Pve Yes/no You Deside!
Posted 10 October 2014 - 06:06 PM
Great Post
Posted 10 October 2014 - 06:25 PM
Eddrick, on 09 October 2014 - 07:52 PM, said:
Well, judging from all PVP games before, PVP will never...ever...ever be balanced to a point where game devs nor playerbase will ever agree its anything close to balanced. Its why 3 years later or w/e, games like WoT are still nerfing this, buffing that, rather then putting full effort into game modes, maps, bug fixes and hte like.....why PS2 is still hot on swinging that nerf hammer at various things, rather then dedicated to fixing hit detect, adding new continents, working on diversifying thier copy paste gun models...making the game more Empire specific, rather then just turning the game into the New Terran Sovereignty
MWO will never be balanced in the same way......someone will always claim gobs of stuff is sooo OP, and in the end the game really goes no where, alot of patches pass and nothing really changes, the game over time, just gets worse really.....
stop the nerf hammer, put it away, and work on stuff that would make the game more enjoyable and appealing.......rather hten endlessly nerfing the Clan weapons......
And to the OP, I support a PVE for this game, considering it was originally kinda advertised as being a PVE coop campaign game....with role warfare and the like....I was really hyped about it in 09 when I first saw that warhammer get blown away by that Atlas....though I always wanted the Warhammer to win...I like it better.
Edited by LordKnightFandragon, 10 October 2014 - 06:47 PM.
Posted 10 October 2014 - 06:44 PM
Personally I wouldn't mind some decent gameplay vs "interesting real people in a pug". As is, this game tends to put me into a want to rip my own hair out fit after a few terrible games.
[This reflects pugs, not grouping or using teamspeak]
Posted 10 October 2014 - 06:48 PM
endevite, on 10 October 2014 - 06:44 PM, said:
Personally I wouldn't mind some decent gameplay vs "interesting real people in a pug". As is, this game tends to put me into a want to rip my own hair out fit after a few terrible games.
[This reflects pugs, not grouping or using teamspeak]
Id like to have this game be either 4 man coop, or singleplayer with 3 AI mechs, commanded by the player as per MW4....even if the AI did sometimes get really damn stupid in that game. I know a few times the AI would wander around, despite me walking right up to them and saying....form up on me.....
Posted 10 October 2014 - 06:54 PM
Pure PVE? Wouldn't mind it, but I trust PGI to make a good PVE like I trust Nexon to make AI bots that don't aimbot (see Combat Arms: Fireteam modes).
PVE elements in PVP, such as AI tanks, infantry, elementals, helicopters, etc? God yes! War Thunder does this rather beautifully even if they are lacking the infantry bit.
But again... I don't have the confidence in PGI making much quality in this department in any regard.
Posted 10 October 2014 - 06:58 PM
Koniving, on 10 October 2014 - 06:54 PM, said:
Pure PVE? Wouldn't mind it, but I trust PGI to make a good PVE like I trust Nexon to make AI bots that don't aimbot (see Combat Arms: Fireteam modes).
PVE elements in PVP, such as AI tanks, infantry, elementals, helicopters, etc? God yes! War Thunder does this rather beautifully even if they are lacking the infantry bit.
But again... I don't have the confidence in PGI making much quality in this department in any regard.
No game devs make AI that doesnt Aimbot, all the harder difficulty AIs do is get a tighter CoF around your head.....or in the Case of MW, your CT.......its why in like Battlefield 2, 60% and lower AI cant even really hurt you, but 80% and higher, you poke up and you die from 350m to a pistol? Yeah, its just the AI has an aimbot.....same in 2142, ArmA, MW4, MW3, RTCW, and pretty mcuh any shooter ever....
Posted 10 October 2014 - 07:18 PM
LordKnightFandragon, on 10 October 2014 - 06:58 PM, said:
No game devs make AI that doesnt Aimbot, all the harder difficulty AIs do is get a tighter CoF around your head.....or in the Case of MW, your CT.......its why in like Battlefield 2, 60% and lower AI cant even really hurt you, but 80% and higher, you poke up and you die from 350m to a pistol? Yeah, its just the AI has an aimbot.....same in 2142, ArmA, MW4, MW3, RTCW, and pretty mcuh any shooter ever....
While true, most of them don't give you the 'look and feel' of an aimbot.
For example in Battlefield 3 despite their incredible accuracy in hard, they get up, duck down, raise the gun, aim at you, have to turn around. Turok (N64) was really good with this. In fact one of the best.
