Oh many thank god I read the QA because I had an idea and was too lazy to post it at the time...
Anyway, someone mentioned that ammo consuming mech's may run out of ammo and be "forced" to eject out of their mech because they can no longer contribute to the fight effectively or at all.
The idea of resupply centers is great, but I think that can be well incorporated with unit coffers. For instance, a Unit may use their coffers to purchase ammo and may bring a set amount of ammo to the game. This ammo will be stockpiled in the resupply center for mechs to come and go to reload their weapons so long as their is munition of the correct type.
That idea in of itself brings out a few more ideas. So I would try to organize them.
Planetary Base Upgrading
I believe the longer a unit holds a planet, the harder it should be to take over. Units that hold the planet alongside with merc groups that have a stake in the planet should be able to use their coffers to upgrade their base. Now because we are limited to what we have, the first few suggestion of what is up-gradable is simple in thought process.
- Turret HP
- Turret Range
- Gate HP
- Generator HP
- Resupply Center (must be built first)
- Resupply Center HP
- Resupply Center Storage Capacity
- Mech Repair Area (must be built first, discussed below further)
- Upgrades come in increments, i.e. each turret hp upgrade increase turret HP by 5, maximum of 5 upgrades.
- Each upgrade takes time and money to complete. The initial purchase + a set duration for the completion of the upgrade
The longer a unit holds a planet, the more time they have to upgrade their fort to give them an edge over attackers.
Now I would like to talk about the Resupply center and Mech Repair Area ideas.
Resupply Center
By default each defending Side will come with a Resupply Area, not to be confused with a center. As soon as a planet is conquered, a default resupply Area is available. This supply area may only hold a small limited amount of ammo and can only be supplied by the unit controlling the planet. This Resupply Area is shared by everyone during a defensive fight.
Once the Resupply Area has been replaced by a Resupply Center, several benefits open up.
- More Global Storage Space
- Private Storage Space
- All Defending Units may store their own supply of set ammunition in the resupply center. Units can only use their own ammo brought into storage to resupply (Private Storage Space).
- If Unit ammo is depleted or a non Unit defending Mech attempts to resupply, the global stockpile is used, if any (ammunition supplied by planter controlled faction).
This provides incentive for factions and merc units to supply and bring their own supply of ammunition to better defend planets.
Attacking units may bring their own ammunition via drop ship. Their will be a "camp" of a sort with a supply area. Each unit may bring a set ammunition amount to be used to resupply during the battle. The ammunition site still counts as a Private Storage area, meaning units may only resupply from their own stockpile that was brought, ammunition is not shared among different units or lone wolves.
This may also bring about the idea to upgrade drop ships to allow the unit to bring more ammunition to a fight. Again upgrades should cost money as well as time for completion.
Mech Repair Area
This is a very debatable idea, but I would like to throw it out there, this again adds more incentive for members to contribute to unit coffers. Now the idea of repairing a Mech is a very advantageous idea, and it should come with a steep cost. This idea ties in with the storage area. Units can buy what is called "Scraps". These scraps act like ammunition in terms of storage. Let's say as an example 1 ton is 50 Scraps. A unit may either fill the storage area with a ton of selected ammo or a ton of scraps. Each ton of Scraps should be EXPENSIVE.
The way scraps work is very simple. A mech enters the Repair Area, and has 2 tons of armor that has been shot off. Let's say for this example the mech has EXACTLY two tons of armor gone. The mech would consume 2 tons of scraps to repair the armor. Now to go into a little detail, 1 ton of scrap does not always mean 1 ton of armor.
- 1 ton of armor = 1x ton of scrap
- 1 ton of internal = 1.5x ton of scrap
- 1 critical slot = 2x ton of scrap (detail below)
As you can see, when you enter the repair bay, the more damaged you are, and depending how you are damaged, the more scraps you will consume.
Critical Slot Repair
Now, this again ties in to resupply center and more incentive for unit coffers. Let's say you lose a medium laser. If your unit brought a medium laser to store in the resupply center (1 ton), you can go in and rearm yourself. However this consumes two things:- Consumes the needed item to replace from the storage area if available.
- Consumes scraps equal to amount of critical slots needed
So if you lose a medium laser, it will consume one medium laser and 2x ton of scrap to repair that critical slot. If you lose say an AC 20, you will need an AC 20 available in the resupply area AND 20x tons of scrap to repair the critical slots.
So repairing and rearming large weapons is a risk and reward. For one you consume a lot of tonnage in your resupply area with the needed item and scraps for it, leaving little to no room for anything else (depending on size of your resupply center), and the cost to repair that AC 20 in total is huge with the scraps used and type of item consumed.
This adds tactics to management of how units want to role our their Mechs so they can best make use of the Resupply Center and Mech Repair Center.
Resupply Center and Mech Repair Area Buildings
Now both sides should be able to have these aforementioned buildings. However, how they are used are different.
The defending side has one area where the Resupply Center and Mech Repair Area are, they should be very close to each other if not next to each other since they are in a sense sharing materials. The level of the buildings solely depends on the faction controlling the planet. Only the controlling faction may upgrade the buildings. The buildings can be used by all defenders, but Private and Public storage rules apply.
The attacking side also has one area where the Resupply Center and Mech Repair Area are, and should also be very close to each other. However, the building HP is a set stat that cannot be upgraded. There is no Public storage area, only Private (but all in one place in a sense). While upgraded drop ships may bring more tons to the resupply center, they must remember that the buildings themselves are relatively weak. The buildings can only be used by UNITS provided they have brought their OWN materials to use.
- Tactical Game play (Defend Supply Line)
This should add another layer to tactics, both sides can take out the others Resupply Area and Mech Repair area. Though the defenders risk having less people defending if a few lights/mediums want to risk venturing out to try to locate and destroy the buildings (Building spawns should be random for each side withing a set location so their is no memorization and set path to follow).
This can also add the possibility of adding a very small amount of turrets for the offensive side for some protection for their "camps".
If a side loses their Mech Repair Area, they simply lose the ability to repair their Mech; However, if a side loses their resupply center they lose the ability to not only resupply but repair as well, since all materials are destroyed.
This also adds in a risk factor for factions and units supplying their planters/drop ships. If your supply area is destroyed you LOSE ALL the materials you have invested in the storage area for that match. Again a risk vs reward mentality and a better sense of coffer management. Should the supply center survive, win or lose, all remaining materials will be returned to proper contributors rounded down. Meaning if you have 49 scraps of tons left, or 6 tons of AC 20 left, the number will be rounded down and nothing returned.
So to summerize:
- Resupply Areas only have a tonnage limit to determine how much is storable
- Defensive Resupply Areas have both a Public Storage Area and Private Storage Area
- Defensive Resupply Areas can be upgraded to increase size of Public and Private Storage Area
- Offensive Resupply Areas only have Private Storage Area
- Offensive Resupply Areas storage capacity is independent to each units Drop Ship upgrade level for storage
- Offensive Resupply Areas cannot be upgraded in any way directly, have a set HP
- Defensive and Offensive Mech Repair Area cannot be upgraded
- Defensive Mech Repair Area must be built in the defending planet to be used
- Offensive Mech Repair Area must be built in the Drop Ship and enables use in any offensive assault
Again these are just ideas I thought I would throw out there, hope they might be helpful for future considerations.
Edited by SovietArmada, 23 October 2014 - 06:54 PM.