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When and What Brought YOU to MechWarrior? Your MW backgrounds here.

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#61 CSG Gunslinger


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Posted 26 June 2012 - 06:34 AM

I started out playing "Mechwarrior" in 1989 and played all of the MW video games since then, read a few of the books as well. To me, its entertainment, a mech combat sim, I'm not necesarrily a purist for "The Lore™" nor do I role play at all.

#62 Coolant


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Posted 26 June 2012 - 06:37 AM

While in the Navy back in 1993 we were underway heading toward the Gulf and in my shop (IC) I was looking for something in the desk and ran across a floppy disk of Mechwarrior. For the next couple of months, till we got back to the States I played that game and was hooked. However, I didn't play anymore mechwarrior until I tried the MW3 demo, and then when the Compilation Pack came out in '04 at Walmart that included Vengeance, Black Knight, and Mercs.

#63 Darq


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Posted 26 June 2012 - 06:42 AM

I was student teaching in 1986. Some of the students used to play the original mini game during study hall. I was hooked immediately!

#64 Vanagandr


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Posted 26 June 2012 - 06:45 AM

I fell in love with all things mecha after Voltron and Robotech

#65 Likuid


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Posted 26 June 2012 - 06:51 AM

I started with MechWarrior: The BattleTech Role Playing Game in 86 ( i was 16 ) which was awesome! then Mechwarrior came out in 89 for PC. I played every release since.

Even still got this http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0102800/ on VHS keeping it all things Mech!

#66 Sunset


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Posted 26 June 2012 - 06:53 AM

Wow I feel old when I see some of these posts. I started with the first PC Mech, read all the books and tried TT. Sure is alot of old time fans, should make for a great community once we get going.

#67 Golgath


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Posted 26 June 2012 - 06:56 AM

Original TT box set. Then EVERYTHING that had even a hint of mech combat.

#68 Henry Hawkins


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Posted 26 June 2012 - 07:00 AM

Mechwarrior 2 got me interested but I was too young to really play it so I mostly just watched my bro play it. However, I played a ton of Mechwarrior 3, 4. Mechwarrior 3 got me interested in the miniatures and the table top game soon afterwards. Always loved B-tech since then.

#69 TheSassySquatch


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Posted 26 June 2012 - 07:07 AM

Got Mechwarrior 2 with my sidewinder 3d pro in 1995. Turned out to be the best game I had ever played and continued playing all Mechwarrior games after that. That same year I randomly found the Battletech book Way Of the Clans in a used book store and noticed the mechs in the book were the same as the mechs in game. Started reading every Battletech book I could find after that.

#70 Sigma Achilles


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Posted 26 June 2012 - 07:15 AM

The old battletech cartoon and toys. *hides his in a secret stash* No you can't have mine. :3

#71 Torban


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Posted 26 June 2012 - 07:17 AM

I played mechwarrior 2 way way back when I was a little and thought it was awesome. Then I went on to play mechwarrior 3 then mechwarrior 4 mercs. I also played both the mechcommander games.

#72 Alairan


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Posted 26 June 2012 - 07:19 AM

I'm a complete and utter newbie. Know very little about it apart from what friends have mentioned and seeing the tabletop played a couple of times. Hoping to learn plenty though.

#73 errmoop0


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Posted 26 June 2012 - 07:20 AM

Really enjoyed the 'Armored Core' series, and always had fond memories of other Mech titles when I was a lot younger. After the release or Armored Core V (yes, that wasn't that long ago) I decided to lurk on the internet and find another Mech title that I could really get in to. I ended up finding out about the BattleTech Universe and did some research, played some of the MechWarrior games and just fell in love. Can't get away from this place now.

#74 Reoh


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Posted 26 June 2012 - 07:23 AM

My older sister, in a round about fashion. As kids my sister regular danced ballet, and that meant mum dragged me around the shopping center for hours on end. One day, I found a comic book store that also sold battletech games. Fortunately, mum would feel very guily about doing this to me every weekend so she bought me the tabletop game. A game where I get to pilot a giant robot and shoot others?! I was in heaven! I quickly became an avid fan, with all the TT, rpg sourcebooks, read all the novels (up until Victor Steiner-Davion joined comstar was last I can remember). Of course I had the original, and sequel video games although I missed 3 and only got 4 after it was released free through MekTek.

BTW - I hear you can get a lot if not all the books via amazon\kindle. Either that or you could try a specialty bookshop (like galaxy books here in Sydney, Australia).


Bonus Points for being able to pilot unseen mechs I grew up watching in Macross. :wub:

Edited by Reoh, 26 June 2012 - 07:24 AM.

