightly different maps with assets cut and pasted around to change layouts for each type of environment, giving variety without adding too much to production time from creating variant maps.
I'm not saying "We need 30 new maps out immediately when Phase 2 arrives.", but I am wondering how you're going to handle it.
Posted 11 September 2014 - 02:29 AM
Spawnsalot, on 11 September 2014 - 02:24 AM, said:
All these invasions etc in CW take place on various planets with a massive variety of climates/biomes etc.
How are you going to handle the variety? Because if you have a battle taking place one of several heavily-wooded planets are we just going to get dropped into Forest Colony for example? Or River City for invasions taking place on a more settled planet?
Ideally you'd have several slightly different maps with assets cut and pasted around to change layouts for each type of environment, giving variety without adding too much to production time from creating variant maps.
I'm not saying "We need 30 new maps out immediately when Phase 2 arrives.", but I am wondering how you're going to handle it.
Well i guess we should give them a rest on this one, what he stated was, that we get new maps for the new mode, because they need to of larger size, so i would assume (and i hate assuming...) that we get, as talked about, one map for release and then more after that.
Posted 11 September 2014 - 02:31 AM
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