A Poacher (just think random guy in green with a gun) that you charged at who also charged at you would start to turn while running, slow down to a walk or to a stop, finish the turn and then come at you again, popping a shot off before he rushes you again.
But the ones I'm referring to on Nexon's Combat Arms...
Here they don't even try. You can be behind one and it'll instantly turn around and headshot you if you're so unlucky. They don't have to turn around it's just instant.
Posted 10 October 2014 - 07:32 PM
Posted 10 October 2014 - 07:35 PM
It would be interesting to see what types of actors and writers PGI hired to do their cutscenes.
Posted 10 October 2014 - 09:25 PM
LordKnightFandragon, on 10 October 2014 - 06:58 PM, said:
OMFG BF 2142 was my all time favorite PC game EVEEERR! I still have a hard copy of it loaded on windows 7 lol. It still plays on the newest windows. Crazy huh? They dont make games like that anymore. Such a shame, even though the patches always sucked, and EA never made finding the patches easy. It was such a google chore. Ugh. However the design of the game was ****** amazing, especialy the mechs. Wow they were addicting lol. People would rage quit, ***** and moan in pvp if you stole some1s mech lol. The respawn of the mechs in pvp is what made it so fun. God that brings back memories wow. Thinking of it makes me wanna go play it right now.
I was just thinking tonight about how PVE would be enjoyable for me as a veteran of all the games. If you take into account that every MW game had its flaws, and good points if you accumilate all the good atributes into 1 sinario your left with some pretty amazing ideas. Combining ideas from all you guys <3 and other games. MWO PVE/PVP would be ****** insanely fun to play.
First of all LORE missions, Co-Op operations would be the funnest I think. I love history, and reliving something right outa the book and changing or altering a timeline or even having a always changing storyline would be awesome. For example lets say you complete a mission and theres 3 objectives and you miss 1 objective or something happens where you miss somehting or over kill to many enemies. The next mission would change slightly or intirely, and move onto a new mission objective in another campaign mission. You might have to go back and finish the job or something else.
Its sad that Cry Engine doesnt have the capacity to allow destroyable terrain but I'm not taking this game for granted in anyway. I was blown away when some1 from my ISP support told me about MWO. I'll never forget it. I flipped out, I thought MW died out and I'd never get to play something of that epicness ever again. Thanks to PGI tho here we are.
Elementals would be freakin hilariously awesome to see in both PVE and PVP. Tanks, Heli's, Fighters buzzing about, bombers, and even Ships or boats. Can you imagine a mission with huge battle ships shooting at you, giving the base support you have to attack? lol there could even be missions that you need to utilize jump jets, and be very good at them too. Anyways I could go on and on all night. Thats it for now lol. Thanks for reading and all your ideas and support guys <3
Posted 10 October 2014 - 09:33 PM
Posted 10 October 2014 - 09:35 PM
bring it out as another title. This is PVP not pansy PvE.
Cause i'm one of those demon worshipers since i didn't agree with you in your satanist thread with the new images for the atlas and centurion.
your now my bitter enemy religious nutbag
Edited by Hades Trooper, 10 October 2014 - 09:37 PM.
Posted 10 October 2014 - 09:36 PM
Posted 10 October 2014 - 09:52 PM

Posted 10 October 2014 - 09:52 PM
Koniving, on 10 October 2014 - 07:18 PM, said:
For example in Battlefield 3 despite their incredible accuracy in hard, they get up, duck down, raise the gun, aim at you, have to turn around. Turok (N64) was really good with this. In fact one of the best.
A Poacher (just think random guy in green with a gun) that you charged at who also charged at you would start to turn while running, slow down to a walk or to a stop, finish the turn and then come at you again, popping a shot off before he rushes you again.
But the ones I'm referring to on Nexon's Combat Arms...
Here they don't even try. You can be behind one and it'll instantly turn around and headshot you if you're so unlucky. They don't have to turn around it's just instant.
And yet still thats not as bad as BF2....I have actually recorded a session of me playing BF2 in my own mod, an AI bot insta headshot me from a few hundred meters while I was prone on a hill trying to snipe them....
about 3:20 its amazing how 99.95% of the rest of the time the AI cant shoot for ****, but all of a sudden.......that happens....and from great distances, the guy was sitting somewhere out in the middle of that airfield....and consider in my mod, i have like 450hitpoints+body armor, their gun does like 25pts of damage....and BF2 isnt exactly known for pin point accuracy due to thier geat deviations....and the AI does that? lol and then he does it again a bit later.....
