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BattleMech Balance

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#12441 Odanan


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Posted 23 March 2016 - 01:39 PM

View Postdervishx5, on 23 March 2016 - 01:25 PM, said:

Posted Image

You are evil!

#12442 CK16


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Posted 23 March 2016 - 01:42 PM

Cougar Alt. Config. C
A configuration that has more of a mixture of long- and short-range weapons, the C is built around a single Gauss Rifle. It is complemented by five ER Medium Lasers that allow the Cougar C to stay on the field for a long time.

Is this real life o.O THAT on a 86 KPH 35 ton light?!

Edit darn phone!

Edited by CK16, 23 March 2016 - 01:44 PM.

#12443 Metus regem


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Posted 23 March 2016 - 02:02 PM

View PostVirlutris, on 23 March 2016 - 01:33 PM, said:

Quoting from Sarna:

"During the Clans' Golden Century and the years prior to Operation REVIVAL, the Brian Caches were further enlarged when "obsolete" Clan equipment were placed into mothballs after newer-generation equipment became available."

It seems like one of the important points of differencing here has been "whether it shows up in a TRO."

Even KTOs, for example, show up in TROs. Barely, but there were some in ComStar's secret stash that made its way to Kurita, and a tiny little fractional amount in Davion's muster.

Barely there vs. Not there becomes an interesting point of difference.

Does Comguard itself have a TRO listing? (showing my ignorance here)

If it did, would Secret Stash mechs in that listing make it into the ComGuard TRO, or would they be unlisted because they're not "active?"

That's relevant (I think) because the Clanners' Brian Caches would seem to operate similarly.

Would the mechs in a given Clan's Brian Cache show up in a TRO, or not?

If they do, then a lack of Coyotls in anyone's TRO, much less that of an invading Clan would seem to rule it out.

If those Caches and Stashes don't show up in TROs of any kind, because they show only "activated" equipment, but instead serve as ready-to-hand plot devices for the authors and TT GMs, then it would seem like almost anything could be in there, inluding "obsolete" tech that was replaced when next gen mechs became available.

At that point, it's just a matter of how PGI wants to play it. If it's only a matter of whether it's got timeline tech, and they want to bend it, it could happen.

If they're requiring something from the chassis to be in some TRO, somewhere, around now-ish, with current in-game tech, then it's gonna be a no-go.

Some mechs are incredibly obscure, but hanging on by a fingernail in the forgotten corners of a House military muster somewhere (looking at you, Kintaro).

If the Coyotl's in a TRO somewhere, then it's a question of whether an invading Clan would have used it. If it's not, it's much harder for me to see being added.

Unless, that is, we hand-wave it through the plot portal by way of the Brian Cache alone. We haven't had to though, because they've all (to my knowledge) been listed in a TRO thus far, to some miniscule degree.

TL;DR: Is Coyotl in anybody's TRO, for any reason, around now-ish? Seems to have been the case for every other mech we've had in game thus far. If TROs include caches, and there's no Coyotl, then no go. If they don't, anything could go (Coyotl included).

Eek, wall o' text 0.o

The Coyotl was in the Golden Century supplement, published on January 9th 2010. This was the first book to ever have the Coyotl. Due to the publishing date it makes it hard to say how they would handle the Brian Cache, as even things like the Woodsmen and Lupus would be found in them, yet not in an active condition, meaning they would be in a state of disrepair, they would need to have their reactors started up to check the electronics packages, software updates, as well as any required maintenance, before being pulled out and pressed into service.

Much like the ComGuard's mech and fleet assets, they would not be in prime condition for combat. As I sited the King Crab 000B was ComGuard only for a very, very long time, as no one had the know how on how to build that version of it any more, thus all King Crabs in the Houses were 0000 or 000, even then there were only a handful left in service to the Houses.

View PostCK16, on 23 March 2016 - 01:42 PM, said:

Cougar Alt. Config. C
A configuration that has more of a mixture of long- and short-range weapons, the C is built around a single Gauss Rifle. It is complemented by five ER Medium Lasers that allow the Cougar C to stay on the field for a long time.

Is this real life o.O THAT on a 86 KPH 35 ton light?!

Edit darn phone!

The Cougar trades speed and armour for fire power, as much as I love the little bugger, she is thinly skinned....

#12444 Imperius


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Posted 23 March 2016 - 02:16 PM


Mechs I'd like to see added in order of (want/like)
  • Mad Cat MK II
  • Blood Asp
  • Nova Cat
  • Hellhound (MW4 one)
  • Uziel
  • Stone Rhino
  • Fafnir ( No point till heavy gauss is added)

Edited by Odanan, 23 March 2016 - 05:53 PM.
Cleaning quotation

#12445 Navid A1


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Posted 23 March 2016 - 02:17 PM

My dream clan omnimech pack
  • Light: Fire Moth
  • Medium: Viper or Pouncer
  • Heavy: Nova Cat
  • Assault: Blood Asp (need to replace heavy lasers to ERs and we have 4 variants with currently available weapons)
Clan single battlemech:
  • MadCat MKII as a single battlemech
IS battlemech pack:
  • Light: don't care
  • Medium: Bushwhacker
  • Heavy: don't care
  • Assault: ANNIHILATOR
IS Omnimech pack:
  • Light: Owens
  • Medium: Strider
  • Heavy: Avatar
  • Assault: Sunder

