Metus regem, on 27 December 2017 - 05:25 PM, said:
I'm going to have to disagree with you there.... in TT the AC/10 is solid, especially in 3025.... could it be better, absolutely. It is not the steaming pile of reactor waste that is the AC/2 or 5 however.
I would prefer a mech with 7 free tons than with an AC/2 (the ammo is more dangerous to the own mech than to the enemy), so it's really bad. About AC/10, it's not BAD, but let's compare it to a PPC, for instance:
PPC: 7 tons, 3 criticals, 10 heat, 10 damage, range 3-18.
AC/10: 13 tons (with 1 ammo), 8 criticals (with 1 ammo), 3 heat, 10 damage, range 0-15.
Even if you add 7 single heat sinks just for the gun, the PPC beats the AC/10 in almost everything, can shoot forever AND will never explode your mech because of heat or a critical hit. Maybe I am a little harsh comparing it with the PPC (great weapon), but imagine an UrbanMech with a PPC instead of an AC/10: much better mech, right? (could get a big engine with the extra tons)
This is greatly a fault of how carrying ammo is suicidal in Level 1 TT tech. Not only the missile or ballistic weapons in TT are larger and heavier than the corresponding energy weapons, but they are more of a liability because of the
risk certainty of ammo explosion that
will obliterate your mech.