Antonius Prime, on 09 October 2014 - 01:13 AM, said:
First, an agreements with another suggestion:
Yes, let people bring only two mechs and have to be real good in them. It will truly be a choice that will challenge, not some advantage of any kind. Maybe even set the tonnage limit in a manner that would require you to use mechs in the middle ranges of each class in order to be able to fit 4. That will actually give mechs like the Locust an actual purpose. "Hey, I really want to take the Orion instead of this Dragon. I guess I'll bump my Raven down to a Locust." Not the best example, but I think you can get my point.
Now for my concern which I stated in the last thread, but I want to sum it up here. If you want to get a more detailed view of what I was saying, you can check it out in this thread.
I have a concern. I, as with most of the community, have been waiting for CW. This will likely take up most of my gaming time with MWO once it is implemented. I have chosen to invest my real life cash into this game. I want to support it, but I also want to be able to utilize my rewards for such investment. If I have to choose IS or Clan and can't use the other, I will feel I have wasted my real life money on either my Clan Packs or my Founders/Phoenix/Reinforcement Packs and Hero mechs. I hope and assume that as the timeline progresses, we will eventually be able to play with mixed tech on the same team, like how open drops are currently. In the meantime, though, is there any creative solution that could allow players to be able to utilize the things they paid real money for in CW?
I mean, it could be quite some time before we reach another Phase and I don't want to shelve things I paid for. I also want to have some reason to spend more money in buying/upgrading my Wave II investment. If I can't even make worthwhile use of the mechs for who knows how long, why should I not just wait to get them for C-Bills? I'm sure you want to give me and others no reason to not spend more money.
Also, there are many Units who are now dealing with internal struggles because they have to choose a side. These are social Units and not role-playing Units. Their common connection is that they are friends and want to play alongside each other. They are not united around wanting to be Clan or IS. Forcing the choice at this current stage of CW, before there are other options, threatens to split such groups over the choice of Clan or IS, which would weaken the community as a whole.
I fleshed out my suggestion in the other thread, but I will try to give the general idea here. In order to allow players to use things they paid real money for, but to also preserve the feeling of immersion with segregated matches between Clan and IS. Allow Players/Units the option to choose a Primary Faction and a Secondary one that does not share a border with their Primary choice.
This would prevent FRR guys from also choosing Clan Ghost Bear, for example in order to throw matches. Instead, they would have to pick a Clan that bordered someone else like Kurita. Kurita being their enemy, why in the world would their Unit invest Unit Coffers into throwing a match to benefit their enemy IS faction? Doesn't make sense and won't happen.
So, their Primary Faction would be their "actual" Faction. Consider their Secondary Faction as basically playing as NPC's for that Faction. It is just a way to allow players to make use of their money investments without totally breaking immersion. Once there is a clear path to be able to use the stuff you bought (salvage, taking certain planets, whatever) this would no longer be necessary and could be removed as an option. It would be a temporary solution to a temporary problem that could become quite contentious and costly to PGI if no solution is presented. I know I have $120 bucks of currently potential investment riding on the line. Multiply that by all the other people who feel the same way I do. Not to mention that, if my Unit chooses IS or Clan, I have all the real money I spent on the other tech feeling wasted. Again, once an option to gain/earn access to the other tech is present in CW, then there will no longer be a need to continue offering this option.
Any Units/Players who feel that having access to both sides would totally break the immersion would be free not to select a Secondary Faction. It would be an option, not a requirement. Besides, this is a FPS/Strategy game. It is not a RP title. I didn't pay a $15 dollar a month subscription to get access to the game in general. I did not pay $5 for a skin or character that I can't use in the main story line. Then you could legitimately just tell me to suck it up and deal. I am talking about having paid hundreds of dollars to use specific mechs. Not even having the ability to gain use of them in the main game just isn't an acceptable option IMO. I would feel totally jipped.
I'm in the same situation, and I really like this idea! It sounds like an ideal way to get the best of both worlds from the get-go!