Bishop Steiner, on 16 September 2014 - 11:43 AM, said:
1. The thread is trollbait, and has been reported for moderation as such. Not being one to pass up a particularly delectable piece of candy. It got Sharkcat.
2. The thread is the very definition of flamebait. As is evidenced by the dickwaiving going on in it. Its premise is to immediately polarize anyone who visits it into the "White Knights" who agree with the OP, and anyone else is a "Black Knight" or a "hater"
3. It's a spurious premise, because without quotes and just saying "We were right" it fails under the weight of its own hyperbole.
Fail thread is fail. Now lets see if moderation is even-handed here, shall we?
Edited by Roadbeer, 16 September 2014 - 12:01 PM.