Cimarb, on 25 November 2014 - 06:02 PM, said:
As another example, the Kit Fox (Tier 1: $30 over the previous tier 0), and the Dire Wolf (Tier 4: $30 over the previous tier 3). The Kit Fox, again, costs exactly the same as the much heavier and vastly more expensive in game Dire Wolf.
You cannot say "but the Clan packs have more in them" to justify a 50% increase in cost, when the higher package tiers have more in them at the exact same cost as lower tiers. Either it should get exponentially more expensive (which is dumb) or the packs should cost the same regardless of faction.
The problem is we are willing to pay the additional cost, apparently. I actually wish they would increase the cost of the IS packs to $30, so you would maybe understand the issue some of us have with it...
While each tier is $30, the Kit Fox / Mist Lynx ones have around $30+ of stuff in it (relative to the game.
To get the Direwolf, yes, it's $30 for that tier, but you have to have spent $210 already to get it. Effectively, a bulk discount. (And 90 for the Man o' War thing), making the price actual $240 (and $120 respectively).
This is acceptable relative to the standard cost as set by the game.
Putting it down to $20 a tier would make them a much better price I agree, but would then torpedo the economy they have put in place.
The IS packs (Locust, Panther) have $20+ worth of stuff, and again, it's $20 for the mech, but you have to have already spent $60, making the cost to get the big ones $80.
And I'm not saying 'the clan packs have more in' to justify it (hell, the new IS ones do too), that's simply pointing out, we are at least getting more for our money than in previous packs.
My point is, that the packs makesense in regards to pricing set by the game.
The Clan Mechs are roughly 50% more expensive than their IS counterparts in game (due to the inclusion of XL+ engines and upgrades on any given mech), therefore it makes sense to me for the Clan packs 50% more expensive than than the IS packs, rather than arbitrary.