When and What Brought YOU to MechWarrior? Your MW backgrounds here.
Posted 02 October 2012 - 08:46 PM
I think my first exposure to battletech was the Saturday morning cartoons back in the 90's
At some I got my hands on a MechWarrior 3 demo disk and after watching the opening video I knew I had to have it. I eventually got my hands on MW3 and love it. Was never any good at it but finished it and love it all the same.
Later I found a discount box with MW4, its first expansion and MechCommander 2 on sale and grabbed it as soon as I could.
I still have those disks and probably the original boxes somewhere too.
I saw the Hawken videos before I found out about MWO. Then I saw the MWO teaser trailer (with the atlas high altitude insertion) and suddenly I didn't care about Hawken anymore.
Once a 'Mech Warrior, always a 'Mech Warrior.
Posted 06 October 2012 - 06:50 PM

Posted 06 October 2012 - 07:07 PM
Posted 06 October 2012 - 07:21 PM
Posted 06 October 2012 - 07:29 PM
Edited by PhoenixWright, 06 October 2012 - 07:31 PM.
Posted 06 October 2012 - 10:31 PM
Edited by Tor Matthews, 06 October 2012 - 10:31 PM.
Posted 06 October 2012 - 10:53 PM
Posted 06 October 2012 - 11:12 PM
Watched the TV show. Bought some toys based of it (the hunchback with the green rubber tipped missles anyone?)
Played Mechwarrior, MW2. Skipped MW3/Vengance/Mercs.
Played the Card Game extensively. Dabbled in the tabletop, but due to lack of interest from my then circle of friends, dropped it entirely.
And now, I find myself in the MWO closed beta with the NDA lifted. Good times people, good times.
Posted 06 October 2012 - 11:33 PM
I've always wanted to play MW multiplayer but never could cuz of lack of online players at my time (besides playing with my father in house). Now i'm a beta tester for MWO and love the game play.
Edited by TrainWreck102, 06 October 2012 - 11:48 PM.
Posted 06 October 2012 - 11:36 PM

My uncle was really into gaming and played mechwarrior on the SNES (didnt know the relationship of the two at the time) and had the original table top box stashed away and I would always bring them out and just play around with them. I showed him what I got and he introduced me to Mechwarrior 2. I got Mechwarror 3 that same christmas (along with earthsiege if anyone remembers that ****!) and whenever I was not sleeping or in school I was playing the crap out of it. Got my own computer the next year and get MW4. Got heavy into the backstory, collected BT books (mostly fed-com civil war era) and wrote crappy 15 year old fan fiction lol. Saw FASA studios go down and read on the forums back then that mechwarrior was pretty much finished after the introduction of mechassault and the wizkids abomination (though I admit the book Wolf Hunters was pretty sick) I laid low playing chromehounds and front mission waiting for the day the franchise will be revitalised.
Posted 06 October 2012 - 11:40 PM

