Juodas Varnas, on 22 June 2016 - 10:30 AM, said:
Different animation structure? Well, from as far as i know, every single mech has different animations
structure, not animations.
Everything has different animations, but it's ultimately all variations on 2-4 different templates.
It's all Bipedal, then there's a few variants each of standard and chicken walker.
These templates will have a lot of code already associated with them, to create 'appropriate' motion animations, that will just need tweaking to new mechs.
Juodas Varnas, on 22 June 2016 - 10:30 AM, said:
Different skeleton? Well, again, i'm pretty sure that almost every single mech has a different bloody skeleton
Each mech will use one of a few Bipedal Skeleton templates.
These templates are what the animation templates will 'hook on to', and form the 'structure' of the mech.
It will determine how Inverse Kinematics work too.
Each mech will only need some tweaks - and there are mechs that straight-copy this aspect.
Juodas Varnas, on 22 June 2016 - 10:30 AM, said:
Different crit system? For what bloody reason?
4 legs, no arms.
Rather than using the base crit system that is the
same for every mech in the game, it will need a new template, that diverges from the existing system.
By crits, I mean slots, positioning, places on the mech if it wasn't clear.
Juodas Varnas, on 22 June 2016 - 10:30 AM, said:
Turret system? Doesn't exist in the current timeline
K, but we're going to move ahead at some point, and so far NO mech has a fixed turning, they would quite probably
add turret / turning to the quads.
But even if they don't, that cuts off a lot of possible quads, and there's so very few already.
Juodas Varnas, on 22 June 2016 - 10:30 AM, said:
Different HUD options? Like what? The only different HUD option required is the paper-doll, which is a 5 minute MS paint job.
You really have no understanding of what it needs...
You'd need multiple graphics and code just for the paper doll.
You'd likely need different turning / position icons on the HUD due to the different method of motion.
Juodas Varnas, on 22 June 2016 - 10:30 AM, said:
The only things that even make sense are the fact that they require a different movement system and control options, which aren't THAT different. Like seriously...I mean, I'm pretty sure we already had mechs with no torso twisting, if you guys remember the PTS back in the day, when the Enforcer was bugged and couldn't torso-twist, so that's a non-issue, we already have quirks that increase the turning speed, acceleration, deceleration, etc, so that's a non-issue either.
Seriously, the only issue there is, is the whole sidestrafing shebang and the required control-scheme changes to accommodate that. Which again, aren't THAT extensive.
As i said in like a million earlier posts, just take a look at how Planetside did their tanks. There were normal, tracked tanks with turrets, which basically acted like our bipedal mechs (just with 360 degree turret) and then there were the Magriders, they didn't have turrets (so basically no torso-twisting) but had the ability to move sideways (so basically EXACTLY how a quadruped would act).
A bug is not a feature.
You've got to understand limitation of the engine.
And consider the differences between Clans and IS mechanically, ('simply' mountable limbs) took 6-12 months.
Now with clans, there was a huge following, a lot of sales, and LOTS of mechs to release, resulting in a large and continuous payoff.
We're talking
at least as much work as the Clans, for a fraction of the payoff, with minimal longevity.
You claim it's simple, but it's not.