Star Capt Stefan Jorgensson, on 23 November 2014 - 01:55 AM, said:
Also many PLAYERS would be pleased when you make a patch for the menu to choose the map you want to play. I play the River City Night not very likely but I wouldnt deactivate it. But PLEEAASSSEEEEE!!!!!!!
Or just make a patch to choose a map you want to play. Like in the menu bar the option for private and public matches.
I have also deactivated the CAPTURE RESOURCES OPTION.
It would be great if you would make an option to choose the maps you want to play.
In any other game you can choose which map you want to play.
Thank you.
Greetings from Germany
Best regards
You know that this isn't the thread for that discussion, right? This is for discussing the Mentorship Systems, not map removals. There are other threads for that. Please keep the discussion on target.
Tim East, on 23 November 2014 - 11:11 AM, said:
This guy hit the nail on the head. I ran about a dozen matches with my roommate a couple days ago, and every one of them was a ridiculous roll. Not a great way to introduce the game to newer players. I doubt he'll even come back. I know we don't have enough players for 12 mans to play each other in short order and all that, but putting a slightly above average player and a total newbie on a team likely of similar composition and expecting them to compete against an organized 12 man team likely with full voip support is extremely unrealistic. Hell, even I found the difficulty to be way harder than I was used to and accomplished almost nothing; how do you think it worked for him?
Basically, I think it's a bad idea to use your newer players as fodder for your competitive ones. It might make the guys who don't like challenges happy, but you'll have a hell of a time getting newer people to play the game that way, and truly competitive people will get bored just easy-mode rolling newb teams all the time.
*goes back to the solo queue with tail between legs*
Your elo pulled your friend up into a nastier queue. Also, if you are typically a solo pugger, you may not be accustomed to the group queues and their dynamics. While I do not believe that sequestering maps is the answer to the problem of rolls, I do believe that new pilots should be able to drop with seasoned pilots on Training Missions.
Perhaps an additional Match Queue would solve the issue. Pilots who PGI has classified as "Mentors" could have a Third Match Mode in addition to the Public and Private Queues called "Mentor Queue." This would be a group-only queue for Mentors and their Mentees to drop against other Mentors and Mentees. It would be a fairly level playing field since both teams would be largely comprised of new, inexperienced pilots with one or two seasoned ones. Rolls would still occur from time to time, but at least they would lack the finality of a roll from veteran pilots.
Basically, it would provide new pilots with a friendlier environment in which to learn the ropes of the game and sharpen their skills against other pilots who find themselves in the same situation. A pilot's eligibility for Mentoring could be determined by their elo. If it climbs past a certain mark, then they are no longer eligible for the program. If it falls below that mark, then they will again become eligible. Only Mentors can form Mentor Drop Groups or select that Queue though, to help prevent farming and unfair use.