Karl Streiger, on 15 October 2013 - 06:49 AM, said:

However - I don't give much about the old Record Sheets - the LB 10-X, the ER-Large Laser and the Gauss are a perfect example how borked FASA nomics were at this time.
I always thought that the missiles for the thunderbolt have to sit at the oposite shoulder.
Although they repeat that mistake even with the Reseens.

9 NAIS and 10SE versions
that is because the stance FASA took, when trying to clean up most of their bad editor work of the early 90s, was that the Record Sheet was always canon over the art, because the record sheet is what people had played tournaments off of. So, the reseen art followed the direction of the record sheet, and even on the reseen images for the 5S and it´s direct progeny, swapped the visual image of the cockpit and the missiles.
What it doesn't really cover, their retconning, is the fluff in TRO: PP, where it specifically describes the Phoenix version as swapping the side the cockpit was on.
Then again, sloppy adherence to their own fluff IS truly in line with classic FASA battltetech, so we can just blame that on