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#7241 Belorion


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Posted 19 February 2014 - 05:33 AM

View PostBishop Steiner, on 19 February 2014 - 04:02 AM, said:

was unaware that we were in a time wormhole. Link?


#7242 Strum Wealh


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Posted 19 February 2014 - 06:50 AM

View PostBishop Steiner, on 19 February 2014 - 04:02 AM, said:

was unaware that we were in a time wormhole. Link?

View Poststjobe, on 19 February 2014 - 05:07 AM, said:

I'm sure one could find the dev quote if one wanted, but it's really not necessary; just use a bit of logic.

The originial "1:1" timeline set May 2013 as supposed to be May 3050, which is when the Clans first invade. And that timeline went the way of the Dodo when the Clan invasion didn't happen in 2013; it's pretty obvious it won't happen in May 2014 either, since the first Clan 'mechs aren't due until June 2014.

So at this point, all we can know about the in-game timeline is that it's somewhere prior to May 3050, and has been so for over a year and will continue to be so until we get some actual Clan 'mechs to fight with - i.e. not before June.

Which also means that once that starts we have about two years of fighting the Clans until the battle of Tukayyid and the KGC-001.

As noted previously, the MWO Clock indicates Feb. 2014 = Feb. 3051.

Also, those PGI/IGP personnel who do still write from an in-game perspective (such as Thomas D.'s posts here (where he also specifically mentions fighting the Ghost Bears (which the 104th Division he mentions did during the Battle of Tukayyid), and planning for the Battle of Tukayyid) and here) seem to be going by the MWO Clock.

So, we are arguably in the middle of the Year of Peace (the period between the death of Leo Showers and the initiation of Wave 5 of the Clan Invasion), which puts Russ Bullock's "conservative estimate" of "Planetary Conquest: Sept-Oct" (see here) around the point of the renewal of the Invasion (Nov. 3051/Nov. 2014).
The Clan 'Mechs being released in June could, from an in-universe perspective, be played off as "training" for both sides, while the introduction of Planetary Conquest could be played-up in a "Training's over - now it's real!" manner.

#7243 stjobe


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Posted 19 February 2014 - 07:13 AM

View PostStrum Wealh, on 19 February 2014 - 06:50 AM, said:

As noted previously, the MWO Clock indicates Feb. 2014 = Feb. 3051.

It should also be noted that clock isn't the official time of MWO; it used to say 3048. I'd search for the tweet that said it was just a pet project for one of the devs, but my Twitter search-fu is weak at the moment.

View PostStrum Wealh, on 19 February 2014 - 06:50 AM, said:

Also, those PGI/IGP personnel who do still write from an in-game perspective (such as Thomas D

Is anyone OTHER than Thomas D writing from an in-game perspective though?

View PostStrum Wealh, on 19 February 2014 - 06:50 AM, said:

So, we are arguably in the middle of the Year of Peace (the period between the death of Leo Showers and the initiation of Wave 5 of the Clan Invasion), which puts Russ Bullock's "conservative estimate" of "Planetary Conquest: Sept-Oct" (see here) around the point of the renewal of the Invasion (Nov. 3051/Nov. 2014).
The Clan 'Mechs being released in June could, from an in-universe perspective, be played off as "training" for both sides, while the introduction of Planetary Conquest could be played-up in a "Training's over - now it's real!" manner.

Sure, there's all kinds of ways to try to fix it; they could say "May 3050 was just the start of the invasion, not when you'll get to fight the Clans; that's not until September", or something like that.

In the end though, the 1:1 timeline was abandoned over a year ago when the Clans failed to show up in what was then May 3050. After that, all bets are off as to what the actual in-game time is.

One thing is for sure though, it can't be February 19th, 3051, because there's not a single Clan 'mech around.

#7244 Strum Wealh


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Posted 19 February 2014 - 08:40 AM

View Poststjobe, on 19 February 2014 - 07:13 AM, said:

Is anyone OTHER than Thomas D writing from an in-game perspective though?
Not to the same degree, and not as much any more - though, Destined has touched in it when making announcements (see here) and the ISN account did so with the original Project Phoenix announcement.

