I'll pick out what I think are the most glaring anomalies.
Why are the Firestarters tier three while the Jenner F is tier one? All the Firestarters run the same 6ML build the Jenner is known for but they do it with much better hitboxes (no gigantic CT), horizontal arm aiming and a less blinding cockpit (assuming you're someone who uses a higher fov than the default 60 i.e everyone). The tier four/five situation is a little off too. The Spider 5K, Raven 2X, Commando 1D and 3A may be considered chores to grind for efficiencies by most but they are definitely not worse than Locusts.
Why are the Vindicators tier four? They're trash, objectively worse than the other mediums by every single measure. The Wolverine 6K is rightly put in tier five and even that's outright better than them. It is immeasurably worse than the 55 tonners it shares tier four with. Before someone says ''BUT I GET 1.1 K/D IN MY VINDICATOR AND DID 300 DAMAGE ONCE'' try to be objective. It's slow, big, fragile, criminally undergunned (they're low slung at that), has a blinding cockpit, poor hitboxes, and was released with no redeeming quirks. It's going to need HUGE bonuses from the upcoming quirks to be relevant because currently it's tier six.
Pizzadog is right about the Quickdraw 5K too, it's not at as competitive as Jagers. Not sure why the Flame is in tier three with them either.
Assault I can't see anything major with, except I'd place the Atlas K as tier 5. An extra AMS doesn't make a big difference when a clan LRM team can bring thousands of launchers and even their mechs that aren't boating LRMs outright can slap on LRM30 for no weight at all (see MadCats). Meanwhile it pays for that 2AMS by having less hardpoints than a light mech.
Edited by JackAttack5, 30 September 2014 - 02:31 PM.