#12446 Virlutris


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Posted 23 March 2016 - 02:24 PM

View PostMetus regem, on 23 March 2016 - 02:02 PM, said:

The Coyotl was in the Golden Century supplement, published on January 9th 2010. This was the first book to ever have the Coyotl. Due to the publishing date it makes it hard to say how they would handle the Brian Cache, as even things like the Woodsmen and Lupus would be found in them, yet not in an active condition, meaning they would be in a state of disrepair, they would need to have their reactors started up to check the electronics packages, software updates, as well as any required maintenance, before being pulled out and pressed into service.

Much like the ComGuard's mech and fleet assets, they would not be in prime condition for combat. As I sited the King Crab 000B was ComGuard only for a very, very long time, as no one had the know how on how to build that version of it any more, thus all King Crabs in the Houses were 0000 or 000, even then there were only a handful left in service to the Houses.

Okay, so in that scenario with the KGC, they're limited, they're in the TRO for someone, and PGI added what might be categorized as either a ComGuard-only or a mothball variant. The KTO's in a similar boat, only far less widespread.

If you can show Coyotl on a TRO somewhere, I think the case gets a lot stronger. KTO and KGC might be willing to host the welcome-to-the-club BBQ. :D

Without it, the case for the entire chassis rests on PGI's limited precedent of adding a secret-stash 3rd variant on other chassis.

The way I see it, they're more likely to fudge necessary added variants where it's needed, and they've done so on multiple occasions now. I'm not convinced they'd fudge the entire chassis.

If the community wants it, I think it's going to take seriously heavy geek-tastic search work to dig up an active Coyotl from somewhere, even if it's only one variant (or one mech!).

I'm not sure the comunity can make a strong enough case if the entire chassis is mothballed or worse.

I'm game if we can dig it up though. It can't be worse than some of the mechs we've already got performance-wise, and I'll happily accommodate nostalgia ;)

Edited by Virlutris, 23 March 2016 - 02:27 PM.

#12447 dervishx5


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Posted 23 March 2016 - 02:26 PM

The Coyotl is not nostalgic. In real world terms, it's newer than most mechs.

PGI might as well start making up mechs to fill roles if they're going to put the Coyotl in. It's pretty much the same thing.

#12448 CK16


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Posted 23 March 2016 - 02:31 PM

The issue with the Owens is it has single heat sinks and I think very few of them, plus it's Omni so good luck changing them to doubles atleast, unless they give IS omni's full unlocks but that would be totally fair to clan Omni's right?

Edited by CK16, 23 March 2016 - 02:32 PM.

#12449 Virlutris


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Posted 23 March 2016 - 02:32 PM

View Postdervishx5, on 23 March 2016 - 02:26 PM, said:

The Coyotl is not nostalgic. In real world terms, it's newer than most mechs.

PGI might as well start making up mechs to fill roles if they're going to put the Coyotl in. It's pretty much the same thing.


And besides, nostalgic's a fuzzy category.

If someone's got a warm fuzzy for it, (Unseen anyone?) it's nostalgic.

What am I missing Dervish? Seems like something's got your dander up on this.

If you'd prefer something else, say so :)

If you're just here to tell folks they're dumb, I guess that's easy enough to do anywhere on the forums.

Edited by Virlutris, 23 March 2016 - 02:34 PM.

#12450 dervishx5


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Posted 23 March 2016 - 02:34 PM

View PostVirlutris, on 23 March 2016 - 02:32 PM, said:


And besides, nostalgic's a fuzzy category.

If someone's got a warm fuzzy for it, (Unseen anyone?) it's nostalgic.

What am I missing Dervish? Seems like something's got your dander up on this.

If you'd prefer something else, say so Posted Image

If you're just here to tell folks they're dumb, I guess that's easy enough to do anywhere on the forums.

Viper, Pouncer, Phantom, hell, even the Battle Cobra are all choices to be chosen before the Coyotl.

#12451 CK16


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Posted 23 March 2016 - 02:37 PM

Dervish we should not call people dumb though for wanting a certain mech, even if the Flea came up, there is no harm in someone saying they want X mech.

#12452 dervishx5


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Posted 23 March 2016 - 02:40 PM

View PostCK16, on 23 March 2016 - 02:37 PM, said:

Dervish we should not call people dumb though for wanting a certain mech, even if the Flea came up, there is no harm in someone saying they want X mech.

Sorry, I went a little Bishop Steiner there, yes.

But you're betraying the timeline by putting mechs like that in. Same reason the whole Mad Cat Mk II thing is dumb.

You want the Coyotl? Make a Clan Homeworld game.

#12453 Virlutris


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Posted 23 March 2016 - 02:40 PM

View Postdervishx5, on 23 March 2016 - 02:34 PM, said:

Viper, Pouncer, Phantom, hell, even the Battle Cobra are all choices to be chosen before the Coyotl.