Though, yes, Thomas D. seems to be the only one currently/recently making much of a point of it, and plastering the in-universe time/date on things seems to have largely died out.

View Poststjobe, on 19 February 2014 - 07:13 AM, said:

Sure, there's all kinds of ways to try to fix it; they could say "May 3050 was just the start of the invasion, not when you'll get to fight the Clans; that's not until September", or something like that.
Actually, that's pretty much exactly what I think they'll probably do (and theorized about in late 2012).


According to the BT/MW canon, the Clans attack and establish staging areas in the Periphery in August of 3049 (corresponding to August of 2012 - this month, with the in-universe character Phelan Kell being captured some days ago).
However, the Clan Invasion - called "Operation Revival" by the Clanners - doesn't reach the Inner Sphere proper until March of 3050 (corresponding to March of 2013).

Personally, what I would prefer to see (and, given the recent interview with Mr. Bullock and his statement that PVE content "it is probably one of the very first things we will explore once our core game is complete and we go Open Beta", a variation of which seems to stand a good chance of actually happening) is that the Clans hit the Inner Sphere as wholly AI-controlled entities (or Dev directed/controlled with AI assistance) to provide PVE content, and then are opened up to the players to join at some later (and "thematically-appropriate") time, specifically any of:
  • November of 3050 (corresponding to November of 2013 in reality): Tyra Miraborg (from the FRR) slays ilKhan (the supreme leader of the Clans' actions) Leo Showers (of Clan Smoke Jaguar) on October 31, 3050, prompting the Clans to halt their advance until November of 3051 (corresponding to November of 2014).
  • November of 3051 (corresponding to November of 2014 in reality): The Clans select a new ilKhan (Ulric Kerensky of Clan Wolf) and renew their assault on the Inner Sphere in November of 3051, while also adding the forces of Clan Steel Viper, Clan Nova Cat, and Clan Diamond Shark (later re-renamed to Clan Sea Fox) to assist Clan Jade Falcon, Clan Wolf, Clan Ghost Bear, and Clan Smoke Jaguar in the Invasion.
  • Late-May/June of 3052 (corresponding to June of 2015 in reality): The Battle of Tukayyid (a proxy battle fought for control of Terra between the Clans led by ilKhan Ulric Kerensky and ComStar's Com Guard led by Precentor Martial Anastasius Focht) is fought from May 01, 3052 through May 20, 3052, and results in ComStar's victory and the Clans being forbidden from advancing any further into the Inner Sphere.
If "sooner rather than later" is a must, I would personally like to see the Nov. 3050/2013 timeframe used for a potential "Clan Injection" option since:
  • It allows for several months of PVE action to complement the PVP action of the game.
  • It allows for several additional months for the Devs to tweak/evaluate/perfect the performance of Clan 'Mechs, weapons, and equipment (relative to IS 'Mechs, weapons, and equipment) prior to handing it over to players (thus fitting with and addressing Mr. Bullock's July 30 comment about having "design and balance issues to figure out").
  • The one-year break in the Invasion would allow Clan-oriented players time to join/establish/organize Clan units, learn the capabilities and limits of Clan tech, build up experience and XP for Clan characters, and so on.
  • The one-year break in the Invasion would allow IS-oriented players time to build up additional experience and XP before hordes of human-controlled Clanners are unleashed against us.

Granted, the PVE elements seem to have fallen by the wayside, but the idea that meaningful inter-faction interactions (e.g. Planetary Conquest, and CW as a whole) might not really get going until a period in MWO development corresponding (roughly) to the end of the Year of Peace seems like it may play out after all.

View Poststjobe, on 19 February 2014 - 07:13 AM, said:

In the end though, the 1:1 timeline was abandoned over a year ago when the Clans failed to show up in what was then May 3050. After that, all bets are off as to what the actual in-game time is.

One thing is for sure though, it can't be February 19th, 3051, because there's not a single Clan 'mech around.
The Clans evidently did show up - just not in a way that allows us as players to shoot at them. :wacko:

However, we do know that as recently as ATD #50, the BT/MW timeline was pointed to by PGI (specifically, by Bryan Ekman) as one of the elements governing when certain 'Mechs and equipment might be considered for availability in MWO - that is a rather clear indication that the timeline has not been wholly abandoned.

