Merky Merc, on 02 March 2013 - 09:44 AM, said:
If that is your only issue with much of that early BT art then you must not have seen much of it

Even if the chest is angled down doesn't mean the launch tubes angle that way. Not going to debate that it's a dumb idea.. lol
Stone Profit, on 02 March 2013 - 10:24 AM, said:
The Hatamoto Kaeru? With torpedos and such? Perhaps the chi instead.
Used the Kaeru's pic due to it still being a Hatamo-chi just modified, and that's an example of how cool it could look in MW:O. (Well, cooler since Flying Debris is some kind of concept art wizard. Still love Shimmering Sword though...)
Strum Wealh, on 02 March 2013 - 02:13 PM, said:
Ironically, none of the canon
Cyclops variants mounts an ECM suite.
In fact, the
Cyclops is generally known for equipment like Command Consoles (mounted by the CP-10-Z-DC and CP-11-A-DC variants) and Collapsible Command Modules (mounted by the CP-10-HQ variant) - both of which canonically provide ECCM/Counter-ECM capabilities.

AS7-D-DC doesn't mount ECM in canon either. No reason a Cyclops variant can't or it having ECM making or breaking it's inclusion. The only ECM equipped Atlas doesn't happen till the Jihad.
Lonestar1771, on 02 March 2013 - 02:18 PM, said:
Lol, I stand corrected and happy because that's one less reason to have another mini-atlas.
Most 'mechs in the game could be said to be "another mini-atlas." Anything under the Atlas unless it's a pure variant (and by that I mean pure energy, pure missile, pure ballistic,) falls under that category. That's where variant variance comes into play, and PGI's been shown to add/move hardpoints.
Edited by Jack Gallows, 02 March 2013 - 03:46 PM.