tons of memories...
Edited by zer0imh, 06 October 2012 - 11:51 PM.
Posted 06 October 2012 - 11:58 PM
Fell in love with the universe.
Posted 07 October 2012 - 12:22 AM
Posted 07 October 2012 - 12:58 AM
I am thoroughly excited about MWO.
Sorry about the grammar or grammer off of work and 3 am.
Posted 08 October 2012 - 08:56 AM
Posted 08 October 2012 - 09:38 AM
I do remember the whole deal with Harmony Gold, FASA and Harmony gold wer once running hand in hand but HG got angry when some of their designs got copied to form some of the most iconic chassis in BT history, HG wasnt getting the numbers that they had hoped for and blamed thier business partner FASA for the decline in popularity. B-TECH was going strong at that point. What I dont get is the "UNSEEN" mechs were in the verse for years before HG got thier panties in a bunch and almost ruined the B-TECH series.
1.) When BattleTech was first made, in 1985, FASA licensed the images used for its original 26 mechs from a model company called Twentieth Century Imports ("TCI"), which claimed in turn to have acquired them from a Japanese animation (anime) studio in Japan called Tatsunoko. Those images were of mecha, or machinery, featured in various anime that Tatsunoko had made—and for which TCI had at least acquired the rights to make models. TCI's provenance over the mechas' likenesses was, and still is (for reasons explained later), uncertain.
Many of those 26 BattleTech mechs, including the Wasp, Stinger, Phoenix Hawk, Warhammer, Rifleman, Crusader, and Maurader came from a TV series called Superdimensional Fortress Macross, which is better-known in America as the first 36 episodes of Robotech. When Harmony Gold made Robotech, they bought all international distribution rights, and the American copyright, for Macross and all the mecha involved in it. In January 1985, Harmony Gold became aware that FASA was using Macross mecha designs, sent a cease and desist letter, and exchanged correspondence with FASA to determine the source of their alleged rights in these designs. However, no legal action was taken at that time.
In late 1991, FASA hired an agent to pitch BattleTech to several toy companies, in the interest of getting one of them to produce a BattleTech toy line. One of these companies was Playmates, who had already been considering adding some kind of power armor/robot based toy line for several months. In 1992, Playmates declined interest in BattleTech, which was subsequently picked up by Tycho (who apparently nearly rejected it when they saw Playmates's similar new ExoSquad line). In December 1994, citing a resemblance between one of the ExoSquad E-frame mecha and the BattleTech Madcat (as well as other, more minor similarities of mecha and setting) and the fact that Playmates had access to BattleTech promotional materials (some of which they never returned), FASA filed suit.
As it happens, at the time that lawsuit was filed, Harmony Gold had just contracted with Playmates to reissue some of the earlier Matchbox figurines and toys based on Robotech as part of the ExoSquad line. It is apparently a standard practice to meet an intellectual property lawsuit with another such lawsuit (witness Amazon.com's claims that it is only applying for obvious patents as part of a "mutual assured destruction" portfolio which it can use as a defense if its competitors decide to sue it); thus, in January 1995, ten years after the C&D letter exchange, Harmony Gold filed suit against FASA for using those Macross designs. Harmony Gold claimed that TCI did not have the right to license them to FASA, and so the license was invalid. After some legal wrangling, the two cases were consolidated into the same courtroom, although they ended up meeting different legal fates.
According to the briefs available via Lexis/Nexis, the FASA vs. Playmates case was decided in favor of Playmates. FASA made some good points, rebutted most of Playmates's challenges, but was not quite able to meet the necessary burden of proof. (For more information on why the case was decided in this way, find a libary with Lexis/Nexis and look up the Findings of Fact.) The case moved on to the penalty phase.
It is apparently a common practice in intellectual property lawsuits that a losing plaintiff pays some or all of the legal fees of the defendant. However, this award is left strictly up to the court's discretion, and Judge Castillo determined that FASA had not litigated in bad faith or unreasonably. Thus, FASA was not ordered to pay any of Playmates's legal fees. Playmates, who claimed to have spent $2.5 million on its defense, appealed, but the appeals court sent it back down for Castillo to clarify his ruling.
In his fourth and final brief, Castillo reaffirmed his decision not to award Playmates its legal fees. He wrote that FASA's case was meritorious, and that FASA had done well enough in responding to most of Playmates's challenges that "if one evaluates the actual results of this lengthy and involved litigation, one does not reach the conclusion that Playmates achieved a true victory."
Castillo also noted that an award to Playmates would not serve any useful creative purpose, and that there was no reason to reward them for making a conscious choice to go ahead with a very similar toy line after it had seen FASA's promotional information--behavior that seemed to Castillo to be only barely within the bounds of the law. From reading this opinion, one gets the sense that Castillo did not think very highly of Playmates; the way it seems to have been intentionally delayed so as to be released on April 1st, 1998 is another clue.
However, the Macross mecha case, Harmony Gold vs. FASA, did not reach a verdict. After producing only two briefs (the one in which the case was filed, and a brief addressing documents Harmony Gold had provided FASA as evidence and then sought to retract, claiming they'd been issued by mistake and citing attorney-client privilege), the case was dismissed and settled out of court in June, 1997. Because the terms of the settlement were confidential, we will probably never know the true compromise that was reached—nor will we know for certain whether FASA's license truly was or was not valid. However, even before the settlement, FASA had already phased the disputed mechs out of its game products. They declined even to produce new artwork for those same mechs, "to avoid any confusion among players that could occur if the names or statistics of the discontinued 'Mech designs were used with new design images."
In an interesting footnote, a Japanese court decided in January, 2003 that the rights to the images and mecha designs actually belonged not to Tatsunoko, but to Studio Nue, one of the other studios involved in the production of Macross. However, because Tatsunoko—and thus Harmony Gold—still owns the international distribution rights, FASA (or, rather, WizKids) would still not be able to use the images without satisfying both Harmony Gold and Studio Nue. (NOTE: I am not a lawyer; do not consider this to be legal advice.)
There is the synopsis of that little gem.
Edited by FD Wulfette, 08 October 2012 - 09:57 AM.
Posted 08 October 2012 - 06:56 PM
Posted 08 October 2012 - 06:59 PM
Posted 08 October 2012 - 08:30 PM
Posted 08 October 2012 - 08:38 PM
DrTeath, on 02 October 2012 - 08:46 PM, said:
I think my first exposure to battletech was the Saturday morning cartoons back in the 90's
At some I got my hands on a MechWarrior 3 demo disk and after watching the opening video I knew I had to have it. I eventually got my hands on MW3 and love it. Was never any good at it but finished it and love it all the same.
Later I found a discount box with MW4, its first expansion and MechCommander 2 on sale and grabbed it as soon as I could.
I still have those disks and probably the original boxes somewhere too.
I saw the Hawken videos before I found out about MWO. Then I saw the MWO teaser trailer (with the atlas high altitude insertion) and suddenly I didn't care about Hawken anymore.
Once a 'Mech Warrior, always a 'Mech Warrior. <---------I agree 110,000% DrTeath!
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