Brody319, on 28 January 2015 - 05:34 PM, said:
Yea, and I've played several online games. You wanna see a torrent of hate, go play CoD, Counter-Strike, Gmod, and some TF2 servers.
You talk as if I've never played any other online games. I have seen plenty of hate and this is beside the point, again.
Brody319, on 28 January 2015 - 05:34 PM, said:
Where does the limit start? when I say my team sucks 5 games in a row? how do you know its every game? Do you group drop every game with him?
No, why would I group drop with such a colossal ass? You clearly didn't read my first reply to this thread where I detailed exactly the problem. For your convenience I will reiterate. I've been matched with him multiple times over the span of weeks. It's not like I'm keeping track of the exact span of time. However, I recognize him instantly because of the fact that he verbally abuses the team
every single time I see him. He isn't just saying the team sucks. He's throwing the blame on everyone else for his own lack of skill/teamwork/whatever. He uses slurs, hate speech and keeps going for minutes at a time after he's died, until he gets his fill of it and rage quits. From my experience with him doing this in, again,
every game I've been around him, I can extrapolate that he must do this in damn near every game of MWO he plays.
Where does the limit start? That's not for me to decide. Like I also said earlier, occasionally voicing your frustration is just fine. Everyone gets frustrated and has bad days. Sometimes they slip up and say something they shouldn't. But when you're doing it in every match you play to everyone on your team day in and day out, that's problematic and should be addressed.
I'm gonna practice "ignoring the problem" on you now if you don't mind.