And BF2142, its really stupid on 85% diff and more, a car racing with a gun that takes a good long burst to drop you will just drop you in nano seconds......
Edited by LordKnightFandragon, 10 October 2014 - 09:55 PM.
Posted 10 October 2014 - 09:55 PM
Posted 10 October 2014 - 09:58 PM
Powder Puff Pew Pew, on 10 October 2014 - 09:25 PM, said:
It does have the ability. It is just limited. Leveling buildings in multiplayer would to horrible things to FPS though.
Powder Puff Pew Pew, on 10 October 2014 - 09:25 PM, said:
Would love to see Elementals done right. If PGI could get legally get their hands on the AI code for the Ceph from the Crysis games they might be able to. I have always lamented Elementals being target practice moments in the Mechwarrior games rather than "Oh ****! Elementals!" moments. I think many people who think tanks would be a joke in this game like they are in MW3 and 4 would be shocked face tanks with TT stats, abilities, and weakness. For example, many players would panic the first time they faced a Burke. Triple PPC and LRM 10 with no overheat is a brutal combination, though it has a bit of a thin skin for a heavy tank, Burtus and Zhukov tanks would be brutal in close combat. With fewer damage locations their armor is much more concentrated. Still well balanced by their vulnerable drive systems and turret rings. VTOLs are a funny can of worms because despite devastating potential (A Lance of Cavalry Attack VTOLs in 3054 is not something to laugh at, particularly when loaded with Infernos) they are just painfully delicate, because a hit on the rotor by any weapon more powerful than an SRM2 is instant death. I could go on, but they are fun to play against.
I think of the older games and the C&C and MechCommander series keep popping up in my head. Oh, how I do miss live action cut scenes in games.
Posted 10 October 2014 - 10:06 PM
Would like to kill wave of mechs, vehicules, elementals and ect...you would have a base, you could repair, rearm but if you lose a component...goodbye to it, its limited repair....only the armor can be fix thats all....critical hits cant.
I miss MWLL...was loving the destroyable terrain, the engine going critical, the big maps and etc.... man and the fact that you could drive vehicules or planes....man it was awesome. Even you could fight as an elemental....i miss it badly

Trees were useful and destroyable...
Posted 10 October 2014 - 10:09 PM
Nathan Foxbane, on 10 October 2014 - 09:58 PM, said:
Destroying the terrain is very meh.......I dont really like it mcuh in BF3, BFBC2......while its kinda neat to do, idk why exactly, but I just dont really feel it makes the game any more exciting or interesting....sure makes the game harder, as evnetually, there is no where left to hide, just turns the game into a flat lvl playing field...
Nathan Foxbane, on 10 October 2014 - 09:58 PM, said:
Would love to see Elementals done right. If PGI could get legally get their hands on the AI code for the Ceph from the Crysis games they might be able to. I have always lamented Elementals being target practice moments in the Mechwarrior games rather than "Oh ****! Elementals!" moments. I think many people who think tanks would be a joke in this game like they are in MW3 and 4 would be shocked face tanks with TT stats, abilities, and weakness. For example, many players would panic the first time they faced a Burke. Triple PPC and LRM 10 with no overheat is a brutal combination, though it has a bit of a thin skin for a heavy tank, Burtus and Zhukov tanks would be brutal in close combat. With fewer damage locations their armor is much more concentrated. Still well balanced by their vulnerable drive systems and turret rings. VTOLs are a funny can of worms because despite devastating potential (A Lance of Cavalry Attack VTOLs in 3054 is not something to laugh at, particularly when loaded with Infernos) they are just painfully delicate, because a hit on the rotor by any weapon more powerful than an SRM2 is instant death. I could go on, but they are fun to play against.
I think of the older games and the C&C and MechCommander series keep popping up in my head. Oh, how I do miss live action cut scenes in games.
And yeah, dont TT tanks actually pack more armor per spot then mechs? I prolly made it wrong but I had a tank with like 72 frontal armor, Gauss Rifles and MGs, LRMs and the works......
It really is sad how bad all mech games make vehicles. Tanks like Bulldogs, Alacorns, VonLuckners and Shrecks would really ruin a Mechwarriors day....turn the corner and a Devastator is sitting there staring you in the face with an AC20....
And Infantry would sevrely wreck your day......climb on ur mech, blow off ur cockpit screen and shoot you in the face.....Apods and LMGs would be useful then...ive always felt they were pointless weapons mainly due to how bad infantry always are.
Posted 10 October 2014 - 10:10 PM

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