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Lrm Whiners

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#61 Ryokens leap


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Posted 04 November 2014 - 11:59 AM

View PostAppogee, on 04 November 2014 - 11:55 AM, said:

LRMs aren't the problem. Remote locking, using shared targeting, when used by multiple boats, is the problem. Fix the remote locking issue, and it won't even matter if there are multiple LRM boats in the game.

BTW I use LRMs regularly, so I know how easy it is to farm using remote locks. I have no vested interest in making LRMs harder, I'd just to see the game as optimally balanced as possible.

This is the real issue. Every mech comes stock with a C3 master computer. If LOS was required for missle lock people wouldn't cry as much.

#62 Zolaz


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Posted 04 November 2014 - 12:04 PM

View PostMoomtazz, on 04 November 2014 - 11:17 AM, said:

Don't worry buddy, I will keep complaining about them as long as the mechanic allows multiple mechs to target the same enemy with zero effort.

Dont worry pal, QQing will always lose to people who pull up their big boy pants and figure out how to improvise, adapt and overcome. So, good luck mate ... here is a tissue.

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#63 Fut


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Posted 04 November 2014 - 12:04 PM

Well this is fairly annoying news... Another Nerf to the least useful weapon system in the game.
How does this even make sense?

Things just got more difficult, again, for my poor HBK-4J.

#64 KKillian


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Posted 04 November 2014 - 12:04 PM

I keep seeing other weapons this and other weapons that... LRMS are goddamn auto aim. Aimbot missles. I cant stand aimbots of any type in any game, the only reason its acceptable in this is the fact they were in the tabletop. Anyone defending these skillless jokes and considering them a viable weapon can kma and learn to aim.

#65 costi


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Posted 04 November 2014 - 12:04 PM

View PostMoomtazz, on 04 November 2014 - 11:50 AM, said:

I am all for LRMs mixed into builds but not boated. LRM boating is bad for the game.

I can say that about every weapon system in the game and it will be true.

As for remote locking - you guys need to stop playing group matches and try to use LRMs in the solo queue. Good luck using remote lock there.

#66 Lightfoot


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Posted 04 November 2014 - 12:14 PM

I'll say it again though no one is listening. The LRMs are just being used to soften up the new meta brawler mechs that the game balance has been shifted to heavily support. Not all mechs work as brawlers, some do better at mid to long range, and these mechs will continue to carry LRMs.

Battle Tech is a full multi-range combat game, not a brawler-only game. The best counter to an AC20 remains an LRM and when the map supports it the AC20 brawler will be destroyed. Not by LRMs alone, but by LRM damage followed by an attack with weapons weaker than the AC20 once it's been reduced in armor. It's a core Battle Tech tactic. It can't be stopped, only countered.

#67 Nyuuu


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Posted 04 November 2014 - 12:17 PM

View PostMechwarrior Buddah, on 04 November 2014 - 11:38 AM, said:

I think thats the real problem with the anti-LRM crowd. They get hit by them but they never USE them

I used them.
I mastered all my 3 Stalkers with them, and my Orion VA.
Going by damage LRMs are still my third most weapon of all time.
And I felt cheap every single second doing it.

LRMs are a ridicules skilles tool, the first Stalker was my third ever used mech, I had no understanding of the chasis, the weapon system and did not even really know all the maps back then, and I kept getting 4 digit damage games.

In fact I still remember how utterly cheap and hilarious it was to pull 1000+ damage games on Alpine or Caustic Valley. Stay behind your entire team, and press Mouse1 from time to time... Unless it is a total stomp in either direction you are guaranteed to get an "excellent" game from the mechs you spammed into oblivion while hiding out of sight. Well... sometimes I had to use my entire epic skillset and keep that mouse button for tag pressed when nobody else was doing the dirty work for me, those were very hard and straining seconds :(

If anybody is defending them he either wants to keep his noobtool to get his "good" scores since he can't otherwise, or is playing group queue.
And should the second be the case, well fine by me, keep them as they are in group or even buff them how far you want, but in PUG where you are entirely dependend on the RNG to even get a single ecm capable mech in your entire team.... nerf them to oblivion and then go one step further....

#68 mogs01gt


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Posted 04 November 2014 - 12:17 PM

here we go again with the same bad players without a leg to stand on in his arguement.

