Name: Joseph
Pilot callsign: Fury1
Bloodname: My Clan will decide this for me once again
Rank: Galaxy Commander(Formerly)
Prefered Mech: Mad Cat (Timberwolf)
History: Started playing in the mid 90's, played relatively steady too until 2002 when I joined the U.S. Army. I continued playing intermittently as my career would allow. In 2007 my son was born and I deployed again for the 2nd time. When I returned from Iraq in 08 I was divorced and my ex had either destroyed or disposed of nearly all of my Battletech/Mechwarrior games, memorabilia, books, and notes. Previously I had earned the rank of Galaxy Commander and carried the name Andrews. Recently my current wife found my book and guides for MW3 and the discs for MW Vengeance, Mercs, and BK. She asked me about it and suggested I start playing again, so here I am.
Edit: Would love to recover my MC(TW) mini's and model's as well as the original MW,MW2,MW3 discs
Edited by Fury1, 18 February 2012 - 10:46 PM.