#75 Tovran


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Posted 26 June 2012 - 07:32 AM

I have been playing computer games since about 4-5, figured out how to use DOS prompt back on the old 486 I believe it was. Anyway at about 8 or so and I went over to one of my aunt's place with much olders cousins then myself. He was on the computer playing MW2, and I thought it looked awesome and got him to show me how it worked. Looked into that sutff a bunch, later MW3 came out and I got that game. Played it a ton, and played online on the MSN gaming zone. I sucked but it was super fun, played the game a lot. Pretty much continued from there, got MW4: Vengeance, Mercs, played online and off. Have picked up the MekTek stuff a number of times, although the work in getting it all to run properly seems to be increasing. I have always been a sucker for both MW type mech games and space sim/shooters ( since wing commander on DOS)

I also played the MW click-game in early high school and watched some of the TT stuff. Never played that though as I was playing warhammer fantasy already (which was enough of an investment itself). I've also played the battletech pen and paper RPG with some friends, as recently as a year or 2 ago. Read some of the books as well (although not many) and enjoy the background.

So a lot of mechwarrior/ battletech stuff over the years. Very much looking forward to this next installment.

Edited by Tovran, 26 June 2012 - 07:33 AM.

#76 Burya Zheleza


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Posted 26 June 2012 - 07:34 AM

I'm 38, but I've hardly been a fan at all. I remember the Robotech cartoons as a kid in the 80s. VERY Cool. Only played early MW games, literally, a total of 10 minutes or so prior to last month. Joined a clan in May with some fellow WoT clan members and others to get to try to get the Clan in Beta-- and also to try out the franchise. Someone directed me to sarna.net and a site to download MW 4: Mercs to learn about the game (I know very little of the MWU). Having a huge time in the game! Can't wait to play the next step in the evolution!!!!

New Fan is me! :wub:

I'm sure you're asking yourself, "Why the hell did he buy a legendary pack?". :D...lol. In my opinion, EVERYBODY wins! That's $120 more the Devs have to make this a success. But $120 dollars less in my monthly 'slush fund'.... :P Supporting great devs is a must in a PC world full of crap games.

#77 Warmageddon


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Posted 26 June 2012 - 07:43 AM

Played Mechwarrior (1) on SNES, Mechwarrior 3050, and some other Mechwarrior games when i was a kid, and since then i had a big crush on the Mechwarrior series.

Robots are my love =D

#78 Arganosh


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Posted 26 June 2012 - 07:49 AM

I started playing the TT version. Then when it came out for the computer I got all 4 Mechwarrrior iteration of games (including all 3 of the MW 4 series) and even had the original (only had like 8 MEch total and all super early grapics ON a 486 computer) before those came out. I ahve gone back and played the MW$ games over and over while waiting ont he next new box set to come out. I also played Mech commander 1 & 2. With this there will never be another old game played. Being able to face Mechs with real pilots is a dream indead.

Anyone know if there will be a built in comms unit or will we need to use Skype, Teamspeak or Ventrillo?

#79 Erwiin


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Posted 26 June 2012 - 07:49 AM

Where to start? Back in 1990 when I was 16, I picked up my very first computer game - Battletech:The Crescent Hawks' Revenge (http://www.sarna.net...t_Hawks_Revenge). After I played that, I was hooked on this Battletech thingy and I had to find out more. I found a gaming store in the city and bought as many Battletech source books and Tech Readouts as I could find. A couple of years later I found a 'Battletech triple pack', which I still have... somewhere. The triple pack consisted of MechWarrior I, The Crescent Hawks' Inception and The Crescent Hawks' Revenge. All on 3½" floppies, which was an improvement over the 5¼" disks CHR came out on. A few years later a friend introduced me to Mechforce on the Amiga and the wonderful (not to mention, very expensive) world of table top wargaming.

Since then I have bought and played (almost) every Battletech related game released for the PC: MW, MW2 + all expansions, MW2: Mercenaries, MW3 + expansion, MW4 + all expansions/Mech Packs, MW4 Mercenaries, Crescent Hawks Inception and Revenge, Mechforce (modded for the PC), MegaMek, MechCommander, MechCommander Gold and MechCommander 2. For a couple of years I was a modder for MechCommander 2 on a site known as 'The Mech Lab' (which no longer exists) and had a little to do with the Succession Wars MMO project (which has also stopped).

As for the table top Battletech game, I have run countless campaigns with a wargaming club I helped establish (Garrison Wargaming Club) and have too many miniatures - at last count there were 300+ 'Mechs and about 100 or so vehicles. I'll get around to painting them all... eventually.

I literally live and breathe Battletech, and am really looking forward to MWO!

#80 Cmdr Kat


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Posted 26 June 2012 - 08:01 AM

Sadly, I got hooked on MW back in the late 80s. The Tabletop game first then Crescent Hawks Revenge on PC and read most of the books out there (still missing a few unfortunately :P ) It all culminated with my trophy as Scottish Battletech Champion circa 1994 at a convention called Albacon in the Central Station Hotel, Glasgow. After that, women got in the way for a good few years... (Sure as fate I'll get my *** kicjed now :D )

Since the start of 2K I've been playing the PC games (inc. Mech Commander) and hoping someone would come up with a good online version (there was one a few years back but it got pulled - shame as it was very good IMOH). And just for fun I've been running a MW RPG at my weekly club, just to keep my hand in so to speak. Luckily I still have circa 40 of the RPG books and a hundred figures or so to call on. and not the new Wizkids rubbish - the good 'ol stuff like all the House books etc :wub:

Edited by Cmdr Kat, 26 June 2012 - 08:02 AM.

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