Ultimatum X, on 04 January 2015 - 09:27 AM, said:
Number of load outs, especially in that tonnage range, is what allows the clans to have more options in CW.
i.e. You never have to leave the handful of top tier mechs regardless of what load out you are going for. This is a sizeable advantage.
Having more options means mechs are less susceptible to being left behind when the meta shifts.
I own this mech and now no longer play it.
Aside from high energy mounts it is no different in damage output than a 4x CLPL Warhawk.
2x CLPL = 600m range, 26 damage, 20 heat.
3x LLAS = 585m range, 27 damage, 24.53 heat -20% quirk for 19.64 heat
So the 4N is slightly more heat efficient, and has slightly less range.
The Warhawk has upwards of 24 DHS and spent 24T on it's weapons, and also has a MK 1 TC.
The 4N has about 20 DHS and spent 30T on it's weapons.
The 4N has better weapon placement, the Warhawk is faster, and much more agile.

Also, as a Clan assault, it basically has no place in CW.
I can say that I have not seen a single Wubverine in any CW match, and very rarely see them in the solo queue or team queue now that the initial excitement of IS quirks have died down.
As a clan player, though, fighting against IS 12 mans with 16+ ERPPC thuds? When there's 8 ERPPC thuds, each with replacements, under ECM cover in defence on borreal vault? You've got 8 ERPPC bolts hitting every .5s. And that's not some exaggeration - it's a sad reality. Try making an effective attack through that. They have better heat efficiency, better range, higher PPFLD, in sturdy standard engine chassis. They're every bit as effective up close (if anything, more effective, as the ERPPC velocity matters less then). I don't blame those IS players doing that, I'd be doing it too.
I don't even object to IS quirks overall. I just get growly when people keep crying that "Clan's have a range advantage" (when their only range advantage is in a ML vs. CERML comparison), and such, when IS can clearly totally overpower Clan's at range. I'll admit, the constant "waaaa clan range" makes me more grouchy about mechs like the 9S than I'd be otherwise, so I may be somewhat less objective than I'd like there.
But the 9S? It outperforms the old 4PPC stalker that was viewed as so objectionable that it got us ghost heat. Hell, you can run a 4ERPPC Thud, and group fire those 4 ERPPC's, and not shut down even eating ghost heat. At least the old 4PPC stalker had a minimum range and wasn't effective at a kilometer away.
(well, there was the 6PPC stalker too, but it was outright bad except at very low end play)
Unlike others, I'm not a role player - I could give two squirts of piss about fake planets, or faction pride.
I am playing IS now, but I will be playing Clan in CW at some point in the near future.
So please don't mistake me as some IS die hard who is only out for his faction, when I do solo or normal team queue drops - I'd much rather be in my SCR, HBR and TBR than either of my clunky Thunderbolts who I wouldn't even own if I wasn't in a unit doing CW.
I don't, I know your more objective than that. However, I suspect you're not seeing the same things we see. I'm not saying Clans are all underpowered or that IS is overpowered, and I understand that you dislike feeling stuck with just a couple mechs. Believe me, we get that same feeling on this side. Don't think we're all ecstatic to just play Stormcrows and Timberwolves with the odd hellbringer for ECM, that's not a lot of fun.
I'm still solidly of the opinion that Clan's should get a heavy speed nerf when a side torso is destroyed (nerf to cXL engines), unlocking of ES/FF (buff to weak clan chassis) and then a quirk pass... but even with that...
If the Thud 9S isn't nerfed, you're going to see about half the mechs in (serious) IS CW teams remaining TDR-9S's with that specific loadout.