Metus regem, on 20 May 2017 - 04:47 AM, said:
My only issue is with one unit, the name on the Orion IIC hero, Clan Wolf as far as lore goes, has never had anything to do with old Norse mythology or language, that's more of a Ghost Bear thing....
PGI is rather lazy when it comes to the lore of its hero Mechs. They often take some notable pilots from a TRO and then invent something without taking the actual TRO-entry of this pilot into acount.
Dale Sandstrom and Bill Wilkes, the heroes of the Javelin and the Assassin e.g., are both from the 3rd Succession War. And still their Mechs are lavishly equipped with LosTech, although virtually noone had it at the time or knew how it worked (except ComStar and WD). Wilkes and Sandstrom would not have survived a year piloting their Mechs, because they would have been hunted down by every single intelligence agency, especially ROM.
This deviation from lore is unnecessary imo. PGI could have given them IntroTech-level Mechs which still work in MWO thanks to our MechLab.
If PGI put a little more effort into research, they'd often find good opportunities for hero Mechs, but they seem to prefer the easy route. ...which is strange, considering they have an extremely dedicated and knowledgable community. Many here would be willing to help researching.
Edited by FLG 01, 20 May 2017 - 07:29 AM.