And Clan 'Mechs would not have been too common in early 3051 - the vast majority of those captured early-on would have necessarily been confiscated by the House governments for research and reverse-engineering (leading to the IS OmniMechs, and 'Mechs like the Rakshasa).
Once the various R&D departments got their fill, though, IS Mechwarriors would have begun to keep fallen/salvaged Clan 'Mechs with greater frequency (which, recall, is how they're spinning IS players in Clan 'Mechs).

#7245 stjobe


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Posted 19 February 2014 - 09:01 AM

All right, I'll concede the point; it may well be Feb 19th, 3051 in MWO for all I know.

Too bad we missed the first whole year of the Clan invasion if that's the case though - some pretty intense battles there that's just going to go by unnoticed :wacko:

#7246 SweetJackal


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Posted 19 February 2014 - 01:52 PM

View PostSgtMagor, on 19 February 2014 - 03:32 AM, said:

Known Clanbuster upgrades the king Crab fans may have there wish come true, I called it! the Clanbuster bundle, featuring the King Crab woot! 100tons and dual ac20 in your face

Link for Source?

#7247 Strum Wealh


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Posted 19 February 2014 - 03:04 PM

View PostSuckyJack, on 19 February 2014 - 01:52 PM, said:

Link for Source?

Well, the actual list for those five variants is from the Tukayyid sourcebook/scenario-pack.

"The Com Guards fielded the following post-Star League-era 'Mechs: the UM-R63 UrbanMech, OTT-7K Ostscout, ASN-23 Assassin, CLNT-2-3U Clint, WTH-2 Whitworth, BJ-2 Blackjack, HBK-5M Hunchback, SCP-10 Scorpion, OSR-2D Ostroc, OTL-5M Ostsol, CPLT-C3 Catapult, TDR-7M Thunderbolt, WHM-7M Warhammer, MAD-5M Marauder, ON1-M Orion, BLR-3M BattleMaster, STK-5M Stalker, CP-11-A Cyclops, and AS7-K Atlas. They also fielded upgraded versions of the Star League-era 'Mechs listed on the following pages.
The MechWarriors chosen to pilot the refitted 'Mechs informally christened the new machines the 'Clanbusters'."
- Tukayyid, pg. 12

The mentioned "upgraded versions of the Star League-era 'Mechs listed on the following pages" are the BL-9-KNT Black Knight (pgs. 12-13), CHP-3N Champion (pg. 14), HSR-400-D Hussar (pg. 15), KGC-001 King Crab (pg. 16), and WVE-9N Wyvern (pg. 17).

#7248 Bishop Steiner


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Posted 19 February 2014 - 03:08 PM

View PostBelorion, on 19 February 2014 - 05:33 AM, said:

thanks! That..... is new to me. Lol-.

View Poststjobe, on 19 February 2014 - 05:07 AM, said:

I'm sure one could find the dev quote if one wanted, but it's really not necessary; just use a bit of logic.

The originial "1:1" timeline set May 2013 as supposed to be May 3050, which is when the Clans first invade. And that timeline went the way of the Dodo when the Clan invasion didn't happen in 2013; it's pretty obvious it won't happen in May 2014 either, since the first Clan 'mechs aren't due until June 2014.

So at this point, all we can know about the in-game timeline is that it's somewhere prior to May 3050, and has been so for over a year and will continue to be so until we get some actual Clan 'mechs to fight with - i.e. not before June.

Which also means that once that starts we have about two years of fighting the Clans until the battle of Tukayyid and the KGC-001.

well, according to the official MWO Clock, it is indeed, February 3051. So, another way one could logically approach it, is the Clans are Invading, but we are all currently on the opposite side of the IS, working the Marik, Davion and Liao regions and borders and have not been reassigned to the Clan front yet. In fact, in some parts of the IS, it would take us til June to arrive at the Clan Front.

#7249 CDLord HHGD


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Posted 19 February 2014 - 03:10 PM

View PostBishop Steiner, on 19 February 2014 - 03:08 PM, said:

thanks! That..... is new to me. Lol-.

well, according to the official MWO Clock, it is indeed, February 3051. So, another way one could logically approach it, is the Clans are Invading, but we are all currently on the opposite side of the IS, working the Marik, Davion and Liao regions and borders and have not been reassigned to the Clan front yet. In fact, in some parts of the IS, it would take us til June to arrive at the Clan Front.