View PostMoomtazz, on 04 November 2014 - 11:50 AM, said:

No. I'm saying those who rely on LRM boating are stunting their development as players. The ability of multiple LRM mechs to focus fire an enemy mech by simply hitting R coupled with LRM boats is what makes them so annoying.

If the LRM using mech is able to lock onto you from across the map, then someone on their team has you spotted. So your justification of an OP weapon means it takes two mechs to make it functional? How do you not see the problem with that?


I am all for LRMs mixed into builds but not boated. LRM boating is bad for the game.

Then you have to accept LRM buffing when they are individually used. 1 LRM 20 is complete useless, you want people to stop boating them, then they need buff'd.


I know you have all been in matches where your team has 3-4 LRM boats. They hang back indirect firing the whole game but they are pretty crummy and keep firing at targets behind cover while their missiles hit the hillside. You are in the with the rest of your team brawling and get run over. Now you get to watch as these helpless LRM boats get walk around in circles like lost puppies before getting swarmed by the enemy.

Not since I was new. typically there are 1 or 2 LRM "boats" on my team.


On the other hand if you get 3-4 LRM boats who arent total morons (no offense to morons), then they will use the lockon focus firing system (uhh "R") and can melt an enemy in a volley or two.

How is that any different than 3-4 PP FLD mechs who can destroy you in less than 10 seconds?

#69 Novakaine


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Posted 04 November 2014 - 12:19 PM

I really don't understand the lrm cry babies here.
When I get the incoming missile warning I simply get out of the way.
And I mostly pilot a slow arsed Stalker.
If you don't want to learn how to play, simply go play another game.
Don't stand there like a deer the headlights with your no skill glass cannon you pilot.
Simply move.
But you won't do it will you?
No you'll simply stand in the same damn spot and let us rain on you.
Good I say.
It doesn't matter how much they nerf em the same bunch of sad sacks will continue to play the same way.
So continue on sad sacks we'll be there just over that next hill to make your day miserable.
Rocket Rocketeers Unite!

Edited by Novakaine, 04 November 2014 - 12:20 PM.

#70 grantini


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Posted 04 November 2014 - 12:33 PM

Hilarious that people are all concerned about my "development as a player"

I don't play MWO to develop elite video game skills.
I don't play MWO trying to exactly duplicate some arbitrary board game rules.

I play MWO to have fun. And it's fun to sit behind a hill and dump LRMs on whoever's dumb enough to stick their head out.

Go ahead and keep laughing at me being a low-skill player. I don't care. Someone's gotta weigh down the bell curve.

#71 Mercules


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Posted 04 November 2014 - 12:52 PM

View PostKraftySOT, on 04 November 2014 - 11:37 AM, said:

4...5...its insignificant. Bring 12 archers.

You got megamek? The fastest way to test this is to play an MWO style game, we'll use Caustic since its actually a Battletech mapsheet, and do a 12 on 12.

See how useful LRMs are :P

Im taking 12 jumping pulsing wolverines.

View PostKraftySOT, on 04 November 2014 - 11:45 AM, said:

You guys never actually played the TT did you? You just sorta learned the rules from hear say and maybe played megamek a few times.

Ehem... I have lead battletech miniatures... unseen mechs even. I also have plastic and pewter versions. I don't pull them out much anymore since my friends and I who play tend to pull up MegaMek when we feel the need to play a game. I started playing in HS in '87.

View PostRyokens leap, on 04 November 2014 - 11:59 AM, said:

This is the real issue. Every mech comes stock with a C3 master computer. If LOS was required for missle lock people wouldn't cry as much.
Actually that is a fake issue since none of the mechs in MWO come with a C3 computer fake or real. What we have is standard indirect fire from the books.

View PostKKillian, on 04 November 2014 - 12:04 PM, said:

I keep seeing other weapons this and other weapons that... LRMS are goddamn auto aim. Aimbot missles. I cant stand aimbots of any type in any game, the only reason its acceptable in this is the fact they were in the tabletop. Anyone defending these skillless jokes and considering them a viable weapon can kma and learn to aim.
Remember that other type of "I hate LRMs player" the one I mentioned in the other thread that believes LRMs are a skilless newb weapon and thinks they are also incredible players and so find it blasphemous that they can be killed by a "noob weapon". See example.

View PostNyuuu, on 04 November 2014 - 12:17 PM, said:

LRMs are a ridicules skilles tool, the first Stalker was my third ever used mech, I had no understanding of the chasis, the weapon system and did not even really know all the maps back then, and I kept getting 4 digit damage games.

