Odanan, on 26 February 2016 - 05:29 AM, said:
I think you guys are misunderstanding what Russ said...
The Kodiak is a mech from 3001, with a later variant (KDK 5) from 5052 and all variants between the 1 and 5 with timeline appropriate loadouts. This might not be (and I hope it's not) the destruction of the timeline and the early liberation of the MW4 mechs. Kodiak might be just a big and unique exception.
I am pretty sure when Russ asked about what clan assault we want in game (or was it clan mech in general? forgot) [this being before the kodiak] his only terms about timeline was that it had to have tech of our time but not the mech itself (hence why Mad Cat mk II vote spamming was a thing as well as some of the underdogs like the Deimos being suggested)
Which Russ had no problems with considering such mechs even though the Deimos was introduced (not produced) in the 3080's.
I can't find the original tweet as I am not a twitter expert- I quickly realized I can't find any tweets easily at all. And some threads on the discussion of it I completely forgot the name of the title and/or contents besides the fact I suggested a Deimos because I wanted to say something other than Mad cat mk II.
I do not think the Kodiak will be a big exception. Russ already confirmed post 3052 variants of mechs using our tech will be allowed such as the Raven 3M, Warhawk alt.config. F. Etc... in short: we will be expecting quite a few more variants and mechs soon.
Which for new introduced mechs I can see this quite reasonable as making up a new variant would be a bit more iffy than using a later variant especially if that made up variant mirrors the later variant. I do hope to an extent we will not see the early leak of MW4 mechs yet (I would like more clan mechs and some more IS chassis before then). Perhaps the Town Hall meeting today will clear things up on this matter?
Odanan, on 26 February 2016 - 06:19 AM, said:
Talking about omnis, maybe in 2017 we get the first IS omnimech pack? (Raptor, Men-Shen, Avatar and Sunder would be a great lineup)
However I think the Raptor should come individually first. It's an omnimech of 3052 meanwhile the others are not... The other 3 however have a theme of being famous as a counter to the clans and this being the "IS" response. With this in mind I think having the Owens will be a better idea. .. haha...
Owens, Avatar... sunder... the three IS mechs from the Knex series 3 mechwarrior. Such a shame everyone built and took photos of the clan builds and not the IS.
Oh and yes I know owens isn't itself the best mech option as it does have single heatsinks however gaijin has added some buffs to single heatsinks of the recent and I can imagine quirks helping the owens out... I also wish it has LRM quirks

The reason for having the raptor separately as it means we can have it earlier and the other omnis can be pushed back a little to make slightly more coherent behavior with Timeline.