Personally, I'd generally agree with that list. I'd do it while saying the Coyotl seems nifty, too.

Now, please pardon me while I continue to geek out on determining inclusion criteria for obscure mechs. Coyotl's incidental to that discussion, it just makes a useful example.

Once a philosophy major, always a philosophy major. :P

Edited by Virlutris, 23 March 2016 - 02:42 PM.

#12454 Richard Hazen


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Posted 23 March 2016 - 02:46 PM

I wish the FWL had a decent Heavy mech because the Orion literally sucks in game and I like to keep my mech collections themed. For example I was going to get the Phoenix Hawk but then noticed the Hermes II is quite specifically a FWL mech and I already have the Hunchbacks and Wolverines that the FWL has a lot of as well. I currently run a Raven or Urbie for light but those graphs previously imply the FWL has no Ravens despite me reading they got a load from Liao. I have the Stalker for my Assault and I did have the Awesome but had to sell it.

#12455 Virlutris


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Posted 23 March 2016 - 02:59 PM

View PostWill Hawker, on 23 March 2016 - 02:46 PM, said:

I wish the FWL had a decent Heavy mech because the Orion literally sucks in game and I like to keep my mech collections themed. For example I was going to get the Phoenix Hawk but then noticed the Hermes II is quite specifically a FWL mech and I already have the Hunchbacks and Wolverines that the FWL has a lot of as well. I currently run a Raven or Urbie for light but those graphs previously imply the FWL has no Ravens despite me reading they got a load from Liao. I have the Stalker for my Assault and I did have the Awesome but had to sell it.

If you're running Stalkers instead of Awesomes, I'd point out that the next most prevalent heavies (tied for 2nd on the chart) for the FWLM were the Archer, Thunderbolt, and Warhammer. The Thunderbolt's got a solid CW rep.

Kinda similar for the Firestarter, too. While less common than the Locust it's more common than the Spider or Urbie and has solid street cred. You can even build it rangy if you want. I'd note that Urbie's generally better armed than the Spider though. Urbie's probably a better poker, tbh, but Spider K's been getting some good vibes lately, and D has ninja skillz :)

The Raven thing is probably a timeline deal. In a couple more years, they'd probably show up.

#12456 Strum Wealh


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Posted 23 March 2016 - 03:08 PM

View PostOdanan, on 23 March 2016 - 01:39 PM, said:

You are evil!

Let's be honest, it's probably true. ;)
If/when the Mad Cat Mk.II would be implemented im MWO, it would very likely end up being a scaled-up Mad Cat body with Cauldron Born arms. :rolleyes:

#12457 Richard Hazen


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Posted 23 March 2016 - 03:10 PM

View PostVirlutris, on 23 March 2016 - 02:59 PM, said:

If you're running Stalkers instead of Awesomes, I'd point out that the next most prevalent heavies (tied for 2nd on the chart) for the FWLM were the Archer, Thunderbolt, and Warhammer. The Thunderbolt's got a solid CW rep.

Kinda similar for the Firestarter, too. While less common than the Locust it's more common than the Spider or Urbie and has solid street cred. You can even build it rangy if you want. I'd note that Urbie's generally better armed than the Spider though. Urbie's probably a better poker, tbh, but Spider K's been getting some good vibes lately, and D has ninja skillz Posted Image

The Raven thing is probably a timeline deal. In a couple more years, they'd probably show up.

Yeah I do have the thunderbolts, I kept one of them, think it's the SE, the one with the jump jets.

#12458 Imperius


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Posted 23 March 2016 - 03:11 PM

View PostStrum Wealh, on 23 March 2016 - 03:08 PM, said:

Let's be honest, it's probably true. Posted Image
If/when the Mad Cat Mk.II would be implemented im MWO, it would very likely end up being a scaled-up Mad Cat body with Cauldron Born arms. Posted Image

For the sake of Russ' and Alex's twitter... I hope not Posted Image

Edited by Imperius, 23 March 2016 - 03:12 PM.

#12459 CK16


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Posted 23 March 2016 - 03:18 PM

View PostImperius, on 23 March 2016 - 03:11 PM, said:

For the sake of Russ' and Alex's twitter... I hope not Posted Image

Would you blow up if they did my design lol? Atleast mine has flavor of a Timberwolf with more to it lol and keeps with the TRO description O.o

Some did have an interesting theroy, the Diamond Sharks did end up with the prints for the Warhawk after Bulldog right? Some think that maybe they used the legs and lower torso maybe as the base for the Mk.II's legs maybe even the entire chassis and just used visual ques from the Timberwolf to allow them to call it the Mad Cat Mk.II...Its a theroy though

#12460 Bishop Steiner


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Posted 23 March 2016 - 03:22 PM

View PostImperius, on 23 March 2016 - 10:38 AM, said:

Oh there are many double standards that are in play in these forums. Basically it boils down to this there is about 12 of us that have our agendas (secret or not) that wont support other peoples mechs until our mechs make it in. No amount or arguing or talking will change each others minds. So it's best to just hold your ground, post about the mech you want, and go from there.

wonder what my Agenda Mech is?

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