Liktor, on 26 June 2012 - 02:10 AM, said:
bought this when i was about 9. got hooked and bought every single book until nr 61,
guess which book is somehow missing now

Aw, that really sucks, I'm sorry haha. I'm jealous, I've had the absolute worst luck in acquiring BT novels, I've only ever owned two. And those got lost when I joined the military and they lose my goods in the move. Saddest moment of my life is realizing they lost my Super Nintendo and everything I ever valued from my childhood.
WillMan, on 26 June 2012 - 02:13 AM, said:
Haha, don't feel so bad, I played Ghost Bears when I was 6/7, and I remember one match I was in a Stone Rhino, and had depleted all my ammunition, had crippled and disarmed a Nova, and spent the next 30 minutes attempting to ram it because that was the only thing I could do. Saddest moment of my gaming career haha.
GodHammer13, on 26 June 2012 - 02:19 AM, said:
That's awesome. Luckily for me I suppose, that my father was a bit of a tech nut, and our home computer ensured that MW2 was playable. I don't remember much of the original, all my memories are of the Ghost Bears expansion. I remember playing the mission where you have to fight the Draconis Combine, and you have to disable their Hatamoto Chi, and since I was young I didn't even know what legging was. I got so pissed as a child, haha, that mission will always stay with me.