So you are saying that while your Elo was low enough for you to regularly drop with BAD PLAYERS LRMs were really good? Yeah, that's what we have been saying all along. They are really good against bad players.

#72 Kensaisama


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Posted 04 November 2014 - 12:53 PM

View PostMercules, on 04 November 2014 - 12:52 PM, said:

Ehem... I have lead battletech miniatures... unseen mechs even. I also have plastic and pewter versions. I don't pull them out much anymore since my friends and I who play tend to pull up MegaMek when we feel the need to play a game. I started playing in HS in '87.

Actually that is a fake issue since none of the mechs in MWO come with a C3 computer fake or real. What we have is standard indirect fire from the books.
Remember that other type of "I hate LRMs player" the one I mentioned in the other thread that believes LRMs are a skilless newb weapon and thinks they are also incredible players and so find it blasphemous that they can be killed by a "noob weapon". See example.

So you are saying that while your Elo was low enough for you to regularly drop with BAD PLAYERS LRMs were really good? Yeah, that's what we have been saying all along. They are really good against bad players.


#73 Fakirzoran


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Posted 04 November 2014 - 12:55 PM

View PostKensaisama, on 04 November 2014 - 11:25 AM, said:

I'm just gonna stay out of this one ;)

I thought you just ran light mech Kensai? Did you actually step out and get a bigger one?

#74 Kensaisama


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Posted 04 November 2014 - 12:57 PM

View PostFakirzoran, on 04 November 2014 - 12:55 PM, said:

I thought you just ran light mech Kensai? Did you actually step out and get a bigger one?

Moved up to Medium weight class, ive been running mediums for a long while now.

#75 Nyuuu


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Posted 04 November 2014 - 01:31 PM

View PostMercules, on 04 November 2014 - 12:52 PM, said:

So you are saying that while your Elo was low enough for you to regularly drop with BAD PLAYERS LRMs were really good? Yeah, that's what we have been saying all along. They are really good against bad players.

And more than 150 games later, getting a constant 1+ win rate, 1.5+ kd and regular 1k damage games I was still getting the same "bad and dumb" opponents to pull those scores?
Interesting defense on your part, but keep thinking that if it makes you sleep better.....

#76 Mercules


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Posted 04 November 2014 - 03:05 PM

View PostNyuuu, on 04 November 2014 - 01:31 PM, said:

And more than 150 games later, getting a constant 1+ win rate, 1.5+ kd and regular 1k damage games I was still getting the same "bad and dumb" opponents to pull those scores?
Interesting defense on your part, but keep thinking that if it makes you sleep better.....

Elo only changes a small amount if you were supposed to win and won or lose and lost. It's the times when you weren't supposed to that it will increase/decrease by a noticeable amount. So... 150 games later no matter what stats you got in the game tells us you had 150 games that may or may not have increased/decreased your Elo.

#77 Mechwarrior Buddah


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Posted 04 November 2014 - 03:48 PM

View PostFut, on 04 November 2014 - 12:04 PM, said:

Well this is fairly annoying news... Another Nerf to the least useful weapon system in the game.
How does this even make sense?

Things just got more difficult, again, for my poor HBK-4J.

Because tears > sense

Also because the devs fall apart in the face of whiny tears so fast ppl are killed by the shrapnel.

#78 Joseph Mallan


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Posted 04 November 2014 - 03:59 PM


Will you be happy when you get star trek style shields to stop the bad ppl from harming you?
LOL... Star Trek style shield will not save them. I'm playing the Star Trek Online game... Shields are just more armor. :rolleyes:

#79 Belorion


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Posted 04 November 2014 - 04:07 PM

I ignored LRMs before, now I can ignore them more.

#80 Rando Slim


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Posted 04 November 2014 - 04:30 PM

If you people didn't want lrms to be nerfed or for people to stop complaining about them.....then you shouldn't have abused the living **** out of them. A single LRM 10-15-20 isn't a problem its boating them that's a problem. Look if you ever bother to not play in a group on teamspeak its painful. Theres is no debate. That's why challenge weekends everyone busts out their LRM cheese builds if it was that nerfed pugs wouldn't do that would they? If you aren't a comp team or you play by yourself guess what you are at the whim of the PUG lottery, and if you lose, LRMS are HUGE pain in the ass.

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