Yeah, we can't take our eyes off the Liaos for even a second..... Glad to have you Steiners around. They have no idea what to do with your 100t scouts. :(

#7250 Bishop Steiner


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Posted 19 February 2014 - 03:16 PM

View Postcdlord, on 19 February 2014 - 03:10 PM, said:

Yeah, we can't take our eyes off the Liaos for even a second..... Glad to have you Steiners around. They have no idea what to do with your 100t scouts. :(

Well they are used to being able to sneak behind your Enforcers and core out that weak rear armor....... They try that with our Atlases we tend to just swat em!

#7251 SgtMagor


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Posted 19 February 2014 - 03:43 PM

link for clanbusters


#7252 SweetJackal


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Posted 19 February 2014 - 05:38 PM

In other words, no Official Announcement about this in MWO yet. So don't jump the gun on calling a Clanbuster Bundle. :(

#7253 FireSlade


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Posted 19 February 2014 - 06:31 PM

PGI might as well release a Clanbuster pack to fight us seeing in a few months I will be kicking sorry IS asses in my Timber Wolf. :(

#7254 Bishop Steiner


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Posted 19 February 2014 - 06:32 PM

View PostFireSlade, on 19 February 2014 - 06:31 PM, said:

PGI might as well release a Clanbuster pack to fight us seeing in a few months I will be kicking sorry IS asses in my Timber Wolf. :(

just how many tears will you shed when my inferior IS ShadowHawk feasts on your little MiffedKitty? :(

#7255 FireSlade


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Posted 19 February 2014 - 06:35 PM

None :( If you kill me it was because I deserved to lose.

#7256 Bishop Steiner


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Posted 19 February 2014 - 06:49 PM

View PostFireSlade, on 19 February 2014 - 06:35 PM, said:

None :( If you kill me it was because I deserved to lose.

it's on then, VatBrat!!!!

#7257 Tkhaw


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Posted 20 February 2014 - 12:50 AM

View Postcdlord, on 19 February 2014 - 03:10 PM, said:

Yeah, we can't take our eyes off the Liaos for even a second..... Glad to have you Steiners around. They have no idea what to do with your 100t scouts. :o

Oh, Fedrat,

You really had to rub that in, do you...

Don't worry, we have the last laugh... about 90 years later! :)

#7258 Whatzituyah


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Posted 20 February 2014 - 01:00 AM

View PostBishop Steiner, on 19 February 2014 - 06:32 PM, said:

just how many tears will you shed when my inferior IS ShadowHawk feasts on your little MiffedKitty? :o

Now hold up how long is it going to take the Miffedkitty to be taken down by a Summoner (AKA Thor) like the intro to MW2?

I am sorry I always have to make this reference but in truth I probably going to take it down with a Nova (Black Hawk)

Also a Mad Cat is called a (Timber Wolf) clan names I know but as far as clans go its slang.

Edited by Whatzituyah, 20 February 2014 - 01:02 AM.

#7259 Bishop Steiner


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Posted 20 February 2014 - 05:13 AM

View PostWhatzituyah, on 20 February 2014 - 01:00 AM, said:

Now hold up how long is it going to take the Miffedkitty to be taken down by a Summoner (AKA Thor) like the intro to MW2?

I am sorry I always have to make this reference but in truth I probably going to take it down with a Nova (Black Hawk)

Also a Mad Cat is called a (Timber Wolf) clan names I know but as far as clans go its slang.

thor, madcat, matters not, that is just mech ******. I am a proud warrior of the Inner Sphere who looks forward to ramming VatBrat scum and their mechs into the deepest black hole i can find!

#7260 CDLord HHGD


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Posted 20 February 2014 - 05:22 AM

View PostTkhaw, on 20 February 2014 - 12:50 AM, said:

Oh, Fedrat,

You really had to rub that in, do you...

Don't worry, we have the last laugh... about 90 years later! :o

Better late then never huh? :)

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