Bishop Steiner, on 18 December 2014 - 02:26 PM, said:

Odanan, on 18 December 2014 - 02:15 PM, said:

Metus regem, on 18 December 2014 - 02:14 PM, said:
"Pink Squirrels where red hats!"
that is what they would say about madness....
But not all.
Madness takes many forms, but the penultiamte belief of the fair Malkavian, is that each Antediluvian had their gift, and that Malkav's gift was the greatest of all, that of the madness, the ability to see the truth of reality and strip away the lies.
And it's their solemn duty to spread this gift to those that are worthy.
Many Malkavians you may not even realise are such, as the insanity is subtle, a warped reality, or subtley crazy.
Some Malkavians may not even realise they are Malkavians. (Or Vampires, that can lead to hilarious (and/or short) experiences).
And others may not even be coherent, and just declare that the Pink Squirrels wear Red Hats.